
The Unfortunate Trail Trump Leaves Behind Him

During Donald Trump's SOTU I mentioned a few things I thought would backfire big time. First, his spotlight on his guest, Juan Guaidó, who is an opposition leader in Venezuela.

Trump called Guaidó the “true and legitimate” leader of Venezuela and said President Nicolas Maduro is a “tyrant” as lawmakers applauded.

“Mr. President, please take this message back to your homeland,” Trump said to Guaidó. “All Americans are united with the Venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom.”

Here's the result of Trump's welcome of Guaidó:

Six American oil executives under house arrest in Venezuela were rounded up by police hours after President Donald Trump met Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s chief opponent at the White House, according to family members of the men.


Alirio Zambrano said early Thursday that the executives of Houston-based Citgo were abruptly taken from their homes last night by the SEBIN intelligence police. Zambrano, the brother of two of the six detained men, said their current whereabouts are unknown.

Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and his second in command made no bones about the reason for the latest roundup of the U.S. execs:

Maduro condemned Trump’s embrace of Guaidó while socialist party boss Diosdado Cabello, who is widely seen as the second most powerful person in Venezuela’s government, vowed to retaliate for the meeting.

“Every time they do something, we’re going to turn harder to the left and see who squeals,” Cabello said Wednesday night in his weekly TV program.

The point is not whether one supports Maduro or believes he is a corrupt leftist -- it's that Donald Trump doesn't know his as* from his elbow when it comes to diplomacy and interactions with foreign governments. Every time he opens his mouth someone, somewhere, pays a penalty.

Second point I referenced: Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's so-called "peace plan" for the Middle East which, of c