
Al Franken, Fighting Dem?

By Big Tent Democrat

Have I found a candidate to really fight for in this election? Via Kevin Drum, Josh Green writes:

Though his talk of change and building a movement echoes Obama's, Franken's appeal is altogether different. He doesn't seek to unite Republicans and Democrats, as Obama does, but rather to draw sharp contrasts, as Dean did, in a style of chesty confrontation. I watched the speech with a young Navy officer and Iraq veteran named Tim Wellman Jr., who was wearing the military equivalent of a letterman's jacket, embroidered with his dates of service and where he'd deployed, with a couple of Franken stickers slapped on. Though it doesn't get nearly the attention his political activism does, Franken was participating in USO tours long before it was fashionable among Democrats, and has kept it up with trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, despite his opposition to the war (though he did not initially oppose it). I asked Wellman what drew him to Franken. "He brings a clear vision of right and wrong," he said. "He's been very strong about confronting Republicans on their own issues, like strength and war." Other Democrats in the audience said much the same thing.

(Emphasis supplied.) A REAL Dean Democrat? A real Fighting Dem? Then that is the guy for me. Go Al Franken!!

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    That's the right approach (5.00 / 6) (#1)
    by ChrisM on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 02:59:17 PM EST
    I think. That's what always bothered me with BO's unity pony. I am not interested in making nice with the Republicans. I want them crushed in the GE. I want them in political exile for the next 20 years after all they've done in the past 8. Reaching across the aisle does not work. You cannot make friends with dishonest people.

    But maybe I'm just bitter. Although I don't believe in God (and BO's religiosity has always bugged me as well) and I am pro-gun control.

    I hope Franken kicks Coleman out of the Senate.

    Al Franken (5.00 / 2) (#2)
    by barbarajmay on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:01:10 PM EST
    I've had the pleasure of meeting the guy several times.  He is infectious.  When I listen to him, he channels Paul Wellstone.  Franken believes what he says, and I believe that he will kick butt in DC.  I'm sure that he will irritate the daylights out of the "impeachment is off the table" faux democrats.

    Heck yeah. (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Maria Garcia on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:02:40 PM EST
    That's what I'm talking about.

    OTOH, was Green watching (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by andgarden on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:07:55 PM EST
    the same C-SPAN I was?

    In the past, this sincerity has often taken the form of aggressive, and occasionally reckless, behavior. At the 2003 BookExpo America convention in Los Angeles, Franken appeared on a panel with Bill O'Reilly to promote his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, whose cover art included O'Reilly's angry mug. Franken hijacked the discussion and turned it into a brutally personal attack on O'Reilly that was broadcast nationally on C-SPAN. The unexpectedness of the assault (at a book fair!), and Franken's sheer ferocity, were unsettling.

    Oh no, Franken was uncivil!

    OMG... the incivility (5.00 / 2) (#6)
    by ChrisM on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:09:41 PM EST
    Fetch me the fainting couch, tout de suite! (along with smelling salts and pearls to clutch) :-)

    I listened avidly (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by madamab on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:08:45 PM EST
    to Al's radio show when he was on the air. He is an incredibly sharp debater, and the right-wingers who go up against him are invariably crushed by his ability to make a cogent argument FOR his positions. He is a committed progressive who truly supports the troops.

    I hope he beats Coleman this year. The Senate could really use a spinicular guy like Franken.

    Paul Wellstone is certainly his inspiration (5.00 / 2) (#7)
    by jerry on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:11:48 PM EST
    On his show, he would always talk about his friendship with Wellstone and Wellstone's integrity in his stances.

    He is sharp, funny, and passionate.

    I have joked with others that if I could, I would move to Minnesota so I could vote for him.

    a Real Dean Democrat (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by LHinSeattle on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:26:05 PM EST
    Great! Just as long as he wants to count the votes in all 50 states.

    Franken has been awesome (none / 0) (#9)
    by eleanora on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:59:13 PM EST
    throughout his campaign; I like how hard he works to be taken seriously. He's anywhere from ten points behind Coleman according to SUSA or only two points according to Rasmussen. Can't figure out why he'd be dropping a bit with women, don't see any position shifts that would explain it.

    Glad to hear it (none / 0) (#10)
    by ruffian on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 04:11:40 PM EST
    I would expect nothing less after listening to his radio show for 2 years, or however long it was on.  He took no prisoners.  He is a Fighting Dem to the core.  Wellstone would be proud.

    Stiffing Workers is fighting? (none / 0) (#11)
    by jarober on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 04:42:22 PM EST
    The same Al Franken who tried to stiff his staff over Worker's Comp?

    Yeah, a real man of the people there.

    It was a simple mistake (none / 0) (#16)
    by eric on Mon Apr 14, 2008 at 10:29:59 AM EST
    that nobody but republicans care about.  And BTW, I find it ironic that Republicans are getting so upset about this when they are the ones that are usually attacking the work comp laws.

    I stopped (none / 0) (#12)
    by kenoshaMarge on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 05:00:45 PM EST
    listening to Franken when Israel was bombing Lebanon and he was fine with that. Said Lebanon started it. I guess that makes taking out the infrastructure of Lebanon all right then. And the suffering of the people of Lebanon? Collateral damage anyone?

     He had and I am sure has many fine qualities and I can hope that he beats Coleman, who is a real piece of work. But he's no hero to me. And unless and until he says that what Israel did to Lebanon was wrong I will not have much respect for the man. I don't much like bombing civilian populations no matter who's doing the bombing. I've always been picky that way.

    And remember kids, always think how you can (none / 0) (#13)
    by DandyTIger on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 06:05:15 PM EST
    help Al Franken. That is a paraphrase from on old SNL skit. :-)  I too am enamored with Al. He's not perfect by any means, but he's definitely a fighting dem. And that's what we need in politics, people willing to fight the repubs for what is right and good and... queue star spangled banner please. And besides, he can draw the US and it's states freehand. How cool is that.

    David Axelrod does not like Al Franken (none / 0) (#14)
    by truthseeker77 on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 06:12:49 PM EST
    Judging by Axelrod's harsh words in December, 2007 against Edwards approach, which the media had agreed was "angry",  I have to conclude that he disaproves of Franken's approach as well.

    Axelrod had the following to say about Edwards (as reported by Washington Post's E.J. Dionne):

    The Edwards campaign is 'Storm the Bastille,' " said Axelrod in a colorful description of the former senator's fierce attacks on drug companies, oil companies and all others who would stand in the way of reform. This is appealing to the many Democrats who are in a fighting mood].

    And Obama chipped in with his own criticizim against angry Edwards:

    Clearly but obliquely referring to Edwards Obama preached that anger won't cut it, either. "There's no shortage of anger and bluster and bitter partisanship out there," he said. "We can change the electoral math that's been all about division and make it about addition."

    Al is running (none / 0) (#15)
    by eric on Mon Apr 14, 2008 at 10:26:19 AM EST
    to replace Paul Wellstone.  He is passionate about it.  Here in Minnesota, we have these bumper stickers that say "WWWD?"  (What Would Wellstone Do).  Yes, they are corny but but that is what Franken is channeling.  Norm Coleman will lose in Novemeber.