
DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records

Tom DeLay may have won the primary Tuesday, but his main battle is still in the Texas criminal courts:

Prosecutors pursuing conspiracy and money laundering charges against Rep. Tom DeLay on Wednesday sought campaign finance documents from a decade-old congressional campaign in East Texas. The subpoena requests documents that name contributions from businessman Peter F. Cloeren, who pleaded guilty to directing illegal corporate money into Republican Brian Babin's 1996 campaign for Congress.

In an affidavit signed in 1998, Cloeren said DeLay urged him to evade campaign finance laws and funnel more money than legally allowed into the Babin campaign. DeLay denied the accusation.

One thing DeLay must be coming to grips with is that when the government decides to bring its awesome power down on you, no matter how much money you have to fund your defense, they always have the edge. If anyone can beat the Government, I believe it's Dick DeGuerin, but at some point, all those other politicians and businessmen who did business with him and his staffers are going to "tell the government's truth" if the alternative is an indictment or a longer jail sentence for themselves.

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    Re: DeLay Prosecutor Seeks Additional Records (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 06:31:58 AM EST