
Mexician Court Approves Detention Order for El Chapo's Extradition

The Mexican Attorney General's office (PGR), issued a statement today (available here in Spanish) saying that a federal judge has approved an order of detention for Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman-Loera for the purposes of extradition to the U.S.

The statement says the Judge reviewed the U.S. request for extradition submitted in late June, 2015, and found it meets the treaty requirements.

Of course, first he must be recaptured alive, and second, he gets to challenge his extradition in court, which could take a year or more. [More...]

As to where he he would be sent, as I wrote here, in another press release a few weeks ago (use google translate) , Mexico's Attorney General said the request was made for his 1996 Indictment in San Diego. The case was indicted in 1995, and he was added as a defendant in 1996. That's the case involving the tunnel from Tijuana to Otay Mesa, CA, discovered by Mexico, and the seizure of 7.3 tons of cocaine masked inside cans of chili peppers. One defendant, Enrique Avalos-Barriga, went to trial and is serving life. The others pleaded guilty and were released ages ago.

I uploaded the story from the Government's point of view as contained in its trial brief in the 1996 case here.

Here's the Google translation of today's press release from Mexico.

Mexico, D.F., to July 30, 2015

Bulletin 331/15

In response to a formal request for extradition by the Government of the United States, through diplomatic channels leading, and derived from a process of analysis and diagnosis of such request, on 29 July this year, the Attorney General's Office obtained -from Third District Judge of Federal Criminal Proceedings in the Federal-formal detention order for extradition of Joaquin Guzman Loera District.

During the analysis conducted by the PGR it was verified that the application meets the requirements of the Extradition Treaty between the two countries and with the requirements mandated by the Mexican legislation.