
Eric Holder Testfies in Fast and Furious

Attorney General Eric Holder testified today before the Korematsu McCarthy Star Chamber Renewal Committee (aka the House Oversight Committee, led by Darryl Issa.) When I tuned in, Holder was castigating one of the House members who had just finished questioning him for his lack of civility and disrespect for the Justice Department as an institution. It must have been quite an attack because the next questioner, a Republican, agreed with Holder that his colleague's approach was unfortunate and should not have occurred.

The last Republican who spoke said no one on the Committee is accusing Holder of having actual knowledge about Fast and Furious. Just goes to show these Republicans are not out for the truth, but for Holder's head.

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    When the DOJ is up to... (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 02, 2012 at 01:15:04 PM EST
    so much dirty the Attorney General can't/won't stay up to speed on it all, that in and of itself is a scandal.

    Brand R is grilling him for purely partisan reasons...but imo the guy has explaining to do and house cleaning to do.