
McCain Economic Memories: The Keating Five

Digby remembers.

John McCain has a long history with bank failures and financial scandals. He created his whole reform persona around the idea that he'd come too close to the flame and gotten burned. But he hasn't changed his philosophy or his policies one bit. He believes in the same scam his close advisor Phil "you're all a bunch of whiners" Gramm believes. He pretended for years that the problem was solely in the campaign finance system, burnishing his image with signature legislation that has proven to be completely useless. Meanwhile, he backs deregulation like it comes down from Mt Sinai.

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    yeah, i would think (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 07:46:47 AM EST
    the current wave of bank failures should be cause for sen. mccain to wax nostalgic, remembering the good old days of financial graft and corruption.

    good times, good times!