
Bill Richardson Now Confirms He's Dropping Out of Presidential Race

Update: Keith Olbermann now says Richardson has confirmed he's dropping out to NBC News.


The AP reports that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson will announce the end to his presidential campaign tomorrow.

Richardson had one of the most wide-ranging resumes of any candidate ever to run for the presidency, bringing experience from his time in Congress, President Clinton's Cabinet, in the New Mexico statehouse as well as his unique role as a freelance diplomat. As a Hispanic, he added to the unprecedented diversity in the Democratic field that also included a black and a woman.

Keith Olbermann on MSNBC says NBC spoke to his campaign which denies it. According to Olbermann, Richardson may just be suspending his campaign.

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    he is a nice man (none / 0) (#1)
    by Judith on Wed Jan 09, 2008 at 08:24:56 PM EST
    But he is right to bail.