
Where's Karl Rove?

Dan Froomkin in the Washington Post brings us up to speed on Karl Rove, whom he aptly notes, was up to his ears in PlameGate, but unlike Scooter Libby, talked his way out of getting indicted.

It turns out he's alive and well and plotting in his windowless West Wing office just how to spin Bush's greatest weakness into a great strength -- and in that way burnish his boss's legacy.

What's he pushing? The Bush Doctrine.

The Bush Doctrine...maintains that regimes that harbor terrorists are as culpable as the terrorists themselves and that the U.S. is entitled to take preventative military action to neutralize potential threats before they have materialized.


Rove thinks that future presidents will return to and embrace the Bush doctrine. In a speech in Arkansas this week, the Post's Michael Abramowitz reported:

...presidents often come to adopt institutions and policies created by their predecessors, and Rove clearly suggests that this will one day happen as well to the institutions and policies shaped by Bush. . . .

Abramowitz continues,

"Rove rejected the suggestion that future presidents might be deterred from the Bush doctrine by the enduring violence and unintended consequences let loose by the invasion of Iraq. 'Could be,' he said. 'But it has a logic of force and nature and reality that will cause people to examine it, adjust it, test it, resist it -- but ultimately embrace it.' . . .

....The inference is that while would-be presidents may criticize tactics such as his military tribunals and warrantless electronic surveillance, they will come to recognize the necessity of such policies in a protracted struggle against Islamic radicalism."

That's master spin for you. The reality is that the War in Iraq, Rumsfeld's resignation, Libby's trial, the Walter Reed scandal, the U.S. Attorney firing mess and now the FBI's violations of the Patriot Act, are causing the unraveling of the Bush Administration.

The latest events are more heavy baggage for a president who already is close to his limit. Re-elected by a comfortable margin in 2004, Bush watched his job approval rating plummet in 2005 with the rise of violence in Iraq and the government's weak response and follow-up after Hurricane Katrina laid waste to huge swaths of the country's southern coastline.

With a rating of just 35 percent, Bush's standing is the weakest of any second-term president at this point in 56 years.

So, Rove gets to keep his job, but his job has changed. I think he can spin his Bush Doctrine all he wants, but Bush's legacy is irreparably tarnished. There's just too much dirt to sweep under the rug.

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    We Need Less Spin and More Truth (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by john horse on Sat Mar 10, 2007 at 03:26:13 PM EST
    I'm sick of Bush officials like Karl Rove clinging to their failed policies and philosophies.  Why is Rove and Bush still trying to spin?  I think spin should end and truth should begin when American soldiers are being asked to give up their lives.  

    Regarding the "Bush doctrine" of preventive war, here is the late American historian Arthur Schlesinger's take down of it "The Immorality of Preventive War."

    I'm not even sure that Rove or Bush believe their own bs.  Can someone explain this to me.  After 9/11 Bush said "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime."  Recent CIA reports show that Pakistan is harboring Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda.  So how come we haven't gone after them in Pakistan?  If Pakistan is preventing us from doing so then how come they aren't considered a hostile regime by the Bush administration?    

    Lies (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sat Mar 10, 2007 at 03:35:01 PM EST
    Why is Rove and Bush still trying to spin?  
    Money and power for one. Good Straussians for two. And one should not forget that Exxon Mobil is a  huge financial supporter to AEI.
    the American Enterprise Institute, which crafted the Iraq War, gets funding from Exxon Mobil, and last I checked it was run by white Protestants. The vice chair of AEI is Lee Raymond, former CEO of Exxon Mobil and surely Dick Cheney's old golf partner in the Dallas years.

    Juan Cole

    I'm amazed... (none / 0) (#3)
    by desertswine on Sat Mar 10, 2007 at 05:08:55 PM EST
    I didn't know Bush had a "doctrine;" I thought he only had greed, lies, and delusions.

    That IS his doctrine (none / 0) (#4)
    by Molly Bloom on Sat Mar 10, 2007 at 06:54:23 PM EST