
The Xenophobic Democratic Party? - Part 2

The ugly side of "populism" is rearing its head in the Democratic Party. Kos writes about Rahmbo's enabling bigotry:

Is Rahm racist, or merely scared?

It's got to be one or the other, because Rahm Emanuel is behind efforts to build Democratic support for the Shuler/Tancredo "enforcement-only" bill currently winding its way through the House.

Think about it -- our House leadership is strong-arming Democrats into backing a bill which is the central agenda of the biggest racist xenophobe Tom Tancredo.

Sadly, as Jane Hamsher documents, Speaker Pelosi is backing these efforts:

Tensions between Hispanic Democrats and House leaders exploded Friday when a bloc of Hispanic lawmakers voted to derail a major tax bill, relenting only after an angry confrontation on the floor with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md. The rebellion was a response to votes by 36 Democrats Thursday night in favor of a non-binding Republican motion Hispanic members called offensive. It instructed House conferees on an appropriations bill to accept a Senate-passed provision prohibiting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from suing employers over certain English-speaking requirements.

This is outrageous AND idiotic. More.

And we see more tell tale signs of Pelosi letting the Speaker's position go to her head:

That same Hispanic lawmaker reported that Pelosi said, “You see this on the board? This is against me, this is against me personally.”

Actually Speaker Pelosi, it is against people like me, Latinos, personally.

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