
Making Sense of McCain-Lieberman

They share the delusion that escalating the war in Iraq will lead to victory, so the answer might be yes to MSNBC's question: Does a McCain-Lieberman ticket make sense? That is, it makes sense to think they might join together in a last mutually desperate struggle to attain relevance.

It would be difficult to improve on Jano Cabrera's take on whether it makes sense for voters to care:

"Barring a radical turn of events in Iraq, I can't imagine 'Vote Hawk' serving as an effective rallying cry in ‘08."

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    this is well beyond "vote hawk", (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Mon Jan 08, 2007 at 10:52:29 PM EST
    it's "vote irrelevant". talk about two has-beens. at the moment their are few in congress, with as much or more time in, with less substance between them.

    ST. John & Holy Joe (none / 0) (#2)
    by proudleftists on Mon Jan 08, 2007 at 11:09:22 PM EST
    McCain and Lieberman are two of the most despicable men in public servive today. They haven't made it to the levels of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld yet, but they are trying.

    Is your title a (none / 0) (#3)
    by Edger on Tue Jan 09, 2007 at 02:45:39 AM EST
    trick question, TChris?

    mccain-lieberman (none / 0) (#4)
    by diogenes on Tue Jan 09, 2007 at 12:14:06 PM EST
    Many people would rather vote for someone they think is a straight talker, even if they disagree with him.  To the nonblogging general public (even in Connecticut), these two have a reputation as straight talkers.  
    NO ONE would trust Hillary to be a hawk or dove while in office whatever she said in the campaign, so the honest hawk would beat the pandering one.

    the lamp is still out (none / 0) (#5)
    by Sailor on Tue Jan 09, 2007 at 05:00:34 PM EST
    Bzzzzt! Sorry, wrong answer.
    these two have a reputation as straight talkers
    Nope, they've flip-flopped on every single major issue: iraq is going great/we need more troops! the christofascists are ruining the country/but I'll pander to them.

    McCains lights are out too. (none / 0) (#6)
    by Edger on Wed Jan 10, 2007 at 04:28:58 PM EST
    Amato at C&L today:

    McCain says the US was greeted as liberators in Iraq and the war was easy...

    Ummm... uh... never mind...

    mccain-lieberman (none / 0) (#7)
    by diogenes on Wed Jan 10, 2007 at 06:00:04 PM EST
    The whole thesis of this was that McCain-Lieberman have been consistant hawks-and being a hawk would make for a bad ticket.  Are people now saying that they are flip-floppers?  
    No matter what the bloggers say, the silent majority will view Hillary as a bigger panderer.
    You can talk about christofascists but the last person who was shouted down off a lecture podium by brown shirts was Rahm Emanuel, and it was Sheenanists of the left who did it.