
Nifong Remains DA

Voter turnout in North Carolina was low, a product of having no Senate race this year. Turnout was higher in District 11, where voters elected Heath Shuler to replace Republican Rep. Charles Taylor.

Turnout was also high in Durham County, where District Attorney Mike Nifong won reelection, despite his questionable (at best) handling of the Duke rape allegations. Nifong's challengers, Lewis Cheeks and Steve Monks (a write-in candidate), drew 39 percent and 12 percent of the vote, respectively, giving Nifong a plurality of the total votes.

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    "you get............... (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 04:31:39 PM EST
    the government you deserve."

    i'm sure he'll continue the fine job he's been doing.

    51% anti-Nifong (none / 0) (#2)
    by wumhenry on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 05:12:58 PM EST
    Nifong's challengers, Lewis Cheeks and Steve Monks (a write-in candidate), drew 39 percent and 12 percent of the vote, respectively

    In other words, 51% voted against Nifong, even though his only opponents were a write-in candidate and a guy who said he wouldn't serve if elected!