
Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblower

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld didn't want to answer questions of a congressional committee investigating allegations of a whistleblower at Abu Ghraib. So, Congressman Chris Shays (R-CT) has supboenaed him.

Shays, chairman of the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security, is investigating allegations made by Army Spec. Samuel Provance that his attempts to provide information to investigators about prison abuses were rebuffed and that he then was retaliated against for providing unclassified information to the media.

"The bottom line is it's critical that our oversight inquiries be taken seriously by executive branch departments and that we get timely access to the information we need to do our job," Shays said. "Today we are demanding that the Department of Defense provide information that is critical to our investigation."

Rumsfeld ignored a written request for information from the committee.

"When the committee requests information from executive branch departments and agencies, we try to be reasonable and accommodate their legitimate concerns about the volume and the sensitivity of what we're asking for," he said. "But if the [Defense] Department won't even return a call, after three months, and begin that dialogue, we really have no choice but to subpoena the material and compel their attention to our request."

Here's what they are seeking:

  • Provance's unredacted testimony;
  • All communications relating to the interrogation, treatment or detention at Abu Ghraib of Iraqi General Hamid Zabar, his son and any other relatives;
  • Communications relating to any other cases in which family members of detainees or others held at Abu Ghraib were involved in any way in an interrogation;
  • All drafts of the report on the investigation of Abu Ghraib;
  • All communications relating to information provided by Provance about Abu Ghraib.
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    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 12:58:34 PM EST
    The SC last week repudiates bush over the tribunals and NSA domestic spying, and now Rumsfeld subpoenad. By a republican congressman, no less. It's about time we started seeing these guys being held accountable. Hopefully it's not not too little too late, but more like the beginning of "the tide coming in and their castles made of sand" * * hat tip to CharlieWhereverYouSurf ;-)

    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#2)
    by scribe on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    Let's not forget that Shays also has a serious Dem challenger this fall. This can be seen as much as a bit of low-cost resume-plumping as anything else.

    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#3)
    by Edger on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 01:08:46 PM EST
    Scribe, I think everything they say or do for the next 4 months has to seen in that light...

    You can bet your ass they are already looking for a way to keep him from testifying. I predict is will be based on "national security" or something along those lines!

    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#5)
    by Edger on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 02:02:33 PM EST
    Vet - Sure they are - they can probably see the shadow of the noose on the deck in front of them by now.

    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#6)
    by Andreas on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 02:17:10 PM EST
    Here is some background from a WSWS-article published in June 2004. The quote is a bit longer than usual, hopefully that is ok with TL in this case:
    The fraudulent character of the Pentagon investigation of torture in Iraq was underscored by the revelations of Sergeant Samuel Provance, a systems analyst charged with the upkeep of computer systems at Abu Ghraib. Speaking on May 18 to the ABC television network, Provance described a massive cover-up of US torture in Iraq and gave more evidence of high-level responsibility for the Iraq torture policy. Significantly, he also revealed that Major General George Fay, who is heading the investigation into the Abu Ghraib abuses, tried to discourage him from making his revelations public. According to Provance, during his meeting with Fay he "was made to feel that my testimony was unwelcome." The Pentagon confirmed that it wanted Provance kept quiet by subsequently stripping him of his security clearance and threatening him with prosecution because his comments were "not in the national interest." Provance was "flagged" (i.e., barred from promotions, awards, or honors), and barred from discussing the abuses with the media or "other government agencies" such as Congress, which is also holding hearings on the Abu Ghraib torture scandal. Provance told ABC: "There's definitely a cover-up. People are either telling themselves or being told to be quiet. ... The collective silence by so many people that had to be involved, that had to have seen something or heard something." Provance told the Associated Press that humiliation and mistreatment of inmates "was not discussed because it was considered normal." Provance confirmed to the Washington Post that the military police at Abu Ghraib currently charged with torturing Iraqis were following the orders of military interrogators: "'Setting the conditions' for the interrogations was strictly dictated by military intelligence. They weren't the ones carrying it out, but they were the ones telling the MPs to wake the detainees every hour on the hour or limiting their food."
    Pentagon secretly investigated detainee deaths as homicides By Alex Lefebvre, 2 June 2004

    Re: Rumsfeld Subpoened Over Abu-Ghraib Whistleblow (none / 0) (#7)
    by Punchy on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 02:50:10 PM EST
    Rumsfeld testify? Honestly? Not. A. Chance. The first step is for the WH to pressure Shays to drop the investigation. The next step, if necessary, is to cloak every non-answer as "national security". There is ZERO chance Rumsfeld says anything here but "sorry, that's classified" or "I cannot comment due to nat. secur. concerns". Dog and Pony Show, #394.

    The question is not, will Rumsfeld testify in response to this subpoena, but what will Congress do when he cliams national security prevents his testimony. Answer -- NO THING. NOTHING. NUT A THING.

    It will be like when Cheney testified about his Energy Policy, right?