
News in the Kobe Bryant Case

There's several new articles in the Kobe Bryant case-- we've accumulated them on our separate Kobe Bryant Case Coverage page.

It strikes us as curious that members of the public believe they have the right to have their opinions heard by the Judge in the case. Letters are pouring into him. It strenghtens our view that televising trials leads the public to believe they are participants in the case --as if the trial is some sort of reality tv programming on which they get to vote.

It's doubtful the judge even reads the letters. They are part of the file, and many will be picked up on by the media which will choose to print the most titillating of them. The letters are amusing, but that's all, unless Kobe's lawyers can make a case based on the volume or slant of the letters that the prejudicial pre-trial publicity is so great and peoples' minds are so set that he cannot get a fair trial anywhere at this time, warranting a long abatement of the trial. That's a real longshot, at least for now.

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