
Tag: Voting

War Over the Post Office and Mail-In Voting

Donald Trump's latest attempt to subvert the mail-in vote in November is just another trick pony. We really don't need the post office to mail back our ballots. Friday night on CNN, Anderson Cooper interviewed the Secretary(s) of State for both Colorado and Washington, two of the five states that rely almost exclusively on mail-in voting. Each explained while mail-in voting is safe and secure, why Trump's attempt to cast doubt on the Post Office's ability to handle mail-in votes is just politicization and wrong, and what measures are in place to secure and protect your ballot. Also debunked, Trump's claim that mail-in voting may lead to fraud.

Every town and city and rural county in America has at least a town hall if not a city hall or a city administration building or a county courthouse. Every one of these places can install a ballot drop-off box in front with a blocked off parking space or two in front so people can drive up, get out of their car for 10 seconds to deposit the ballot and drive off. All but the elderly and infirm should drop their ballots off this way. [More...]

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