
Chelsea and Jersey Shore Pipe Bombs: No Motive Yet

Update: A tumbler account has claimed credit in the name of gay rights.The post has since been removed.

Officials do not think the pipe bomb found in a garbage can at Seaside Park on the Jersey Shore is linked to last night's pipe bomb explosions in Chelsea.

Officials said there’s no evidence currently linking the explosion to terrorism, and said the incident appeared to be unrelated to a pipe bomb explosion earlier Saturday in Seaside Park, New Jersey near the start line of a charity run.

“We know from everything we’ve seen so far that this was an intentional act. Again we do not know the nature of it, we do not know the motivation,” de Blasio said

A source told CBS News "both the Chelsea bombs and the Seaside Park bombs used cell phones as triggers." The Chelsea device may have utilized a pressure cooker. [More...]

While there's no link to international terror groups, Gov. Andrew Cuomo still calls the Chelsea attack "terrorism." Doesn't terrorism require a political motive of some sort? Otherwise, I would think, it's just a criminal act. The NYPD seem to agree:

Although Cuomo on Sunday referred to the explosion as an act of “terrorism,” NYPD, FBI and other NYC officials were hesitant to use the phrase until a suspect or motive could be established.

The Jersey Shore beaches have reopened. All of those injured in Chelsea have been released from the hospital. NYC will see an expanded police presence this week, due to world leaders arriving for the UN General Assembly.

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    For those not familiar with New York City (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by Peter G on Sun Sep 18, 2016 at 07:08:27 PM EST
    "the Chelsea neighborhood" does not refer to the area where our future President's daughter lives.

    Bahahahaha! (none / 0) (#3)
    by Militarytracy on Sun Sep 18, 2016 at 07:09:37 PM EST
    Correct (none / 0) (#4)
    by Redbrow on Sun Sep 18, 2016 at 07:20:26 PM EST
    Ivanka lives uptown in the upper east side.

    I'll take that bet (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Yman on Sun Sep 18, 2016 at 07:36:18 PM EST
    Any amount you want.

    YET! (none / 0) (#10)
    by ruffian on Mon Sep 19, 2016 at 09:00:42 AM EST
    Sweet Jesus (none / 0) (#2)
    by Militarytracy on Sun Sep 18, 2016 at 07:09:16 PM EST
    I'm just going to take this cool duffle bag, I have no use for this pressure cooker...