
How to Boycott Trump

There is no chance the Electoral College will show a conscience and some gumption and reject Donald Trump. Hillary now has almost a 3 million vote lead but that ship has sailed.

Rather than spend time discussing what electors could do, since they won't, I'd rather talk about something each of us can do: This holiday season and thereafter, we can reward retailers who don't sell Donald Trump or Ivanka Trump products. We can refuse to buy from those that sell them. Via GrabYourWallet, just say no to: [More...]

  • Amazon
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Bloomingdale’s
  • Bluefly
  • Burlington Coat Factory
  • Dillards
  • DSW Shoe Warehouse
  • HSN (Home Shopping Network)
  • Lord & Taylor
  • Macys
  • Marshalls
  • Neiman Marcus
  • Nordstrom
  • Nordstrom Rack
  • Overstock
  • Saks Off Fifth
  • Sears
  • ShopStyle
  • SteinMart
  • TJ Maxx
  • Walmart
  • Zappos

Why Ivanka? As Grab Your Wallet says:

Because Ivanka campaigned passionately for Donald, has an official role on his presidential transition team, has been meeting regularly with heads of state, may benefit financially from her father's trade/tax/climate policies, and may be taking on some the duties of the First Lady...[her] brand has been permanently politicized.

Stores may listen. Shoes.com dropped Ivanka's shoes as a result of the boycott.

Also remember that Ivanka's shoes are licensed to Marc Fisher who contracts with factories and China and Ethiopia to make them. Her shoe company has been sued for allegedly copying designs from the more expensive Italian shoe company Aquazzura. She denies the claim. Here's one side by side comparison. As they say, if the shoe fits....

Here's a fun photo of the UnPresident Elect -- depicting him as leader of a military junta and oligarchy.

Here's the latest misstep of the Trump children: auctioning off coffee with Ivanka for charity. It will probably be cancelled due to the ethical implications, according to son Eric, who runs the Trump charitable foundation.

One other thing to boycott: Celebrity Apprentice on NBC with new host Arnold Schwarzenegger, which starts Jan 2. Trump will be making money from it as he refused to give up his executive producer title. He's not being paid by NBC, but by MGM.

Trump’s fees will be paid through MGM, the production entity on the show, not NBC. MGM declined to comment on the financial terms of Trump’s deal. Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed that Trump has maintained a financial interest in “Apprentice.”

Also, NBC is no fan of Donald Trump. NBC President Bob Greenblatt had this to say about "the toxic" Trump in August:

NBC boss Bob Greenblatt took to Facebook to blast presidential nominee and former “Celebrity Apprentice” host Donald Trump as “toxic,” “pompous” and “demented.”

“The sad state of affairs thanks to a pompous businessman turned reality TV star (whose show consistently ran LAST in its time period, by the way) who thinks speaking his mind is refreshing. It’s actually corrosive and toxic because his ‘mind’ is so demented; and his effect will unfortunately linger long after he’s been told to get off the stage,” Greenblatt posted on his personal Facebook account this week.

It will be easy to avoid. It's up against a new season of The Bachelor, which starts the same night on ABC. Bachelor Executive Producer Mike Fleiss consistently tweeted his disgust with Donald Trump (see his Twitter feed and scroll down to October, where there are several tweets calling him some choice names and insisting there are Celebrity Apprentice outtake tapes that show him uttering terrible things.) If the Bachelor isn't your thing, try Shadowhunters on cable network Freeform or Masterchef Celebrity Showdown on Fox. Or whatever is playing on Telemundo or Unimas. Generally, the shows at 8 and 9 pm have English subtitles.

I think Donald Trump is the slimiest politician since Dick Cheney. In a way, he's worse, because he tells whopper after whopper and his under-informed supporters are so clueless they can't even tell. He has zero class, zero discernible talent, no ability to judge character and his taste in everything, from the interior of his houses to everything else he owns is ugly and ostentatious. As Fran Lebowitz said, according to Vanity Fair's review of the Trump Grill, he is just “a poor person’s idea of a rich person.”

Anyone who tries to work with him is as bad as he is. There's no avoiding the tsunami of damage he will do to our country for the next four years, but there is one thing we can do: We can refuse to line his or his children's pockets by buying goods with the Trump name, we can not rent or buy property linked to the Trump name, we can refuse to stay at Trump's ugly, tasteless hotels and we can refuse to eat at the restaurants housed in them.

Donald Trump thinks we have to like him because he is going to be President. We don't. We have the right to criticize him all we want, so long as we don't make stuff up like he does. Voicing our disrespect for Donald Trump and his under-informed supporters who voted for him does not make us unpatriotic. To the contrary, Donald Trump disrespected America and everyone in this country by running for President on a lark, a position which I believe (and it's just my opinion, not fact) he surely knows he is stupendously unqualified to hold.

#Grab your Wallet. #BoycottTrump.

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    Not an easy boycott (none / 0) (#1)
    by Militarytracy on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 08:18:28 AM EST
    I'll be naked, there is still JCPENNEY and Kohl's and Lands End.

    Yikes (none / 0) (#2)
    by fishcamp on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 10:27:30 AM EST
    Amazon and Zappos are my faves.  Not sure if it's worth it since those two companies will survive no matter what we do, but I'll try.  It's also a two hour drive up to the mall in Miami.  At my age I'm not buying much anymore.  Zappos has every size of every model of Levis, and I've never found another place  that does.  Wonder how many pairs of Levis I've had in my life?

    I know (none / 0) (#7)
    by Militarytracy on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 01:01:15 PM EST
    Let's pressure them. Explain to them we don't want to suffer...but

    How about getting your revenge at the midterm (none / 0) (#3)
    by McBain on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 11:18:54 AM EST
    elections? Or encouraging the DNC to nominate someone in 2020 who appeals to people outside of California?

    I don't see how a boycott like this will help the country?

    Why not do both? (5.00 / 2) (#5)
    by Yman on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 12:45:19 PM EST
    Help the country at the midterms and punish Trump for his outrageous and offensive statements and actions.

    Walk ... chew gum.


    BTW - Speaking of .. (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by Yman on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 12:48:03 PM EST
    Or encouraging the DNC to nominate someone in 2020 who appeals to people outside of California

    ... offensive amd false statements,  you're right on cue.


    Why do you care? (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ga6thDem on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 11:31:45 AM EST
    If people want to boycott places that sell Trump items it is their right to do so. PS Hillary won more states than California. Perhaps the next time the GOP shouldn't be so stupid as to nominate a Putin stooge and they wouldn't be having all these problems.

    I clearly stated the purpose towards the end (none / 0) (#9)
    by Jeralyn on Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 01:24:23 PM EST
    of the post -- it's about the Trumps making less money off of each of us who decide to boycott

    We can refuse to line his or his children's pockets by buying goods with the Trump name, we