
Joe Biden's 40 Car Entourage Angers Aspen Law Enforcement

Joe Biden went to Aspen this weekend to speak at a private corporate event. Local law enforcement, including the sheriffs of Pitkin County (Aspen) and Garfield County (Glenwood Springs) are justly critical. It cost them thousands of dollars in overtime and security, the Secret Service didn't chip in (either did the corporation), he was only there for 24 hours and his speech wasn't open to the public. On top of that, he had a 40 car motorcade they had to monitor for 70 miles between the Eagle County Airport (near Vail) and Aspen, both for his Friday arrival and Saturday departure.

Helicopters buzzing above Aspen and multiple road closures along Highway 82 and Interstate 70 on Friday and Saturday accompanied Biden’s entourage, which involved a 40-car motorcade and at least nine local law enforcement agencies.


He flew into Eagle (near Vail) Friday night on Air Force 2, a 757, which is too big to land in Aspen. Police had to close every intersection along the 70 mile stretch of I-70 and Highway 82 from Eagle to Glenwood to Aspen), during rush hour no less. Why did he need a 40 car motorcade? What a waste of taxpayer funds.
Sheriff Joe DiSalvo (who I think is terrific, and have strongly supported, see here, here, here and here) says:

“He is speaking on global issues, and I would have liked to hear what he had to say,” DiSalvo said. “It’s certainly an honor to have the vice president come to this community as long as it’s a state visit, but when a big corporation comes in and cloisters him away and he doesn’t speak publicly I [have a problem with that].”

The public was also put out.

Vallario said he received calls from residents wondering what was going on, particularly those who live on the motorcade route where Secret Service agents had bomb-sniffing dogs around mailboxes and garbage cans.

Di Salvo got the runaround from both the Secr