
James Foley Killing: Knife Switch?

On James Foley, I think it's odd that the knife in the ISIS guy's hands in the execution video doesn't match the one on the ground next to Foley's body after he is killed. And we don't see the ISIS guy actually cutting Foley. Also, Foley doesn't flinch when he puts the knife up to his neck. Could the ISIS guy speaking in the video not be the actual killer, just playing the part for the cameras? They could easily have stopped the tape, and had the real ISIS executioner step in and do the killing. Are authorities searching for one person when they should be looking for two people?

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    Thank you for (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by CaptHowdy on Fri Aug 22, 2014 at 01:38:06 PM EST
    Calling attention to this.  Definitely something odd going on there.

    Taking part in a murder usually leads (5.00 / 1) (#20)
    by Militarytracy on Fri Aug 22, 2014 at 06:38:34 PM EST
    To being charged.  And yes, it is perfectly acceptable, valid, and sane for authorities to be looking for the ISIS fighter who starred in this video.  He is also a battlefield combatant unlike Mr. Foley.  He also knows where kidnapped journalists have been kept.

    It's ok. (5.00 / 4) (#32)
    by lentinel on Sat Aug 23, 2014 at 04:22:27 AM EST
    When I wrote,
    that fact (our killing of civilians) doesn't generate much interest here - ...

    by "here", I meant in the USA - or the Western world.

    Not the people posting here on TalkLeft.

    I should have made that clear.

    I would also like to make clear that I don't think that we're "worse", as you say. But I do think we hold ourselves to a different standard than other peoples. I do think that what we call terrorism is when they do it, and military "actions", or operations when we do it.

    And, I would repeat, that there does seem to be a callous over our consciousness - meaning our national consciousness - about the death and damage that we have brought and continue to bring to other countries and their people. And, as you know, the numbers of casualties are staggering.

    One other thing.
    I seem to be acquiring a reputation of being a negative person.
    Complaining all the time. Whining.

    I would like to suggest to those who feel that to be the case to post the good news they see happening thanks to the Obama administration. Or good news in general. I'm open to it - and would look forward to reading about it.

    But what I see before me is a country still locked in the mentality of GW Bush. I see that ghettos still exist as ever. That the police forces have become even more militarized. That journalists here are being intimidated. That whistleblowers are being threatened. That income inequality has become even worse. That the neglect of our wounded or disabled veterans continues to be cruel and shameful.

    I can't ignore these things because they affect me.

    On the other hand, I love my record collection.
    I love to cook.
    I love listening to music.
    I love my friends and family.
    I think that TalkLeft is great and unique - and that Jeralyn is amazing.

    I read and value greatly the opinions expressed here on TalkLeft.

    Thanks for clarifying (5.00 / 1) (#33)
    by CaptHowdy on Sat Aug 23, 2014 at 10:08:58 AM EST
    That line.  It bugged me too.
