
Tone Deaf Dick Cheney

The years have not changed Dick Cheney, who in my view was the worst Vice-President in American history.

His latest: The war in Iraq was the right thing to do, and we should spend more on defense and less on the needs of the American people.

"[Defense dollars] ought to be our top priority for spending. Not food stamps, not highways or anything else," Cheney said.

Thank goodness he's irrelevant.

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    What a despicable vampire. (5.00 / 10) (#1)
    by desertswine on Mon Jul 14, 2014 at 10:29:54 PM EST

    Love to shove that stupid cowboy hat (5.00 / 0) (#15)
    by CaptHowdy on Tue Jul 15, 2014 at 11:33:55 AM EST
    Where the sun don't .....

    I think the sun just goes out wherever (5.00 / 1) (#17)
    by Anne on Tue Jul 15, 2014 at 01:57:03 PM EST
    Cheney happens to be...

    Anyway - if you want to read a scathing piece about the Cheneys, take a look at Charlie Pierce's latest over at Esquire.

    Apparently, the good people at Politico held a little confab and invited the Cheneys to bestow their knowledge and expertise upon the crowd.  Charlie contrasts the Politico narrative with his own thoughts.

    Here's Charlie's intro:

    It's not just that TBOTP invited the Manson Family of American geopolitics to come together for an exercise in ensemble prevarication. It's not just that the account of said exercise is written in the kind of cacophonous cutesy-poo necessary to drown out the screams of the innocent dead, and to distract the assembled crowd from the blood that has dripped from the wallet of the celebrity war-criminal leading the public display. And it's not as though this was a mere interview--a "get" that could help you "win the morning (!)." In that, it might have been marginally excusable. No, this was one of Mike Allen's little grift-o-rama special events--a "Playbook lunch," sponsored by that noted mortgage fraud concern Bank Of America. There's an upcoming TBOTP "event" in L.A. that is sponsored by J.P. Morgan. I know what Mike Allen is, but I am so goddamn tired of haggling about the price. Here's how TBOTP's own account of the event begins.

       Sing it with us: "Here's the story of a man named Cheney ..." Dick, Lynne and Liz Cheney had a message they wanted to send with their appearance at POLITICO's Playbook lunch on Monday: We're a family, we're happy together, we joke together, and we're beating the drum for an aggressive foreign policy together. It's almost as if the Cheneys were the Brady Bunch--if the Brady Bunch had started a hawkish think tank and were warning the country about the failures of President Barack Obama's leadership around the world.

    Yes, and if Mike were an authoritarian greed-monkey with a borrowed heart that he declined to employ in any meaningful sense, if Carol were a lifelong scold and nuisance pretending to be a historian, and if Marcia were a talentless clown who, if it weren't for the largesse of Mike's friends and their foundations, would be selling phony subprime packages to the blind from a strip-mall in Kannapolis. Also, whatever editor it was who passed on the tone of this account should be sent back to the oyster cannery where they found him.

    "The Manson Family of American Geopolitics."

    I'm definitely stealing that.

    Read the whole thing; maybe one day Charlie will tell us how he really feels.


    Politico (5.00 / 1) (#26)
    by CaptHowdy on Tue Jul 15, 2014 at 03:59:11 PM EST
    Aka - neocon stenographers
