
ISIS Claims Execution of Judge Who Ordered Saddam Hussein Hanging

ISIS is claiming on Twitter it has executed the Judge who ordered the hanging of Saddam Hussein. It says Khalil Hussein Attia,a Jordanian official has confirmed the news, and said Judge Raouf Abdel-Ramen tried to flee disguised as a dancer.

In 2007, Judge Raouf Abdel-Ramen (aka Rashid Abd al-Rahman ) sought asylum to Great Britain but later canceled his application. In 2008, in Iraq, he condemned the hanging.

Several non-English newspapers are also reporting the claimed execution (here too), as is Wikipedia. He was apparently kidnapped a few days ago.

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    Of course, the first casualty (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by KeysDan on Fri Jun 20, 2014 at 04:34:49 PM EST
    of war is the truth.  Whether or not the judge who ordered the hang