
The Next Generation of Mujahideen

ISIS has released a lot of videos the past few days. In one, Race Towards Good (link removed),ISIS takes us inside a training camp for Kazakh children. They are purposely indoctrinated from a young age (There's even a toddler holding a toy gun.) It shows a class teaching very young males how to write Arabic and the kids receiving receiving fighter training. There's also an adult class on how to be a sniper.

It's fascinating to watch, but horrifying that they would encourage young kids to kill those who do not share their religion. [Update: Photos removed at the request of the Government of Kazakhstan]

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    Ah, psychopaths AND serial pedophiles (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by Dadler on Sun Nov 23, 2014 at 09:20:09 AM EST
    They are no better to children than people who would bend those children over and sodomize them. And I am amazed that the U.S.A. lacks even the slightest modicum of imagination to humiliate these phuckers for it, to show the world, with unabashed self-critical courage (and THAT is key, but we are too unevolved a nation to understand it currently, since we are minor-league self critics), how bad it is. Even the worst sack of sh*t dumbphucks th