
UARS is Down

So UARS passed over the U.S. and is down somewhere. NASA was checking on where an hour ago, and then must have gone home to bed because there's no tweets since. There are reports it was sighted in MN, continued on to Canada, Africa and Australia.

Anyone see anything?

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    At least the second time (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Rojas on Sat Sep 24, 2011 at 08:57:24 AM EST
    I have been protected from near certain death by wearing my trusty (and trendy by the way) skylab survival suit.

    Somewhere, (none / 0) (#1)
    by Gerald USN Ret on Sat Sep 24, 2011 at 03:28:28 AM EST
    some place, a lonely sailor just said in his own language, "What the heck was that?"

    Of course that assumes he didn't say "Arrrrggggg..."

    Let's hope not