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What have they done with President Obama? What happened to the inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected? Who is this bland, timid guy who doesn't seem to stand for anything in particular? I realize that with hostile Republicans controlling the House, there's not much Mr. Obama can get done in the way of concrete policy. Arguably, all he has left is the bully pulpit. But he isn't even using that -- or, rather, he's using it to reinforce his enemies' narrative. ... But if you ask me, I'd say that the nation wants -- and more important, the nation needs -- a president who believes in something, and is willing to take a stand. And that's not what we're seeing. link
I realize that with hostile Republicans controlling the House, there's not much Mr. Obama can get done in the way of concrete policy. Arguably, all he has left is the bully pulpit. But he isn't even using that -- or, rather, he's using it to reinforce his enemies' narrative. ... But if you ask me, I'd say that the nation wants -- and more important, the nation needs -- a president who believes in something, and is willing to take a stand. And that's not what we're seeing. link
Yes, the nation needs a president who believes in something, but the sad truth is that I think he does - and it isn't anything most of us can support. Does Krugman think a president who didn't believe in conservative economic policies would be out crowing and grinning about the historic spending cuts? Does he think a president who was opposed to the harsh economic policies of austerity would be fairly licking his chops at the prospect of doing more? In my opinion, Obama's been reinforcing his opponents' narrative because that's the one he identifies more with.
But, golly - how difficult must it be when his own party expects him to be opposed to this craziness, and he really isn't? How do you give the appearance of opposing something while actually working to achieve it?
Guess we can just look to pretty much every major piece of legislation during his term for the answer to that question. Parent
Good luck on the job.... Parent
You still thinking about coming to the Bay Area in the future? Come during next college hoops season and I'll treat you to a USF game at War Memorial. Parent
By next College Hoops season could be in play...I'll head west eventually.
BTW, you weren't that unclear...don't get frustrated with what is often a difficult way to communicate. And now you know how much you are loved and appreciated, if you didn't already. Parent
But, it just goes to show you that there are people out there that can frame the issues so that even us simple folk can understand them.
Unfortunately, they're not in the democratic party Parent
When will Obama and the Democrats wake up and realize they need to focus on Democrats and Democratic Party values.
The only reason he got any support from moderate Republican and Independants was their total disgust with the Bush administration.
By trying to appeal to everyone, Democrats and Obama are finding they don't appeal to anyone.
If anyone had told me that Obama and the Democrats could squander everything that had been gained in 2010 in less than 18 months, I wouldn't have believed them.
Florida BLS unemployment rate is 11.5% vs 8.9% nationwide. Heaven only knows what is the real unemployment rate in that state. Florida is also one of the states where homes prices tanked even more than the national average.
I swear you'd have to be blind and deaf to have how people missed it.
What in hell did people think he meant when he talked about 'changing the tone in Washington.'
There are only two things 'changing the tone' can mean. Either he'd abandon progressive resistance/legislation or he'd acquiesce to the Conservative agenda. Getting Conservatives to shut up or accept a progressive center wasn't going to happen.
If nothing else the level of conceit that statement reveals is sickening.
Nominating Obama was like buying a pig in a poke.
What we are seeing now is what we were always going to get with Obama - a blue dog always looking for a middle ground with republicans. It always puzzles me when progressives feel betrayed or expected something different. Parent
Also to consider: libs and Dems have long had their love affair with lofty soft, kumbaya ideals of the type Obama in 2004 and 2008 famously espoused in several major speeches, such as One America, extending the olive branch, and compromise -- meeting the other side half-way -- as an integral part of politics.
It's just that most didn't expect a President Obama to be so willing to move that half-way point so far that it amounted to merely the beginning or first step in a process of constantly moving half-way to the other side in a process the other side would be allowed to control. Parent
It's just that most didn't expect a President Obama to be so willing to move that half-way point so far that it amounted to merely the beginning or first step in a process of constantly moving half-way to the other side in a process the other side would be allowed to control.
People should not be surprised to see this. Obama is a conserva-dem always looking for middle ground. Repubs do not believe in middle ground. You either do everything they want or you are a socialist, America-hating, sellout. Parent
Obama was a classic example.
Some of the What Obama Really Meant stuff were feats that a master contortionist would envy. Parent
(aaarrrggghhh!!!) Parent
What Obama claimed he won concessions in the DEAL. Actually what he claimed to gain in the bill would have been won by confrontation. No need to cave. Parent
Americablog is posting articles by an anonymous Dem bigwig saying that Obama needs to be primaried. The first post in the series is "Whoever primaries Obama will be the next Democratic President". It's time to ditch Obama, and risk four years of GOP rule. Sticking with Obama could destroy the Dem brand for decades.
After Wednesday's speech, and after Obama signs the Ryan plan into law in a few weeks, maybe some Polyanna's will finally get a clue. Even ABG has been unhappy. If that's not a dead canary, I don't know what is.
The guy is killing everything I stand for, he's missed immigration and abortion, but at this rate, all the republican fiscal and National Defense goals are being met, once they get power again, they will have the time to go after social issues with force.
Obama has made the Ryan Republican wet dream into a real possibility and it scares the S out of me. I'd rather have a republican doing it than my own fricken party. Where am I suppose to go ? I no longer fit into this Democratic Party.
Where has ABG been, I miss his daily cheer leading. I love the bit about the canary, classic. Parent
And it will be gone for good. Parent
then America will no longer have a party defending/promoting the blue social model.
There is no reason for the Democratic Party to exist if they join the Republicans dismantling "New Deal" policies. Parent
What does that leave Clinton to lean left on? Gun control? Parent
Taxes I gotta give 'em...good call Stray. He did charge higher vigs. Women's Health issues too...point take MO. Parent
I totally understand that it doesn't mean you have to like him, but by that objective measure his administration is to the left of Obama's on economics so far. Parent
Brand D isn't a left's a center/right brand. Bill moved the brand there, Obama continues the work. Parent
The problem has to do with free trade moreso than any agreement. Corporations operate on the cheap labor model and they are going to go where the cheap labor is. Now there are things that we could do like tariffs and such but just talking about NAFTA and thinking if we undid it would solve our problems is just not true. Parent
And I grant you Bill charged a higher rate to protect the top 1%'s wealth...I don't know if that makes him left or just a better businessman. When that money is used in part to drastically increase marijuana prohibition, enforcement I fail to see the true "good" in it. Parent
DADT DOMA Cuban Policy Financial Regulation Etc, etc.
And a dozen or so other key issues that Clinton passed and Obama is trying to reverse.
Look, I am not bashing Clinton. Love that guy.
I am bashing the idea that Obama is some crazy republican, while Clinton completely caved on Welfare and a bunch of other issues for the greater good himself.
just want what Obama is doing kept in the right perspective. I am not defending this latest move. I am defending the overreach in criticizing it.
It sucks, but the dude caved on the fiscal budget for less than a year.
Keep your pants people. Parent
More importantly Obama isn't even to the left of Clinton on those issues.
DADT - Clinton made full repeal of the ban a priority early in his first term when everyone else (DOD, Congress,, the public) was against repeal. Twenty years later, Obama sat back and waited for Congress to act when everyone supported repeal of the ban.
Financial Regulation - what policies has Obama advanced that are to the left of Clinton - try to be specific, 'cause this should be fun.
DOMA - arguable. Depends on when you ask them. Clinton favored DOMA in '95, but doesn't now. Obama favored DOMA when he was touring SC with Donnie McClurkin in '07, but doesn't now.
Cuba - no idea - but that's the best you can come up with?
Seriously funny. Parent
Obama is not trying to reverse anything. That should be patently obvious to you. Well, maybe not to you but to almost everybody else.
You're applying beliefs to Obama that he has not shown he has.
Remember the statement about "if someone might agree with you only 20% of the time and someone else might agree with you in theory but the person who agrees with you 100% isn't willing to fight for those beliefs and the other person who you only agree with 20% is, then voters will go with the 20% every time."
Clinton DID NOT cave on Welfare. It's not "caving" when you campaign on reforming Welfare. Caving is what Obama is doing with taxes and spending. It's not what he campaigned on. Parent
I'll support a primary challenger that's an honest to god Democrat, but, the question remains, who. Parent
The overreaction (he's a republican, primary him, etc.) is just unserious, reflexive and illogical.
But i get it. Vent the anger. I am doing a bit of that myself.
But anyone who suggests that Obama should be primaried or that electing him is no different than electing Romney can't be taken seriously.
In my humble opinion of course. Parent
Next, as I already mentioned, he needs pressure from the left to influence his policies.
Also, the fact he is a Reagan Republican with a D after his name is very confusing to voters. The old Truman quip comes to mind. Parent
I care about defeating Mitt Romney than I do teaching Obama a lesson.
Simple. Parent
Just sayin'.
And we've seen over and over and over again that good primary fights on the issues actually help the eventual nominee, not hurt him. (word chosen intentionally) Parent
And so the circle of finger pointing is complete. Parent
2. Obama's reelection chances will be hurt if finances and resources are spent defending himself in a nasty primary battle with a challenger likely to highlight a lot of bad things about him.
If 1 and 2 are true (and they are) it makes no logical sense to primary him. It makes no logical sense for an incumbent party to challenge an incumbent. Which is why it rarely happens.
We're here in large part because a bunch of "smarter than though" types gave Kennedy the bright idea that dog gone it, Jimmy Carter needed to be shown what real democratic leadership was about, consequences be d*mned.
We got 8 years of Reagan and the creations of the mess we're in today.
No. I think this time we need to put thought of primarying the incumbent in the idiot bin and not even give the concept credence.
Can't let temper tantrums and anger trump strategy and logic this time around. Nope. Parent
The point you continue to elide is what is the future of the Democratic party with a leader who governs as if the New Deal was a bad mistake. Parent
I read something like this.
a deal with Iran to hold on to the hostages.
You guys know how to keep people voting Repub. Parent
See what I mean about how the victors are viewed? Parent
So other than the Supreme Court, what has his election gained us?
At least as a minority Democrats fought to preserve what little principles they have left. Parent
At this point, I don't think either Obama or a challenger could win against someone like Romney. Parent
Actually I don't think it makes much difference. The economy is drifting into a second rescission in three years.
Obama is a one termer and the Demos are in worse shape for a replacement than the Repubs. Parent
That being said, the country does not like what the GOP is offering either. As sorry as Obama has been, the GOP is just offering more of the same failed solutions.
I think another crazy GOP president will finally do the GOP in for a generation.
I see Obama as in the same position as Nixon. Nobody likes him but the GOP fundamentalism is just too much like Iran for most people's tastes. I don't really know what the GOP stands for other than radical religious fundamentalism and corporate welfare. Parent
And Obama was elected to fix it.
And he hasn't. In fact, it's tanking again, as I wrote.
As for "fundamentalism" you should remember that only 20% of the American people self identify as a liberal.
Obama was elected because he promised change. For the first two years he had control of Congress.
November showed us what the public thinks of his stewardship. Parent
So please continue to logically support the dismantling of all safety net programs, the poor doing without food or heat and all tax cuts to the wealthy by continuing to vote for the president who signing these measures into law.
I will not vote for a president who continues to rob the poor to give more to his savvy friends so that they will add to his finances now and after he leaves office. Parent
is just wrong. Actually most of the TK inner circle were against his run in 1980. It was mostly Ted himself who wanted it -- for personal reasons (re the way JC had disrespected him in private) primarily I suspect.
1968 was a more positive example of primarying an incumbent who went off doing crazy things in a distant unimportant little country and who wasn't listening to the base. It was the right and necessary thing to do (re McC and RFK both), but alas some unfortunate events ensued.
So, mixed record on primarying the incumbent for our side. And I can't say it's entirely an insane idea wrt Obama -- one or two more major caves on the budget, hitting Medicare/Medicaid and maybe SS, and who knows what could happen. Parent
As if the Republicans aren't going to highlight a lot of bad things about him if he gets the nomination?
That's a good one.
I'm sure you think you are staying above the fray by casting those who disagree with you as angry, silly children having tamper tantrums, but all you're doing is avoiding the reality that people have reason to be angry - and that they are looking for ways to channel that anger to effect the kind of change that was promised, but never delivered.
I think you're more afraid than you let on. Parent
You say this is true, "Obama has a better chance to win re-election than any challenger has to win against th republican?"
But how do we know that if he runs un-opposed in the primary ? Of course he will have the best chance if he has no competition, but the reality is he would be the only chance, not the same. Best implies a population greater than one.
That's the circular reference, in order to know who has the best chance to beat the R's, we need a primary, then we decide who has the best chance. We know you have already decided, but I haven't and your assumption is beyond a stretch. A stretch very similar to the one HRC made in 2008.
Without a primary, McCain or Hillary would be President because no one gave Obama any sort of chance, Hillary was the candidate pre-Iowa. But then the primaries gave Obama an opportunity for us to decide who we wanted, and for some it boiled down to 'best chance' but for others, we simply liked what he had to say.
The primary is like a sporting event, normally the power house wins, but from time to time the underdog pulls one out. Like they say, "It's why the game is played".
Without the primary, he is the only chance, which doesn't necessarily make him the best chance. So please stop saying we shouldn't do X, because Y is true, knowing damn well for Y to be true, X has to be done.
It's called a circular reference error. Parent
We have polls: Link
And we have a guy who is, at the end of the day, sitting on a sh*t ton of cash with the power to generate a ridiculous amount more in the future.
He's also the incumbent with a bully pulpit.
But other than that, I am sure a candidate you can't even name right now could clearly come out of nowhere and do better than Obama.
Excuse the snark but c'mon man. Obama has evry advantage of an incumbent plus $$$$. I get that you don't like what he's done but let's keep this all in a realistic frame.
Do you REALLY think the african american vote is going to sit at home after what the Gop will do in the next few months. Do we really think that Obama isn't going to do some things to make his base happy in the coming months. Do we really think he won't be able to say that he's brought the troops home (substantially) after the Iraq 2011 deadline?
I don't even have my Obamabot hat on today. I am defending realistic expectations. Parent
I don't know what the size of Obama's campaign chest has to do with anything; the candidate with the most money is not always the best candidate, and if that's your metric, well...ugh. Guess is hasn't occurred to you to ask who's giving Obama all this money, and what they want - and have so far gotten - for it, but some of us have been paying attention to that. And yes, we pay attention to it even when it isn't Obama - we looked to see who was giving money to Hillary, to McCain, and we will be looking at it come 2012.
What has Obama done with his bully pulpit? Where are the stirring speeches about protecting the middle class and defending the social safety net? Where is the arm-twisting for jobs programs? Where is the unqualified defense of women's health rights? Where is Obama working to undo the FISA legislation he voted for? Where is the commitment to protecting people's privacy rights? Where is the constitutional lawyer on the rule of law? Did you know that some 250 noted legal scholars, including Laurence Tribe, who once called Obama the best student he ever had, have signed a letter denouncing the detention of Bradley Manning and Obama's responsibility for it?
From the letter:
President Obama was once a professor of constitutional law, and entered the national stage as an eloquent moral leader. The question now, however, is whether his conduct as commander in chief meets fundamental standards of decency. He should not merely assert that Manning's confinement is "appropriate and meet[s] our basic standards," as he did recently. He should require the Pentagon publicly to document the grounds for its extraordinary actions--and immediately end those that cannot withstand the light of day.
And here's a complete list of signatories.
The difference between you, and a lot of the commenters here, is that you're just all about the "W" and we're about the rest of it, about the substance, about what he's done, what it looks like he wants to do, and how he has, over and over again, ignored, derided and dismissed us as if we just didn't matter.
I get that you don't like what he's done but let's keep this all in a realistic frame.
You think it's realistic to ignore what he has and hasn't done? That makes sense to you? To more or less send the message that even though we hate his policy, we're going to vote for him anyway? If that's your idea of reality, you need more help than we can give you here.
Yes, the GOP sure has their crazier members, but ever wonder if the reason you're seeing more of The Donald and Sarah Palin's getting a lot of media attention is so they can run someone who looks sane?
The deeper Obama travels into the depths of conservative economic policy, the harder it's going to be to minimize his affinity for those policies - and since a large portion of the public got fooled once buying into Obama-is-a-liberal, I wouldn't count on them buying into that again.
In my mind, anyone - white, black, Latino, male, female, straight, gay, young, old - who votes against his or her interests, and chooses to ignore what this president has done, is doing and will do if re-elected, had better do so with their eyes wide open, and be prepared for what it may mean to them.
It's just offensive beyond belief to keep reading this crap about closing our eyes, holding our noses, and giving a terrible president who has failed us in innumerable ways the opportunity to keep doing it. Parent
I am not going to pretend what black people or Hispanics of Asians or white people are going to do. Neither should you, I don't even know what my friends are going to do, or myself for that matter, yet you make claim after claim, all dependent on what you can't possibly know.
I do know his base is disintegrating by the day. ___________
More importantly.
You missed my entire point, which is your assumptions, if applied in 2007 would have Obama still in Illinois. He was out-gunned at every level, the difference is has the bully pit now, but back then, having Bill as a husband was damn near equally beneficial, or at least that was the claim.
I am positive there were Hillary-bots making the exact same arguement you are making 18+ months before the election. For you to argue against the very system that got your candidate into the White House is bizarrely weak.
You are under this huge assumption that a lot of people are going to vote for him because the alternative will be far worse. What if your assumption is wrong and they stay home ? What if there is a candidate out there who during the primaries, you decide is better, do you really not want to know ? Are you so locked into Obama, that the possibility of someone better existing is an impossibility ?
It's not, that I can assure you. Parent
And nobody has suffered worse than African Americans under Obama sad to say. I know that many African Americans have set a low bar for Obama, at least according to Glenn Ford, but how much worse are things going to get for the African American community? No, i don't think they are going to vote for the GOP but there is such a thing as sitting home. Obama can scream and call the GOP names but no one longer cares after he's spent all this time talking about how wonderful the GOP is. He's his own worst enemy. Parent
Everyone wants less taxes and spending as long as they aren't the one's cut. Even though the Republicans may have boxed him in, Obama and the Democrats will own the blame.
You may see poll numbers drop to the point where he decides not to seek reelection rather than face a disasterous reelection bid. Parent
What would a primary challenge be counter-productive to? Hearing from someone who has more liberal ideas, who actually wants to talk about things like single-payer and jobs programs and spending to increase demand? Getting to stroll to the nomination on a red carpet? What?
No, ABG, you really don't get it. You haven't gotten it since the day you showed up here with your pom-poms and your accusations of racist overtones, your refusal to do any homework or have some support for your blanket statements, or your use of buzzwords and names you think are enough to make people think you're the liberal you claim to be.
No one's overreacting here, ABG; the accumulation of conservative policy at the hands of a Democratic president and many in the Democratic caucus has brought us to this point - where we are staring into a future headed for austerity, with - as Obama has already promised - more to come.
When will our reaction and opinion ever be considered appropriate to you? When Obama helps Paul Ryan dismantle Medicare and Medicaid? When Social Security is cut? When we just forget about the rule of law altogether? When?
The complacency that attends a primary-free election, in the face of bad governance, only guarantees more of the same; it lends credibility to the nominee's performance and actions, and that's why there is a growing belief that Obama should be primaried.
Dismiss it as silly and unserious if you like, but understand that those of us who care about more than Obama's political fortune do not share your opinion. Parent
You can't even explain a rational, beneficial and logical objective to it. Here is why it is silly:
IMHO. Parent
I don't care if a challenger can't win - that's not how I decide whether something is worth doing; I'm not all about the personality and adoration, about sacrificing my own interests and my own economic future so Obama can win - I'm about policy, and Obama's just sucks. It sucks. It's hurting people every day, and that's not acceptable to me.
News flash: we HAVE a conservative president, ABG - that's the problem; we're getting failed Republican policies up and down the line, and we're getting them from a Democratic president who thinks they're good ideas.
You can't scare me with the possibility of A GOP president, ABG, and I'm willing to bet that it's not going to work on nearly as many people in 2012 as it has in the past. Parent
She's on steroids and antibotics now, but my research on line hasn't done much to reassure me that the illness can be treated effectively. Parent
So far the medication has stopped anymore bleeding. She gets 6 pills a day and an ointment twice a day. I was just hoping that there's light at the end of the tunnel!
I really don't want to go through another episode like the last. I woke up at 4:00 AM and the entire house was a blood bath. It looked like Dillinger had be shot there. Parent
If they get to where they are able to control it on prednisone I would go with that and I wouldn't look back. We are all giving our dogs probiotics now too. Like us they just seem to do better. I give my dogs some raw chicken about once a week because the bacteria that is bad for us is good for them and their gut. They are set up to digest things the rest of us were not. I also slip my dogs the same stuff I take a couple of times a week in a treat :) So I would certainly find a probiotic that I liked. I've been very fortunate to not have to deal with this but I found out that many of the GSD people have in the past. Everybody wets our dry kibble now and lets it absorb the water before we feed it. Some new studies on "bloat" seem to indicate that this makes the food a lot better to digest. Good luck to you guys getting this under control. Parent
I'm just hoping that she is OK. She's 8 and I would take a bullet for her! Plus her sister would be totally lost without her. They've been a team from the get go. Parent
But at the end of the day, Obama won't face a serious primary threat, the GOP is going to produce a bunch of crazy quotes during their primary that will remind the country that that Obama guy IS actually pretty reasonable, and then we'll all be working like mad to keep a tea party fueled conservative out of office.
I'd like to minimize the"Obama is a republican!!" phase of our process and skip ahead to the part where we all remember that he isn't as bad as we thought. Parent
...Very Serious People think it's very shrill and impolite to point out that government policies have consequences. One thing which confuses me is the number of political junkies who seem to care deeply about policy in some abstract sense, but who are unconcerned with and oblivious to the actual consequences of those
You as a Very Serious Person are very pragmatic. You are so pragmatic that you are willing to support someone who has already cut or taken away many programs that poor people need to survive and who has stated that he is willing to enact even more cuts to safety net programs. You state that these sacrifices by those the least able to afford them are regrettable but necessary for Obama's reelection.
Many people who wants someone who represents their interests and their beliefs to primary Obama are not venting. That is what they really want. While many people who are dissatisfied with Obama's policies will continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, many people who say that they will not vote for Obama in 2012, will not. Parent
By the time Obama and the pols up in D.C. are through, the robber barons will look like humanitarians. Parent
My interpretation of that quote was that "Very Serious People" label anyone who points out that government policies have consequence as shrill and impolite (i.e. if you reduce or eliminate the funds for emergency heating assistance, some poor people will do without heat and possibly freeze in the winter).
Very serious people like ABG use words like silly, venting, not pragmatic, temper tantrums and implied lack of logic in the same way to discount the opinions of people who point out the consequences or Obama's policies and strongly opposed them. Parent
And I used to like Atrios before I realized that he's the polar equivalent of a reasonable far right conservative. Very intelligent, logical and completely incapable of acknowledging that his preferred policies are a waist of breath in an environment where they are impossible to implement.
He's like a flat tax-er but the left version.
Good and smart guy but not someone anyone should listen to when formulating real world strategy and policies. Especially easy to do his sort of thing because he maxes out at 3 sentences a post and the situation is a bit more complicated than that. Parent
I disagree with Obama. I said that from the moment this thing was signed. But all freaking perspective has been lost. He's Reagan? Really?
If you want someone who represents your interests, it's confusing that you advocate a position that would elect Pawlenty or Newt to represent you.
Let me say that again: you can't claim to want a representative who is aligned with your interest and take a course of action (through vote or non-vote) that bring a person to power who is even less representative of your interests.
Period. It cannot be logically supported. Anyone who says that they hate conservative ideals but just won't vote for Obama because he's disappointed them isn't using their head (understatement). They are making a decision based on emotion
Not voting in 2012 is the same as voting for the conservative. There is no logical way to support the concept of not voting because you are disappointed in Obama when you know that the alternative is even worse.
None. Zip. Nada. Zero. I don't care what you have to call it to make yourself feel better. Hold your nose. Curse Obama's name. Do whatever you have to.
But if you aren't voting for democrats or you don't vote at all, any credibility you have is lost IMHO. Parent
But if you aren't voting for democrats or you don't vote at all, any credibility you have is lost IMHO.
Like listening to Rush wax philosophical about the importance of family values ... Parent
So, I should vote for one candidate - Obama - who doesn't represent my interests because if I don't, the other candidate who doesn't represent my interests might win? No. I'm not voting for any candidate who doesn't represent my interests; I've held my nose and voted for candidates that way for too long, and I won't do it anymore. It's my vote, and it has to mean something, and voting against my interests is a betrayal of that vote.
And I will say again that voting for one candidate who doesn't represent my interests to prevent another candidate who doesn't represent my interests from winning is what makes no sense.
I don't know where you get the balls to come to this blog, which is awash in people who are educated about the issues, the history behind those issues, who know the facts or do the work needed to find them, who understand and continue to educate themselves on the economy, on foreign policy, on the Constitution and the law, and reduce the considered, credible and coherent arguments of the commenters here to "emotion," but you could not be more wrong.
Not voting is the same as not voting. The vote I don't cast does not get given to anyone else - why don't you know that? And one other thing: don't tell me what I should or should not do with my vote. It's mine, it's personal to me, and - make a note of this - it's none of your business. None.
This isn't about being "disappointed," ABG; this is about - for some of us - choosing not to legitimize or make credible the damaging and regressive policies this president has supported and advocated.
None. Zip. Nada. Zero. I don't care what you have to call it to make yourself feel better. Hold your nose. Curse Obama's name. Do whatever you have to. But if you aren't voting for democrats or you don't vote at all, any credibility you have is lost IMHO.
Heck of a winning campaign strategy you've got there - you might want to call Plouffe and Axelrod to see if there are some nifty bumper stickers or t-shirts you can come up with using that strategy.
Do you find it al all ironic that that's pretty much all you've got?
My decision not to vote for Obama has as much credibility as the decisions anyone else makes to vote or not to vote, or who to vote for. And I don't give a flying monkey what you think. Parent
IMHO of course.
And Anne I am on this blog. Just deal with it. If you can't take someone coming right back at you, perhaps you should leave. I am handling myself just fine. If it gets too much for poor me, I'll leave the blog. Until then, I'm cool.
And Anne I have much more than that. You know I do. Parent
Things are very different now. The lines have been blurred to a point where today's Democrat would have been considered a right wing Republican 30 years ago. The party has lost it's direction and all sense of humanity and the common good for the country.
Maybe a few crushing defeats will make them realize this. I figure if me and the country could survive GWB, we're sturdy stock and can survive anything. There's nothing the tea baggers can do, that can't be undone. But nothing will ever change if Democrats aren't made to realize who elects them and why. Parent
I'm sure that you will pat yourself on the back and decide when all the safety net programs are gone, the poverty rate could have been worse. Obama's policies made sure that the poverty rate on reached 49% instead of 51%. Parent
While I voted, I never regretted not voting for Obama or McCain in 2008 and I will feel just fine not voting for Obama or the Republican candidate in 2012. Parent
I hope that you are nonchalant about sitting out when it happens to be consistent. I expect no complaints from you on it. Parent
I plan to write and work against the same issues that I do now. Not sure how much more damage will be done in the next two years by Obama but I sure there will be much more regardless if Obama wins or the Republican candidate does.
We are getting a first hand look at what conservative policies really look like right now as Obama meets or exceeds all conservative policy demands and signs them into law. Parent
There. Parent
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) criticized Obama's plan to extend all tax rates for two years as following in the vein of "Reaganomics," the free market-oriented policies sought by the GOP president when he was in office in the 1980s. "If we recklessly cut taxes for the wealthiest 2 percent, then Obamanomics will look an awful lot like Reaganomics," Jackson said in a statement. ... "I'm worried that the deal President Obama cut with Republicans sets us up for a Reagan-style set of bad choices," Jackson said, worrying that new tax cuts would empower a GOP-held House next year to pursue cuts to social programs. "That was President Reagan's strategy: a 'starve the beast' plan of lowered taxes and increased military spending that would force Congress to make deep cuts in programs for the most vulnerable," the Chicago Democrat added. link
"If we recklessly cut taxes for the wealthiest 2 percent, then Obamanomics will look an awful lot like Reaganomics," Jackson said in a statement. ... "I'm worried that the deal President Obama cut with Republicans sets us up for a Reagan-style set of bad choices," Jackson said, worrying that new tax cuts would empower a GOP-held House next year to pursue cuts to social programs.
"That was President Reagan's strategy: a 'starve the beast' plan of lowered taxes and increased military spending that would force Congress to make deep cuts in programs for the most vulnerable," the Chicago Democrat added. link
If I am to be abused, rather have the idiot across the street do it than my own family. Sure he's going to be rougher, but he's isn't a member of my own family.
Not that good of analogy, but it's painful to know that I actually voted and worked for the guy who is enacting bad policy, through and through. In a sense, I enabled this disaster, and I know in the end it doesn't matter, but for me mentally, it was a lot easier to swallow when Bush was pulling this C. Plus it's not just Obama, it's the entire Democratic Party structure. I am feeling abandoned and lost, there is no one who represents me, who represents the downtrodden, the people who need support the most have no one, and that hurts my soul.
It's why I loved Edwards. He was a fighter for the people with no power, no means, he was a champion of the poor. Same with Clinton, he scrapped for people that were nothing like him, he empathized with people who no one else cared about, the throwaways if you will.
It's easy to fight for the rich and powerful, it takes real courage to actually fight them.
So sure, Mittens will do worse, but how much worse, and right now the lesser of to evils isn't even a possibility because the evils are very similar, certainly not differentiated enough for me to support the 'lesser' one. Parent
Geezus? Really?
Obama Derangement Syndrome is real people. Parent
Would Romney have signed Stupak? Yeah, he would have. Would Romeny have done the ACA? Maybe. Would Romney have extended tax cuts for the rich and made the middle class and the poor take the brunt of the cuts? You betcha. Parent
No. In fact, his plan for unemployment was to get workers to put their own money into a savings account, so that in the event they get laid off they can pay their own benefits.
This is Mitt Romney's economic world view.
That's really all you need to know about him. Parent
A lot of people got left behind with Obama too. Both of them seem to think that the "little people" should be working on the plantation. Now everybody in the country can see what plantation economics are all about. Parent
He is everything that people hate about Obama. Only more so.
If I only have one goal this election season it's to dispell the "Mitt Romney is a viable alternative" myth.
And in case anyone was wondering, this is not about saving Obama's @ss. I just really really don't like Mitt Romney. Parent
It's funny to me that my position is "ignorant" or whatever and i shouldn't post to this blog when Jeralyn makes basically the same fundamental point on this issue that I do:
Obama's bad but let's not get it confused, the republicans are way worse.
But who knows. Maybe Jeralyn is not TalkLeft material or something.
Geezus we're in the twilight zone right now. Parent
I'm sick of voting against the GOP only to get their policies. Parent
Mitt Romney will be whatever he thinks you want him to be, right up until you vote for him.
But I guarantee on economic issues he is the biggest corporate sell out of them all. And on social issues - he doesn't give a $hit, but he will pander to the right because that's who he thinks he needs. Parent
8 years of both Reagan and Bush and the damage wrought says otherwise.
This is just a silly argument to even be having. Parent
It's also funny to me that no one remembers him saying he wanted to be like JFK too:
"I think Kennedy, 20 years earlier, moved the country in a fundamentally different direction. So I think a lot of it has to do with the times. I think we are in one of those fundamentally different times right now we