
FOIA Documents Show Vast FBI Biometric Database Underway

Secure Communities is not just about Homeland Security, ICE and immgrants. It's also about the FBI and you.

The latest information revealed in documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Center for Constitutional Rights and Benjamin Cardozo Immigrant Justice Clinic: The FBI “views massive biometric information collection as a goal in itself” as a part of the Next Generation Identification (NGI) system."

The NGI system aims to collect fingerprints, palm prints, iris scans, identifying marks, scars, tattoos, facial characteristics and voice recognition. These are not necessarily collected from arrested suspects but also from mobile biometric scanning devices and fingerprints left anywhere and everywhere.


....Worse than the FBI accessing all your personal data, when NGI becomes fully operational in 2014, other federal agencies will gain access to the bio-data without your knowledge or consent.

The documents are here.

More analysis here.

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