
Omar Khadr Trial: Window View or Shades Pulled Down?

Bumped from Saturday: There are a several excellent journalists and writers now on the ground at Guantanamo, ready to report on the military commissions trial of child soldier Omar Khadr, now 23, which is set to begin Tuesday (Hearings on motions will be held Monday. Here is the list of motions scheduled to be heard. Motions could go past Monday.)

Carol Rosenberg of McClatchy has a summary today, with an article titled "Khadr trial will be a window into America's war on terror." [More...]

I'm not expecting the juicy stuff to be played out in open court. And, I expect their reporting will be censored, or at least monitored, to make sure they aren't revealing the good stuff. I hope I'm wrong, but I think the view will be more like one from a window with the shades drawn. But I'm still glad the reporters are there.

Omar Khadr is the original child of Jihad. I've been writing about him since 2004, and all of the coverage is available here. A few to get you caught up:

On his family: Life of an al Qaida Wife;Married to the Jihad; Guantanamo's Child: The Story of Omar Khadr.

On early reports of juveniles at Gitmo: Six Juveniles Held at Guantanamo

On Omar and his lawyers' description of his torture: At 15, and "Unprivileged Belligerant"; Child of Jihad; Omar Khadr Video of Gitmo Questioning Released ; Growing Up and In Pain at Gitmo: Omar Khadr Hearings ; Omar Khadr Hearing Shows Lack of Reliability of Statements Obtained Coercively

On the murder charges filed against him in 2007, Guantanamo Juvenile Charged With Murder, Faces Military Tribunal and a few months later, Gitmo Charges Ag