
"The Other Guy Is A Bum" Election

Booman is right:

This has the benefit of being true:

"This is a 'rip your opponent's face off' election for us," said one Democratic campaign manager. "It's clear from polling that Americans don't like the policies that got us into this mess and they do not blame Obama for what started it. They blame him for not doing more about it, which they have every right to do. That means we have to make the other choice unbearable.[. . .] If [the Dems] use [their] money edge not only to make the election a choice, but to make it a choice in which the Republican is an unacceptable option, Democrats will save seats."

That's what's left in the political kit.

Speaking for me only

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    So, I guess this is part of the (5.00 / 4) (#3)
    by Anne on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 11:24:03 AM EST
    "Hey! It's Better Than Nothing!" campaign:

    They blame him for not doing more about it, which they have every right to do. That means we have to make the other choice unbearable

    Because why actually DO MORE NOW when you can just make the case that the other guys will be worse?

    Whatever Dems think they are winning by taking this approach, we - the people - lose either way, because this reduces us to choosing between the ones who can only raise the bar a hair's breadth above the other party, and the ones who will make sure the bar keeps getting lower.

    Swell.  Might as well accompany this electoral and political limbo dance with some nice calypso music and call it a day; no wonder no one's very excited about voting.

    Yep. No other choices left.... (5.00 / 2) (#4)
    by oldpro on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 01:13:23 PM EST
    ....and it's getting late.

    Not to mention, most D candidates have neither the guts nor the talent to run a winning campaign.  If they did, they'd have the guts and talent to actually govern when given the chance.

    So disheartening.  Did somebody put something in the water?

    um, that's what was in the case (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by cpinva on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 05:55:29 PM EST
    in 2008. in fact, it's been a standard part of the case since the first reagan administration. republican administrations historically destroy the economy, and increase the national debt. would you really want one of these bozos managing your money for you?

    I guess we lost our comments? (none / 0) (#1)
    by andgarden on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 10:23:39 AM EST
    Just to repeat: It's a tool, but I don't think it will work. Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie are in office.

    Explorer stinks (none / 0) (#2)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 10:47:04 AM EST
    But I had to delete and repost to fix.

    Rovian tactics have worked so well, (none / 0) (#6)
    by Jack E Lope on Sat Aug 21, 2010 at 08:03:18 AM EST
    ...for so many years, who can resist?

    Unfortunately, the package includes:

    -Character assassination (scandal preferred, but evidence of an old political position which is now unpopular will suffice)

    -A desire to accumulate power while ignoring governance (or while calling governance a bad thing, maybe by associating it with some totalitarian term)

    -Loudly raising non-issues in a manner that will anger and incite the populace, in hope that they will think your opposition is attempting to force something disgusting upon them.