
Sally Quinn Busted To Mere Blogger

Via Digby, funny:

WaPo editor Marcus Brauchli [. . .] was pissed that Quinn's latest "Let me tell you some stuff about my family" column ran, and has now declared that in the future her column "will appear online at 'On Faith,' a section of washingtonpost.com that Sally guides."

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Apparently Quinn trashed the place. And it no longer is her place. Of course being in print at the WaPo ain't all that anymore anyway. It is ironic though that Quinn was spending a lot of time calling for the head of WH Social Secretary Desiree Rogers and it is her head that ends up rolling. The First Lady and Ms. Rogers would not be human if they were not chortling a little.

Speaking for me only

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    excellent (none / 0) (#1)
    by Capt Howdy on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 10:25:40 AM EST

    Good times (none / 0) (#2)
    by Socraticsilence on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 10:46:31 AM EST
    gotta love how she got away with 2 decades plus of only complaining about Presidential Administrations wherein the principle started out too poor or too black. Too quick to torture- essentially selling the nations soul for the illusion of security- no problem,  get some on the side or let a party crasher into a soiree and the Western World was on the verge of collapse.

    Only in DC can a known-adulteress like Quinn (none / 0) (#3)
    by JoeCHI on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 10:51:26 AM EST
    be given a column entitled "On Faith".

    Not so quick, BTD! Not much chortling at all!! (none / 0) (#5)
    by Gerald USN Ret on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 01:38:20 PM EST
    It has just been announced that the Social Secretary Ms Desiree Rogers is scheduled to leave in March.


    (That doesn't appear to be enough of a url, but that is what was at the top of the page.  Maybe because it was "breaking news.")

    Rogers canned too (none / 0) (#6)
    by jedimom on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 04:31:34 PM EST
    Sally Quinn -UGH!!! Hoist by her own cocktail soiree snooty petard, good

    But Rogers also is history, see Politico

    Given the Katrina of Unemployment; (none / 0) (#7)
    by kidneystones on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 04:27:21 AM EST
    A legacy that will far outlive any other action or non-action of this WH and this Congress, you'd think Dem supporters would be just a tiny bit chary about cheering two more additions to the ranks of the un-employed.

    Drunk on power? I don't frankly know. What I can say is that I haven't seen disconnect on this level since the run-up to the Iraq war. The ruling party doesn't even appear to know what the ball is. Forget about keeping track of it or even knowing what it is.

    Do Dems think Scott Brown is really such an attractive candidate? Do Dems not understand that they were elected to clean-up after Bush? That meant first and foremost protecting American families. Saying 'we get it' or 'we inherited a mess' is absolutely meaningless.

    Millions have joined the ranks of the un-employed as Dems fiddled on cap and trade and hcr. That's the Dem legacy, that and the debt and two wars.

    Cheering about anyone losing a job is beyond the pale at the best of the times. These aren't that and Rogers and Quinn won't be the last or the most notable to find themselves standing in line.

    Really kind of sickening.

    Oh please. That's worse than the (none / 0) (#8)
    by observed on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 09:31:24 AM EST
    sick folks on here who say" what about all the people who earn good money denying care to sick people (by working for insurance companies)----don't you care about the job loss that a public plan would cause"?

    Quinn isn't going to soup kitchens to eat because of this.


    Ms. Quinn, along with Ben, (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kent Allard on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 10:02:01 AM EST
    owns a place on Martha's Vineyard that they can rent out during the summertime if they start getting into a cash flow problem.

    Please get sick.. (none / 0) (#10)
    by jondee on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 10:51:21 AM EST
    or get bled with leeches..whatever it takes.

    If you've got any actual ideas and strategies that heretofore have remained unexamined about what "the ball" is and what should be done with it, rather than spewing disingenuous banalities and partial truths (at best) about what "the Dem legacy" is, Im sure we'd all love to hear them.

    Let 'er rip, Kidney.


    The disconnect is (none / 0) (#11)
    by kidneystones on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 05:40:03 PM EST
    alive and well, here as it is elsewhere in 'liberal' blog-land. I'm not sure which is more offensive, the Andrew Sullivan venality and menace of trying to gag opposing voices or the notion that folks with money in the bank can 'afford' to lose their jobs.

    Digby has a wonderful post about guillotining aristocrats, much as folks did during the French Revolution. She conflates aristocracy, bankers, wealth, and entitlement and confirms a truly stunning ignorance of the role bankers played then and now.

    In the middle of all the 'let it rip' challenges we find 4.6 million Americans without work under a Dem administration that has embraced the trickle-down 'stimulus' theory of Reagan and the wage controls of Nixon. No need to go into the sundry bombings of civilians, sending troops surreptitiously into sovereign nations, rendition, secrecy, surveillance, etc, etc, etc.

    I sometimes wish McCain had won and implemented every single policy of the last two years. I expect hysterical opposition to the expansion of the war in Afghanistan and real-live marches to 'bring the troops home' from Iraq. Remember how much that used to mean to DKOS luminaries like McJoan. Now, crickets.

    Atrios, who carries just a thimble-full less of the administration's water than the rest has pointed to the same disconnect, but refuses to name those responsible. So far.

    It's us.


    The Digby post you referenced (none / 0) (#12)
    by Kent Allard on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 06:05:03 PM EST
    was about a whiner Banking executive who made 17 Million $ last year, heck, I'll take half that salary for twice as much criticism as what he suffered.

    I realize that 17 million might (none / 0) (#13)
    by kidneystones on Sat Feb 27, 2010 at 06:25:07 PM EST
    seem like a lot of money to me and you. Digby forgets, however, which Democratic president and which Democratic congress forked over tax-payer cash to keep these clowns in clover. That's the disconnect. The Dem congress again confirmed Bush hire Ben to keep cash flowing to corporate coffers. That's the disconnect I'm talking about. The dog and pony hcr road show gives Dems something to 'discuss' while the corporate screwing of the American worker continues unabated. You might have expected ordinary Dems to be outraged and screaming in the streets over the levels of corporate graft practiced since 2008, but then you'd be badly mis-underestimating the satisfaction Dem activists get from sneering at the hicks who vote Republican. Duncan Black strays from the reservation a tiny bit and finds himself at the WH for a little tete-a-tete with one of the minions, who explains that the president is genuinely interested in what the bloggers have to say. Not to the president, of course. But about the president, to the dfh community who are starting to feel just a little teensy-weensy bit unhappy about all the Katrina victims wandering America's streets in search of jobs, and every now and then showing up at at Tea-party rally. Yes, there are former Obama supporters in the tea-party ranks. Safe to say they stopped drinking the kool-aid.

    Duncan got his little pat on the head and dutifully went back to spouting administration approved talking points about the evils of the rich. The millionaires who support Obama really get off on the populism as long as they keep their seats at the table. Geriatric liberals thrill to see Robert Zimmerman at the WH and a sizeable portion of the American work force which might have expected some portion of the Dem left to do more than yawn and scratch see their futures and that of their kids go straight into the toilet.

    Gotta go.
