
27 FL Delegates Picked for Denver Convention

Florida selected 27 delegates for the Democratic Convention today.

Of the 27, three will go to the Convention not pledged to a candidate: Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller and House Democratic Leader Dan Gelber. The other 24 were allocated based on the statewide results from the January 29th Presidential Primary: 14 pledged to U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton and 10 pledged to U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.

In May, the delegation will be completed with 40 at-large delegates. In March, 121 delegates were elected at the Congressional District-Level. Florida has 23 unpledged delegates ("superdelegates") - 13 Members of the Democratic National Committee and 10 Democratic members of Congress.

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    And among the add-on superdelegates (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by magster on Sat Apr 05, 2008 at 07:14:12 PM EST
    Obama has gained three SD's in the last 24 hours, Clinton has lost one who switched to uncommitted. Overall SD lead for Clinton is down to 28 from 97 on February 10, 2008.