
Final PPP State Polls: Obama Leading Big Among Independents

Public Policy Polling's final state polls are out. It's looking good for Obama among Independents.

  • Colorado: Obama 60-36
  • Michigan: Obama 53-40
  • Minnesota: Obama 55-37
  • New Mexico: Obama 66-28
  • Oregon: Obama 53-41

Obama is also getting more Republican votes than John McCain is getting Democrat votes.

To see the actual polls, here's Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico and Oregon.

< PPP CO Poll: Obama Up By 10 | Gallup Trad Turnout Model: Obama By 8 >
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    Final polls? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 12:04:54 PM EST
    I think the election is over but any final poll that ends 4 days from the election is not going to be able to catch late movement.

    I do not expect late movement, but this see