
PPP CO Poll: Obama Up By 10

Public Policy Polling has released new state polls. In Colorado, Obama leads by 17 among those who have already voted and 10 overall:

65% of the folks we surveyed said they had already voted, and among those respondents Obama is winning 58-41. Folks planning to vote on election day support John McCain 50-47, bringing Obama's overall lead down to ten points.

...Two of the main factors driving Obama’s success in the state continue to be his strong standing with independents and Hispanic voters. He is up 60-36 with voters who don’t identify with either party, and he has a 65-33 lead with Hispanics, the fastest growing voter bloc in the state.

In the Senate race, Democrat Mark Udall is now up by 17.

Full Colorado results are here (pdf).

< McCain In Arizona Monday Night | Final PPP State Polls: Obama Leading Big Among Independents >
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    I wonder how many. . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by LarryInNYC on Fri Oct 31, 2008 at 11:52:22 AM EST
    of the 35% not-yet-voted will actually vote?

    I think there's a real potential for a pretty substantial number of McCain voters simply not bothering to s