
CNN Agrees: Hillary Wins New Hampshire

It's unanimous. CNN agrees with the AP and NBC. Hillary Clinton wins New Hampshire!

The cable anchors and pundits are falling all over themselves, stuttering and trying to explain.

CNN should fire Carl Bernstein. He's a buffoon and a bitter old man.


Incredible rollercoaster of a ride. The Associated Press just projected Hillary Clinton the winner.

CNN says they aren't ready to make that projection. [More...]

Clinton took Manchester and Nashua, the big cities. But the college vote isn't in yet...Hanover, Durham, Ridge.

CNN says Obama could start making a comback with all three of these towns.

< Obama Concedes Hillary Won New Hampshire | Hillary Clinton's Speech >
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    that's their perogative (none / 0) (#1)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Tue Jan 08, 2008 at 09:38:14 PM EST
    But she won.