
Open Thread Diary Rescue

I liked a lot of the new diaries, but these stood out to me:

Will Life Imitate Art?, by Kristin Levingston of Brennan Blog, about a cop, Charles Crew, returning to the justice system that wrongly convicted him of murder, along with discussion other matters.

A Profile of Lula, by Randinho, discussing a NYTimes piece on the labor leader/political dissident who rose to become the President of Brazil.

A Systems Analysis of Iraq, by John Horse, discussing the an analytical systems approach to evaluating the Iraq failures.

More great stuff in the recommended and recent diary lists. Check it out.

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    "No immediate decision" in Craig case (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ellie on Wed Sep 26, 2007 at 03:05:30 PM EST
    His decision on whether to resign (Sept 30) will have to be made independently of a ruling:

    EDINA, Minnesota (Reuters) - A Minnesota judge said on Wednesday he would make no immediate decision on Sen. Larry Craig's bid to take back the guilty plea he made after a sex-sting arrest, leaving the Idaho Republican's future in the Senate uncertain.

    Judge Charles Porter of Hennepin County District Court adjourned the case