
Libby: Jane and Marcy's Final Trial V-Log

Politics TV brings you the final v-log from Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake and Marcy Wheeler (Empty Wheel) of the Next Hurrah.

I'm going to miss them both. They provided invaluable coverage of this trial. At the end, they talk about the impact of bloggers on the trial and credit all of us who blogged from the courthouse.

< Scooter Libby's Sentencing Guidelines | Libby: Inside the Jury Room >
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    No counsel? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Slado on Wed Mar 07, 2007 at 09:04:52 AM EST
    Wait a minute.

    Fred Thompson

    I didn't know Libby went before the Grand Jury with no counsel?   What a moron.   Why would he do that?  Is he a lawyer himself?   Still even if your a lawyer isn't it always better to have counsel?

    Why hasn't this been talked about more?

    Looks to me like he's going to jail because he's a moron.