
Casting the Wilson-Plame Movie

The Independent reports that Richard Gere and Sharon Stone may be under consideration for the Valerie Plame - Joseph Wilson movie:

Warner Bros studios is developing a feature film based on the lives of Wilson and his wife. Reports suggest that Richard Gere and Sharon Stone may be in line to play the couple.

Who would you cast?

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    I don't suppose. . . (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by LarryInNYC on Sat Mar 10, 2007 at 08:38:39 PM EST
    me and Sharon Stone is an option?

    my casting (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by scribe on Sun Mar 11, 2007 at 01:05:52 PM EST
    Richard Gere seems right as Joe.
    I don't see Sharon Stone as Valerie (A little old for the part); either Naomi Watts or Virginia Madsen would be good, Blanchett maybe, maybe not; Helen Hunt too whiny-earnest IMHO.  My choice - Naomi Watts.
    The thing is, in this case both Joe's and Valerie's parts are really kind of, uh, small.  They get in at the get-go, and then we go to the investigators. They never testify, stay out of the news, etc.

    The parts of FBI investigators, Comey, Dep't of Justice, Luskin, etc., are good places to put skilled character actors and give them a leg up on better parts.
    Judge Walton - I dunno; maybe Samuel L. Jackson?  
    We need someone who can be distinguished yet exude toughness.  (Though, to be fair, elsewhere I saw him mentioned to play Condi Rice, too.)
    Edward Norton as Fitz.  He does intensity really well - far better than those who suggest Damon or Affleck.
    Denzel Washington as Wells.
    For Scooter: Tim Roth ("Pulp Fiction", "Reservoir Dogs")
    For Deadeye: Robert Duvall.  Him, or the guy from "The Day After Tomorrow" or the face on the big screen in the 1984 MacIntosh Super Bowl commercial.  Sadly the guy, Tierney, I think, who played the ringleader in "Reservoir Dogs" and would have been perfect as Deadeye, has passed.
    For Bushie: a disembodied voice.  Maybe viewing his part of the action from behind his eyes.  Maybe we can get Rich Little, Harry Shearer or Dan Castellaneta to work for scale?
    Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Rover - a choice I think is perfectly on point, but better if the director and producer insist he play the role starting from his portrayal of Capote.
    What about Bonamici, Zeidenberg, etc.?
    I say Laura SanGiacomo as Bonamici and Zeidenberg can be Mark Ruffalo.
    Wm. H. Macy as Jeffress.  Character actors as the rest of Wells' team.
    For Novak, Peter Cushing immediately sprang to mind.  (And don't tell me he can't play it just because he's dead - look at IMDB and you'll see Cushing just got a credit for a part in 2006).
    Somewhere, Paul Giamatti fits into this, too.  Maybe as Addington.
    Kirsten Dunst or a character actor to play Cathie Martin.
    And, Who to Play Judy???  Harriet Sansom Harris (Eve 6 from the X-files) for Judy.  Diane Keaton is too nice for the role; Catherine Keener plays the bit*h really well, but isn't nearly old enough.
    More character actors as the other reporters.

    There are so many transitions and scene shifts that making this is probably going to require subtitles to set dates, times and places.  Sort of like one sees in an old war-themed movie. ("Aboard Admiral Nagumo's flagship, 500 miles northwest of Pearl Harbor, December 6, 1941") Maybe a slide with the Rubik's cube logo from TalkLeft, to explain where the case is going.

    And, finally, somewhere, a bunch of bloggers tearing the case apart.  Though, if they say "that's bullsh*t" a fraction of the number of times they did in slicing through the spin, we'll wind up with an "R" rating based on sheer volume of profanity alone.

    Cameos (5.00 / 1) (#10)
    by squeaky on Sun Mar 11, 2007 at 01:21:16 PM EST
    And, finally, somewhere, a bunch of bloggers tearing the case apart.  Though, if they say "that's bullsh*t" a fraction of the number of times they did in slicing through the spin, we'll wind up with an "R" rating based on sheer volume of profanity alone.

    Jeralyn, Marcy, Jane, Christie, Swopa and Pachacutec would be perfect for the blog team, as is.
