
Britain to Criminalize Fake Blog Entries

How do you know when you visit a business' web site that glowing blog comments aren't written by the business and passed off as coming from a consumer? You don't. Britain is set to do something about it.

Hotels, restaurants and online shops that post glowing reviews about themselves under false identities could face criminal prosecution under new rules that come into force next year.

Businesses which write fake blog entries or create whole wesbites purporting to be from customers will fall foul of a European directive banning them from “falsely representing oneself as a consumer”. From December 31, when the change becomes law in the UK, they can be named and shamed by trading standards or taken to court.

Naming and shaming will also be used.

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    What a waste (none / 0) (#1)
    by Abdul Abulbul Amir on Sat Feb 10, 2007 at 10:53:13 PM EST

    First of all, just about everyone is a consumer.  Second, anyone that swallows the glowing consumer praise is terminally naive.  What a waste of resources.

    yeah, good luck with that. (none / 0) (#2)
    by cpinva on Mon Feb 12, 2007 at 05:27:54 AM EST
    this is comparable to the snippets on ads for books and movies. it's called "puff", standard practice in the marketing industry. as abdul noted, anyone stupid enough to actually take it seriously kind of deserves what they get.

    i'm not condoning it, merely pointing out that if all are "named and shamed", then no one is.