
Zogby Iowa Tracker: Clinton Leads, Edwards Up

The latest from the Zogby Iowa tracking poll:

Clinton 30 (31)
Edwards 26 (24)
Obama 26 27)

Here is what Zogby said:

"Edwards had a good day by virtue especially of increasing support among independent voters," Zogby said. Edwards led narrowly among independents over Clinton and Obama. The poll found Clinton's supporters remained the most dedicated with 73 percent saying their support was "very" strong, compared to 66 percent for Edwards and 63 percent for Obama.

Full disclosure, I do not trust Zogby.

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    This is simply getting out of hand (none / 0) (#1)
    by scribe on Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 08:46:48 AM EST
    with this "had a good day, a bad day" business.

    Next, we'll be getting minute-by-minute updates on which [insert average voter's job description here] has decided that, instead of voting for the one, they'll vote for the other.

    And we'll be finding out who's not going to the caucus because they couldn't get a sitter or some such.

    Sheesh.  A good thing not to live in Iowa.

    And, despite all this attention to HRC, Obama, and the Rethugs*, Edwards can't get any attention from the corporate media.

    *  BTW - I really loved the Huckster's pronouncement that he'd ship the anchor babies back with their illegal immigrant parents, even though the kids are native born citizens.  Gotta keep those families together, just like they do in the Hutto Jail.

    And, that talking point he keeps intoning  about "sealing the border".  "Sealing the border against those who want to come in" is the same line of language the East Germans used to feed their populace back in the days when they were justifying walls, fences, attack dogs, depopulated areas, and self-firing guns.  They had to defend their socialism against the polluting influences of the materialistic imperialists, but it was "sealing the border" against those who wanted to come in.

    I'd say the Huckster is making a run at the genocide/authoritarian vote we all thought Rudy Cue Ball had already sewn up.

    3 days to go (none / 0) (#2)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 09:03:50 AM EST