
How America Lost the Drug War

New in Rolling Stone, Ben Wallace-Wells has a six page article on How America Lost the Drug War.

Last week, Columnist Froma Harrop exposed the failure of the war on drugs.

If two people do it, is it a movement?

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    and this came as (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Sun Dec 02, 2007 at 03:13:39 AM EST
    a surprise to them? what, they've been living in a cave in the desert for the past 30 years, with no access to the outside world?

    this was known within 10 years of nixon's "declaration". the whole thing has really been just a huge financial scam on the american taxpayer, and a boon to politicians seeking to look "tough" on crime. does anyone ever seek to look "soft" on crime?

    i'd say if two people do it, it's a payday.