
Rove on Blogs

One thing about the Beltway is that no matter what the topic, its thinking is always at least 2 years behind the curve. As TechPresident reports, Karl Rove and Max Cleland are no different than the rest of the Beltway:

For most of us in the audience, the presentation was an elaborately-delivered (think Tom Cruise as Frank T.J. Mackey in Magnolia) compilation of overused Pew research points and carefully-selected stock photos. Clearly, we are not the intended audience. Those who would find this presentation helpful are those who still think internet users are 12-year-old kids in their mother's basement posting visceral blog comments in virtual echo chambers. In other words, Karl Rove and Max Cleland.

Heh and more.

Here is Karl Rove doing a Lee Seigel or typical Media blowhard imitation:

Blogs give angry people an undeserved voice: "People on the fringe are no longer voiceless," noted Rove. Blogs have the unintended effect of giving "angry kooks" an "inexpensive soapbox" and a sense of "pseudo-anonymity" that "brings forth the worst angels of our nature." He trashed DailyKos and the liberal blogosphere for using more "dirty words" than conservative blogs like Townhall and RedState. "The Netroots, he said, "argue from anger rather than reason." Many, he believes, blog for "personal release" and not "political persuasion." He argued that the Netroots have been largely ineffective and said MoveOn.org’s inability to end the war proves his point.

He does watch Bill O I guess. In any event, apparently someone recycled a speech from a few years ago for Rove's appearance. I would be curious to see the Right blogs reaction to Rove's comments.

Cleland was not much better, just less partisan, a microcosm of the GOP/Dem beltway dynamic.

The blogs, Left and Right, have had a pretty bad year imo. But you'll never learn what is going on in the country, much less the blogs, by listening to any Beltway types. Left and Right, the share one common trait, clueless.

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