
DNC Media Walk-Through

The DNCC is hosting the first media walk-through for the Democratic National Convention in Denver tomorrow.

Events kick off in an hour with a reception at the Wynkoop Brewery. Tomorrow is the walk-through. I'll miss some of it as I have early court in the morning. But I will be there to hear Howard Dean for lunch.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean will address members of the media attending the 2008 Democratic National Convention Fall Media Walk-Through during a luncheon at 12:00 p.m. MT on TUESDAY, November 13, 2007, at the Pepsi Center in Denver. The Media Walk-Through is being organized by the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC).

...Governor Dean will address members of the media from international, national, local and online outlets planning their coverage of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

This should be fun. More details when I return.

Update below:

There were a few hundred people at the Wynkoop. Lots of food and drink but I didn't see many bloggers.

I spent a lot of time with McJoan of Daily Kos and Wendy of Colorado Confidential. The food went on and on, more than I've seen in one place for a while. There were tables with free photo books and visitors' guides to Denver. Today and tomorrow, the journalists are invited on free tours of local attractions, from the Art Museum to LoDo and many more. There are shuttle buses every 15 minutes from the hotels to the Pepsi Center tomorrow morning to get all the journalists to and from the walk-through.

As I was arriving, I saw my favorite Congresswoman, Diana DeGette, entering the steakhouse Sullivan's, a few doors down from the Wynkoop. She had just left the media event where she had welcomed the group. Turned out she was hosting a "Men for DeGette" event at Sullivan's, something that got its start after some of the local male candidates had hosted "Women for Udall" and similar events. Of course, that meant McJoan, Wendy and I had to crash it.

We did and ended up having a great talk with Diana. She insisted we stay for a drink. McJoan is going to interview her later this week for the new book she's writing.

Back to the media event. The Lexis Nexis folks were on hand. They told me they will have a large space at the DNC for the press and blog