
Va. Man Seeks Stay of Execution Set for Tonight

Update: The Supreme Court halted the execution.


Christopher Scott Emmett is scheduled for execution in Virginia tonight. His lawyers are seeking a last minute stay from the Supreme Court based upon the lethal injection procedure. The state is resisting.

This would be Emmett's second stay. The first was granted two hours before his scheduled execution in June.

Monday night, a Nevada execution was halted. In that case the inmate wanted to die.


The Supreme Court has agreed to decide the constitutionality of the lethal injection procedures used by the state. Many states are granting stays pending the Supreme Court's ruling.

The wisest thing would be for states not to set any more execution dates until the Supreme Court has ruled. At least then we wouldn't have problems as last month in Texas when Judge Sharon Keller shut the courthouse at 5pm preventing a last minute appeal.

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    Sign on to Judicial Complaint Against Judge Keller (none / 0) (#1)
    by Scott Cobb on Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 11:21:52 AM EST
    If you are as shocked as we were by Judge Sharon Keller saying "We close at 5" and refusing to accept an appeal 20 minutes after 5 PM by lawyers representing a man about to be executed, then sign on to this judicial complaint. We will submit the complaint to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct on October 30, 2007. Anyone can sign the complaint.

    The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board has said, "the miscarriage of justice perpetrated by Chief Justice Keller can only be remedied by a recommendation by the Judicial Conduct Commission to the Texas Supreme Court that she be removed from office".