
Jose Padilla Trial Continued Until April

Good news on the Jose Padilla front: His federal court trial has been continued from January 22 until April, so that a full mental evaluation can be performed.

Background here and here.

Oral argument on the judge's decision dismissing the most serious count against him was held before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals this week. The judges were less than hospitable to the defense arguments, but one can never predict how an appeals court will rule.

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    If "justice" were to be served here,... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Bill Arnett on Fri Jan 12, 2007 at 04:07:45 PM EST
    ... Padilla should be released, the people who held and tortured the poor man until he lost his mind should be fully prosecuted, all charges against Padilla should be dropped for failure to get a speedy trial AS WELL AS GOVERNMENT MISCONDUCT, and he should receive several millions of dollars in damages for his illegal incarceration.

    But, sadly, there appears to no longer be any "justice" in America.
