
Bye Bye Congress

On the last day of the legislative year, a Republican spoke the truth:

“The breakdown of regular order this cycle — indeed the failure to get our bills done — should be squarely placed at the feet of the departing Senate majority leader who failed to schedule floor time for the consideration of appropriations bills,” Representative Jerry Lewis, Republican of California and the departing chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said in an unusual public attack on a fellow Republican.

The Republican legislature failed to pass 9 of the 11 spending bills that fund the government, leaving responsible governance to the Democrats next year.

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    Who am I? (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 02:36:06 AM EST
    et al-

    This is the Party of No. The ideology of the stop sign. Cowardly America-haters who can't come to grips with the fact that they've lost in the Grand Arena of Ideas. And now these guttersnipes are going to take the greatest nation in history down with them. Their heads should rest atop a pike. They...

    ...oh, wait, did you say it's the Republicans? Forget I said anything. Hey, are those guys giving away free Monster energy drinks?

    disappears in a Road Runner-esque puff of smoke

    Well, at least adults will be in charge. (none / 0) (#2)
    by Bill Arnett on Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 11:32:36 AM EST

    if a party implodes...... (none / 0) (#3)
    by cpinva on Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 04:23:10 PM EST
    in a forest, does anyone care?

    while gwb may well grab the top tier rung as "worst president of all time", this congress, republican dominated, must surely be in competition for the "worst congress in u.s. history"

    what a combo (and one i'm not likely to order at red lobster!): worst president + worst congress (with drawn butter on the side)= totally screwed country.

    thanks guys, don't let the door slap your asses on the way out.

    Ummm, they left something behind.... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Edger on Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 05:04:55 PM EST
    10. 30. 06 -  Associated Press
    GAO Chief Warns Economic Disaster Looms
    David M. Walker sure talks like he's running for office. "This is about the future of our country, our kids and grandkids," the comptroller general of the United States warns a packed hall at Austin's historic Driskill Hotel. "We the people have to rise up to make sure things get changed."
    Their basic message is this: If the United States government conducts business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for inflation. That's almost as much as the total net worth of every person in America - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and those Google guys included.

    A hole that big could paralyze the U.S. economy; according to some projections, just the interest payments on a debt that big would be as much as all the taxes the government collects today. And every year that nothing is done about it, Walker says, the problem grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.
    "It's kind of a paradoxical result. Your commonsense logic would tell you if one party is in control of everything they should be able to take action," Sawhill says.

    But the last six years of Republican rule have produced tax cuts, record spending increases and a Medicare prescription drug plan that has been widely criticized as fiscally unsound. When President Clinton faced a Republican Congress during the 1990s, spending limits and other legislative tools helped produce a surplus.
    "Realistically what we hope to accomplish through the fiscal wake-up tour is ensure that any serious candidate for the presidency in 2008 will be forced to deal with the issue," he says. "The best we're going to get in the next couple of years is to slow the bleeding."

    Remember that article... (none / 0) (#5)
    by Edger on Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 05:08:31 PM EST
    ...when rethugs start screeching and criticizing Democrats as they approve 9 of the 11 spending bills that fund the government that rethugs failed to pass.

    Our children and grandchildren (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by aw on Mon Dec 11, 2006 at 08:38:21 AM EST
    will be no better than debt-slaves.  The taxes will be crushing.

    Well... (none / 0) (#7)
    by Edger on Mon Dec 11, 2006 at 11:11:15 AM EST
    ...ummm, there are other places in the world to live. No?

    Yep (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by Sailor on Mon Dec 11, 2006 at 05:40:30 PM EST
    I gots a sailboat and I knows how to use it.

    Well, yes (none / 0) (#10)
    by aw on Tue Dec 12, 2006 at 12:07:59 AM EST
    I have mixed feelings about it.  I'm hoping it won't come to that, but if it does... well we have to do what we have to do.  I would feel very bad about all the people who couldn't leave.  

    David M. Walker (none / 0) (#11)
    by Edger on Tue Dec 12, 2006 at 06:28:09 AM EST
    is quite a guy. As Comptroller General and head of the GAO which is an arm of the Congress, not the Executive Branch, he was appointed to his job for 15 years beginning in 1998. He is a certified public accountant. His background and experience includes among other things serving as a Public Trustee for Social Security and Medicare from 1990 to 1995, and he also authored a book titled "Retirement Security: Understanding and Planning Your Financial Future".

    Apart from being a guy worth listening to, you gotta like this guy. In 2002 he filed a civil suit against one Richard B. Cheney, and althought the suit was ultimately dismissed (decision here - pdf), he was asking the DC District Court to order that Cheney as VP and Chair of the National Energy Policy
    Development Group ("NEPDG") be required to turn over information on the presidents energy policies as part of a GAO investigation into the NEPDG's composition and activities.

    He's no slouch and not a guy who gives up easily.


    They spent their time ... (none / 0) (#9)
    by Sailor on Mon Dec 11, 2006 at 05:43:52 PM EST
    ...  trying to limit citizens rights. Schiavo, gay marriage, aboetion, wiretaps etc, etc, etc. Mainly to pander to their base of wrongwing nutjobs.

    By the time the gavel comes down on the 109th Congress on Friday, members will have worked a total of 103 days. That's seven days fewer than the infamous "Do-Nothing Congress" of 1948.