
CNN Photo Roundup

Here's my photos (slideshow here)...3:30 a.m. now and time for bed, more tomorrow.

Congrats to the Democrats...Virginia and Montana still teetering on the edge, but it may be a Democratic sweep after all.

And a huge thank you to CNN, Jacki Schechner, Abbi Tatton and Alex, and all the tech and camera people...

And to Tryst, which now may be my favorite coffee house anywhere...please open a Denver branch.

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    Virginia looks solid (none / 0) (#1)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 02:29:55 AM EST
    In Montana they are trying to steal it.

    My last post recounts the lareat on this. It is big breaking news.

    Not exactly off topic ... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Sailor on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 06:28:05 AM EST
    I really appreciate that Jeralyn gave props to 'all the tech and camera people.'

    Whether it's on the big screen, small screen, the internets or the radio it doesn't happen without brilliant, hardworking folks who make it happen technically.

    Talking heads are a dime a dozen, good techs are worth their weight in gold.

    concurring (none / 0) (#3)
    by scribe on Wed Nov 08, 2006 at 08:59:56 AM EST
    A number of friends over the years have been techs of one flavor or another - they've all been A1 folks and pros in their fields to boot.  Nothing happens without them and it's nice to see them get the shout.

    TL, you came across really well on CNN.  Some of the best TV of the night... at least until my cable co. lost sound but not picture on all channels, then, watching Cavuto and the Faux folks without sound was as good as any comedy ever made....
