
Last chance on groundbreaking Civil Unions amendment

I hope to get married someday, or at least civil unionized. Lining up the husband may take awhile, but I'd sure be grateful to anyone who could help make it legal in the meantime.

Colorado is on the verge of legalizing civil unions--polls have it just about tied--and that's a huge breakthrough. We would be the first state in the union for voters to do it ourselves. That would cause big problems for James Dobson's "activist judges" crap. How amazing for Colorado, of all places, to be the breakthrough state.

I'm asking you to do two things--whether you live in Colorado or not:

  1. Call or email five friends in Colorado to vote YES on "I." (And if you live here, of course vote yourself.

  2. Volunteer in the crucial Get Out The Vote campaign for the next 24 hours. They have a system for you to phone bank from your living room anywhere in the country. And if you're in Colorado, we need people to hold up signs at busy intersections on election day, and we've still got literature to drop tonight.

If you're in-state, call the number to expedite your involvement. Out-of-staters, use the website:



And pass along this video from Denver's popular mayor, which is now running on TV:




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