
Voter Turnout Now the Key

Republicans say they have the better program for getting out the vote, one devised by Karl Rove.

party strategists crow that they have the ultimate advantage, which will hold down their congressional losses and enable them to maintain their majorities in the House and the Senate: a massive voter turnout machine that even some Democratic Party officials admit exceeds their own.

They are gearing up for the latest iteration of the 72-Hour Plan — a brainchild of top Bush White House aide Karl Rove and his protégé, Republican National Committee Chairman (RNC) Ken Mehlman — in which GOP operatives and volunteers flood into states and districts with competitive races to generate turnout.

Democrats say they have been catching up. But several experts believe they are not quite there. What can you do to help?

Head on over to Moveon.Org:

Jennifer Lindenauer, communications director of MoveOn.org, said the jewel in their get-out-the-vote crown is the “call for change” program that uses microtargeting in key races to allow MoveOn’s 3.2 million members to call from home or their cell phones to encourage people to vote.

“With the touch of a stroke, we can change our target list,” Lindenauer said of the program, which was just launched this year. “On a Monday we could see new data on races, and by Wednesday, they could have hundreds of thousands of calls into that district.” She estimated that MoveOn’s members alone will contact more than 6 million voters by Election Day.

Here's how:

  • Sign up for the Call for Change program. Pick a day(s). Most are "calling for about an hour a day, and then 2 hours on Election Day--but whatever you can do is great. When can you call?"
  • Attend a Rock the Vote phone party.
    "Dozens of congressional races are tied. We’ve identified over a million progressives in these districts who don’t always vote. If we call them and make sure they get to the polls, we’ll win. Your host will provide everything you need. Grab your cell phone and join your neighbors on the weekend of Nov. 4-5, and again on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 7) and help us “Rock the House (and Senate)” at a party near you."
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    Rove is a brilliant strategist (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Bigfoot on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 01:47:06 PM EST
    Rove should not be underestimated.  He is going to use fear mongering as a major tool.  Sadly, Kerry gave him plenty of ammunition by trashing the military volunteers and their families.  Also is the fact that the Dems haven't really offered any type of strategy for leading the country.  That's what I see as the biggest problem.  Cursing the president, crying about the war, and promoting gay marriage is not a very sound strategy in America.

    Desperation politics... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 02:00:18 PM EST
    The vedict in Saddam Husseins trial is expected to be announced on Sunday.

    Two days before the midterms.

    If anyone had any doubts about how strong Bush and the gop are on national security, they are all expected turn off their brains tommorrow, and leave them turned off for 72 hours. Ahem...

    Bush: Thousands Of Registered Democrats Needed For 'Extremely Important' Mission

    Although details were limited, an unnamed administration official revealed that, on Wednesday, November 1, registered Democrats will be asked to report to designated government rendezvous points such as post offices and military recruiting centers. Once there, they will be registered, fingerprinted, and issued one-piece jumpsuits, bedding, and canteens of drinking water, then directed to board brown school buses bound for an undisclosed location or locations.

    "Certainly it will mean sacrifice, and possibly a prolonged absence from your families," Bush said. "We need at least 40,000 Democrats, but more are always welcome."

    "Our very way of life depends on it," he added.

    While Bush said any registered Democrat is eligible to participate, those who reside in Arizona's Fifth, Ohio's First, and Pennsylvania's Eighth Congressional Districts are most needed to ensure the mission's success. Democrats from New Jersey, Missouri, Tennessee, and "especially Virginia" were also strongly encouraged to volunteer.


    Get Out the Vote for Them Means Suppress Our Vote (none / 0) (#3)
    by Peter G on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 04:38:03 PM EST
    In Pennsylvania, where I live, the Republican committees are working as hard as they can, not so much to get out their vote as to suppress and discourage ours.  They are flooding Democratic households, particularly those with regular voters, with telephone robocalls which begin:  "I'm calling with important information about {name of Democratic candidate}."  Identical calls are placed repeatedly to the same household, often at inconvenient or even disruptive hours (late at night).  The calls violate election law by failing to identify up front who sponsored them.  Many people think the calls are in support of the named candidate, but in fact the message is deceptive and false.  Thus, if the caller hangs up right away in frustration, s/he is likely to think the Dem is to blame; this is the goal, to make people mad and reluctant to vote for the candidate.  Or if they listen, they are being bombarded with a negative message.  Similarly, we have received four 6x11 mailings with headlines like "There is no difference between Rick Santorum and Bob Casey on the right to choose."  These purport to be from a fake organization called the "Progressive Policy Council" which in fact is a rethuglican front in Virginia.  They are designed to encourage progressives to skip the Senate lever when casting their votes Tuesday.  Only if moderate Dem Casey (who is in fact anti-choice on abortion, alas) receives many fewer votes than will the top of the ticket, popular incumbent Governor Ed Rendell, does ultraconservative Santorum have a chance at re-election.  The Rovian strategy, in PA at least, is thus aimed at reducing the democratic vote, as much as at encouraging his own.

    here's something else you can do................ (none / 0) (#4)
    by cpinva on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 07:18:34 PM EST
    when that republican operative calls, keep them on the phone, for as long as possible. the longer they're on the phone with you, the fewer calls they can make. hehe

    same thing with door-to-door: keep them at your doorstep as long as you can. again, the longer they are on your doorstep, the fewer houses they can hit.

    i know (none / 0) (#5)
    by cpinva on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 07:19:16 PM EST
    it doesn't work for recorded calls, only for real people calls.