
Your Liberal Media

Bink tells us that 5 days before the election, CNN plans to run a special titled Democratic incompetence:

Candy Crowley is on CNN right now previewing her new news special on Democratic Party incompetence. Apparently, it's called "Two Left Feet." . . . CNN will come to the conclusion that Democrats are just plain incompetent. How do we know this? "Candy" seems to says that it's because the party doesn't know how to balance the political goals of what she calls the "Democratic base" -- with the goals of "real Americans" -- you know, real Americans in the Heartland.

Candy Crowley seems like a nice person, and here is how she describes her show, but the next interesting, insightful, actual news she reports will be the first. CNN's political reporting is incompetent.

But this reveals, yet again, the bias in the Media, the incompetence bias.

On MSNBC's day long coverage of politcs today, Campbell Brown, wife of Dan Senor, the spokesman for the Bush Administration in Iraq for many years, questioned Howard Dean on Iraq, exchanged viewpoints on Iraq and its effect on the elections and generally questioned why Dems have a right to exist. Not once was there a disclaimer of Mrs. Senor's obvious conflict of interest. Blogger ethics panel anyone?

Anne Kornblut of the New York Times was on with her and in discussing the recent polling in the Virginia Senae race, Kornblut said that Allen had righted his ship and was now leading outside the margin of error, because he led 47-43 according to the Mason Dixon poll. Ms. Kornblut does not understand margin of error. +/- 3 points applies to both Allen's 47 and Webb's 43. Thus, Allen's lead is NOT outside the margin of error.

Then when discussing the Missouri polling result, where Democrat Claire McCaskill leads incumbent Jim Talent by 46-43, Kornblut calls it a very tight race. Which it is. As tight as the Virginia race.

I don't think it is bias. I think it is incompetence. Reporters simply do not know what they are talking about most of the time.

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    Libera bais (none / 0) (#1)
    by Mreddieb on Tue Oct 24, 2006 at 10:23:08 AM EST
    This is a lame attempt to placate the repiglicans for  the daily factual programs that slame them with facts all week long.

    Both sides? (none / 0) (#2)
    by mindfulmission on Tue Oct 24, 2006 at 10:39:36 AM EST
    I believe that they are running a piece on the Republicans later in the week.

    You can look at the entire special here, but there is not a schedule for the rest of the week.  But I believe I just saw a schedule shown on CNN that said there would be a piece on the incompetence of the Republicans later in the week.