
Israel- Lebanon Open Thread

Continuing the discussion on Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah and the U.S. from here and here.

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  • Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#1)
    by Al on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 12:38:59 PM EST
    Israel continues to destroy Lebanese homes and kill Lebanese residents as if they were guilty of anything, just as it has done with Palestinian homes and residents. And the rest of the world looks the other way. The only possible reason for this is that Israel, and its followers, still believe that given sufficient force they can completely eliminate the attacks against them. This is madness. Israel has been doing this for decades, it hasn't worked, and still they repeat the same madness over and over and over again. People die, totally innocent people die, damn it, children die, and still the fools refuse to contemplate any other option than blind destruction, even though it's a proven failure.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 12:53:55 PM EST
    From Juan Cole:
    I got this from the CNI. I agree Please let Congress know that Israel's Total War on Lebanon (they hit the Saint Therese Hospital today) is unacceptable.
    Israel's attacks on innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon are a violation of U.S. law, specifically the U.S. Arms Export Control Act and the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act. The U.S. Arms Export Control Act restricts the use of U.S. weapons to legitimate self-defense and internal policing; U.S. weapons cannot be used to attack civilians in offensive operations. The U.S. Foreign Assistance Act prohibits U.S. aid of any kind to a country with a pattern of gross human rights violations.
    juan Cole The US must demand a cease fire now, not next week or next month, but now. Israel is targeting civilian infrastructure, a milk and a medicine factory. The US government is asleep. Laura Rozen is correct to draw an analogy with the WH response to Katerina.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#3)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:06:12 PM EST
    Lets see terrorism by Muslims - bad; State sponsored terrorism by Israel - good. Make no mistake attacks on civilian targets such as water and power plants, hospitals, milk plants etc is state sponsored terrorism. Let the moral reltivists come forth and spin their morally bankrupt arguments which at the end of the day have their foundation in racism, i.e. "they" are all terrorists. Now PPJ and his ilk joins their ranks as an enabler of state sponsored terrorism.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:12:26 PM EST
    Al & Squeaky... Where is your condemnation of Hezbollah? 1 - for attacking Israel in the first place... intentionally targeting civilians (what about those civilians that have died?) 2 - for using their own civilians as shields 3 - for putting rocket launchers in civilian areas.. (knowing they'll be hit just so people like you will blame the US for the casualties) They have you all suckered! Too bad you're so blinded by your hatred of the US Government you can't see the light. I eagerly await your continued defense of these people that started this most recent escalation of hostilities! And also... jumping on the US for not getting involved... Of course we all know if we do get involved, you'll complain about that too. (we should be minding our own business)... no satisfying the left is there? BTW Squeak... still waiting for your "proportionate response" answer. Cat got your tongue?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:15:39 PM EST
    soccerdad... State sponsored terrorism by Israel - good Please explain how defending themselves...and wanting to do away with the future possibility of agression by Hezbollah is considered terrorism? Are you really that blind that you can actually give Hezbollah a pass on this one?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#6)
    by Andreas on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:29:24 PM EST
    Articles published by the WSWS today:
    The speech given by New York's Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.
    Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes By Bill Van Auken, Socialist Equality Party candidate for US Senate from New York, 19 July 2006 ***
    On Tuesday, the seventh day of Israel's air war on Lebanon, with some 250 civilians killed and much of the country's infrastructure destroyed, President George Bush issued yet another threat against Syria.
    Western diplomacy supports Israel's war of aggression By Chris Marsden and Barry Grey 19 July 2006

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:46:34 PM EST
    Andreas... Western diplomacy supports Israel's war of aggression Israel's war of aggression??? LMAO... And from a Socialist website no less... What a surprise!!! And again.. no mention of Hezbollah's part in this..! They are the poor "innocent" people fealing the rath of mean old Israel's agression? Excuse me while I laugh.... !!! What a crock of Shiite! Amazing!!!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#8)
    by Beck on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 01:52:07 PM EST
    BB, Don't try to reason with SoccerDad. He has become the chief Palestinian/Hamas/Hezbollah propagandist and apologist around here. You can't reason with a terrorist and you can't reason with a terrorist-supporter. They only want one thing, and it is not negotiable. Be glad that Israel will do what is best for Israel.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#9)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:10:20 PM EST
    Gee speaking out against the killing of women and children gets me labeled a terrorist supporter. Gee have you people sunk that low. Are you so stupid as to think there is no other response then bombing Lebanon into the ground. The real reason I oppose it is short sighted and that the price we will all pay later will be much worse. This is something that you blood thirsty, war solves everything, neanderthals who dont posses the ability to think 2 steps ahead fail to appreciate. And I defy you to find me anything I wrote which said that what the other side did was morally acceptable. I think we are all in agreement that what they have done is bad, so there is nothing there to argue about. But labelling people unpatriotic and terrorist supporters is al that you have since you cant defend the facts.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:21:27 PM EST
    Ok here goes. Bad Hezbollah, stop launching rockets, stop killing civilians. That being said there is a lcak of proportionality in the Israeli response, and there is a remarkably callousness toward the lives of ordinary Lebanese. Bombing Dairy Farms, what the f*ck? You can (and I do) support Israel and still think they've gone off the deep end. Until this ends I'll pray for all those caught in the middle of this.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:23:17 PM EST
    soccerdad... So I'll ask again... Please explain how defending themselves...and wanting to do away with the future possibility of agression by Hezbollah is considered terrorism? And also feel free to respond about them putting rocket launchers in civilian areas... I'd love to hear you refute that...or give more excuses for it? And.... Gee speaking out against the killing of women and children gets me labeled a terrorist supporter. No...speaking out against only Israel doing it while giving Hezbollah a pass gets you labeled as a terrorist supporter! Just like in Iraq... Israel is doing everything in their power to avoid civilian casualties, but every one gets highlighted in the press.... (and jumped on by the libs) while, once again, Hezbollah (who started it) gets a pass from the press & the libs. Disgusting!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#12)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:24:31 PM EST
    Where is your condemnation of Hezbollah?
    Obviously trolls do not need to follow threads, they only mean to divert the discsussion to them and their silly provocations. I see no point in justifying any of the violence, it is not my thing. But since it turns you, go ahead, knock yourself out and tell us about your insatiable bloodlust.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:30:47 PM EST
    matt.... there is a lcak of proportionality in the Israeli response, I've asked this before, what exactly is a "proportional" response... (they shoot a missile indiscriminately into Lebanon for every one shot at them????) Excuse my ignorance here, but that makes no sense! At that rate, they will be shooting missiles forever! Isn't the idea to hit them hard enough to make them stop? I'm very curious to hear an explanation for this line of reasoning???

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:36:25 PM EST
    Squeaky... Why did I even consider you might actually answer a question? Too tough for you? Easier to call me a troll aye? Or..could it be you have no answer and just like to hear yourself talk nonsense? Maybe Matt will answer seeing as how you won't...(can't)? Yeah squeak...wanting Hezbollah to stop it's agression towards Israel makes me one blood thirsty guy doesn't it? You are aware that they have gone "on record" as wanting to destroy Israel ... yes? But that doesn't matter to you does it? Isreal is using bigger bombs and causing more damage ... so they are the bad guys? LOL.. you are truly pathetic!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#15)
    by Peaches on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:39:40 PM EST
    BB, Squeaky is right. You are obviously here either to agitate and provoke. But, For your benefit and since you have chosen to ignore it from others here and in the press I will tell you that Hezbollah broke international law when they fired missiles at Israel and Israel has a right to respond. Their response is out of proportion because they have targeted civilians and the infrastructure necessary for a modern and civil society in Lebanon as they have continued to do in Gaza and througout the West Bank. Israel has a right top defend themselves, but they are open to be critisized whenever they kill civilains. They do not get a free pass to reak indiscriminate violence on civilains at their will because they have been victimized by terrorists. Finally, Hezbollah should be condemned for putting civilains in danger, but Israel has to show restraint when large civialins casualties will almost certainly result from missile attacks against terrorist groups. IF they are showing restraint then defend them on this basis. Likewise, lefists here will point out when they are not. Then you have a discussion-which you have proven over and over agin you are incapable of having here. Thats why I and everyone else here (the leftist-that is) have zero respect for you and believe you are a moron.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#16)
    by Al on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:41:41 PM EST
    BB, killing innocent Lebanese is not fighting Hezbollah, it does nothing to improve Israel's security, and it is immoral. Also, it doesn't work. Mindless misdirected revenge is not a good strategy.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#17)
    by peacrevol on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:47:04 PM EST
    Bombing Dairy Farms, what the f*ck?
    hezballah is doing what terrorists have been doing for several years now and storing weapons caches and possible bombing targets near civilian occupied territories. This has been a tactic in the ME for years b/c they use that as propaganda by saying that a lot of their civilians were killed. it's sort of the same reason that the insurgents in iraq hide out downtown near busy areas.
    You can (and I do) support Israel and still think they've gone off the deep end.
    well that may be but they have also given hezbollah some opportunities. they told them they would stop giving them hell if hezbollah would release the prisoners of theirs. hezbollah apparently refused b/c it was israeli terms. it appears to me that hezbollah wants israel to attack them for propoganda reasons.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#18)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:47:24 PM EST
    BB, Let's look at the Dead, As of yesterday we've got 25 Israeli dead, and 230 Lebanese. From those we have 12 Israeli soldiers and 30 Lebanese soldiers( not hezbollah). You do the math. I don't have a problem with Israel wanting to take an approach that neutralizes Hezbollah. I do have a problem with indiscriminately bombing the everloving sh*t out of Lebanon.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#19)
    by desertswine on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 02:48:19 PM EST
    Both sides believe that they are doing the right thing. It's a Hobbesian trap.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#20)
    by Slado on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 03:30:02 PM EST
    Lets be clear about something. The Lebonese citizens are not innocent. No more then the Palestinian citizens are. No more then the Japanese citizens were when we dropped the bomb on them, no more hen German citizens were when we fire bombed Dresden. No more then Afghanistani citizens were innocent when we bombed the Taliban. War sucks. But this is war. A war started by Hezzbollah and Isreal wants to win. War doesn't work on propotional response. If it did it'd never end. Propotional repsonse would me everyone dies. Patten says it best... "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. " The Lebonese have allowed Hezzbollah to operate on their territory for years. They have allowed Hezzbollah to intigrate into their society and Hezzbollah has now started a war. What do they expect? They allow these terrorists to launch missles from their territory and reighn terror on a neighbor nation. I'm sorry but the Lebonese have reaped what they sowed. After a 20year occupation and at the bequeast of the same peace activits who are now clammoring for a sease fire the isreali's left Lebanon. Then the Lebonese rebuilt part of their country and let Hezzbollah rebuild the other part and actually elected them into their government. Let Isreal do what most in Lebanon won't or can't do. Destroy a terrorist orginization in their midst that they have let become more and more violent. Basically the peace argument is an argument for appeasement. Peace is better no matter the consequences. Let the enemy use our need for peace against us because peace is always better.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#21)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 03:49:34 PM EST
    More on the Katerina like US evacuation effort. They have come up with a one liner:
    Evacuation Is a Mouse-Click Away more than 23,000 -- are being told to sit tight as the Israeli bombing continues, wait by their phones for a call, and check the embassy Web site for more information. So says undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns: "We have an open line to all American citizens. We're in touch with them by Web site." Yes, Burns assured CNN, "[The evacuation is] very well thought out." Heckuva job, Condi?
    TPM It is not a joke, as there is no phone service or electricity in much of Beirut and Southern Lebanon.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#22)
    by jondee on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 04:13:10 PM EST
    Shorter Slado: If the U.S or any of it's allies kills you, you're not innocent. All you have to do to be guilty is to be in the wrong place. This is the stuff that totalitarianism is built on: complete and utter obeisance to any brutality in the interests of the state.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#23)
    by Al on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 05:01:16 PM EST
    Slado, Patton (not "Patten") was a very violent man, but he was not a genocidal maniac. He wasn't talking about killing German civilians, as you seem to be. He was talking about going into battle. By the way, you like Patton quotes? Here's another one, from Wikiquote:
    My men don't surrender. I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back.
    Somehow, I don't see Patton advocating attacking civilians if two of your soldiers have been captured.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#24)
    by Dadler on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 05:31:05 PM EST
    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#25)
    by roger on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 05:38:03 PM EST
    Dadler, This fits well with the theory that Iran is using Hezbollah to effect power projection in Iraq. This says less about Israel than about Hezbollah

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#26)
    by Slado on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 05:40:04 PM EST
    Last time I checked this was a blog and the teacher (TL) isn't checking for spelling mistakes. I'm an engineer and if you want to calculate heat loss through a cooling coil i'm your man. I don't write for a living so excuse the quick typing spelling error. I'd rather not blog if I have to proofread my text. If you're going to use spelling as a way to insult my intelligence then save it. Also I realise it's not as simple as bad vs. good but my argument is no less insane then the give peace a chance at any price argument some are making. This is tough buisness but simply calling a time out won't solve it. Isreal pulled out and Hezzbollah dug in. The "World" keeps sustaining this conflict because they don't want to deal with the reality of militant Islam or the reality that most Arabs want every Jew in Isreal gone or dead. They teach hate to their children and propetuate this conflict. They can't deal that they've been defeated everytime they fight Isreal and that Isreal isn't going away. Now their strategy is to play the victim and see what they can get away with while the world community apologizes for them and blames Isreal for propetuating the conflict. Also how many of the civilians are really civilians? If a terrorist is hiding weapons in your house are you a civilian? Al, please check for spelling errors.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#27)
    by dutchfox on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 05:54:47 PM EST
    soccerdad, Al, Squeaky and others who post here You might want to check out Robert Fisk on Democracy Now!'s programme today. I don't know how to do the link on this comment thingy (can anyone please give me a primer...thanks in advance) Anyway, Robert Fisk gives an eloquent discription of what's happening in Lebanon now (he has lived in Beirut for years):
    But it's a tragedy of immense proportions, because it's also tearing apart a country. In the last 24 hours we found the Israelis have turned to attacking a milk factory, Liban Lait -- it's actually the producers of milk I drink every morning in my tea -- a paper box factory, for heaven's sakes, hardly a terrorist target... The Israelis today even attacked the factory which imports Procter & Gamble goods here. We've had an ambulance convoy, a convoy of new ambulances from the United Emirates, cross from Syria into Lebanon, got attacked from the air. It's an all-out war against the economy infrastructure of a country that was at last beginning to look modern again, after the 15 years of civil war, which cost 150,000 lives. And it's very sad to see.
    I think the massacre of the innocents must obviously apply to both sides. The Israeli dead have an equal right to that claim. But the scale -- I mean, "disproportionate" is not the word for it -- the scale of the response is obscene.
    Anyway, it is important to remember that the Hezbollah crossed that border against all international law. No one gave them a referendum or a vote to cross the border and kill Israelis and capture two Israelis and start off this war. But, you see, they relied upon -- they totally relied upon the cruelty of Israel's response. And Israel, as usual, obliged them. So no one will now criticize the Hezbollah in Lebanon. But it's a catastrophe, because here is a country that began to believe in itself again after the years of civil war, and now it's the same old story. The country is being vandalized and smashed up by a country which says it believes in purity of arms. And these civilian deaths, I don't believe that they're by chance. I don't believe it was a mistake when they hit that army barracks of logistic soldiers, who are trying to repair their own country, which they have every right to do.
    I am not surprised that the MSM in this country is pro-Israel, but I'm very astounded that some of the so-called liberal blogs have side stepped this conflict. I realise that there are several important issues to discuss (elections, decreased civil and voter rights, the politics of crime and other things). That's why I'm thankful that TL has open threads like this one. I made a comment on FDL earlier today pleading shaming some of the commenters on that blog to focus themselves on the massacre in Lebanon and got shot down royally by the moderator. Yes, they've devoted some topics to the ME crisis, but IMO not enough. I mean, how much more can you say about what a twat Lieberman is? LOL Jay

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#28)
    by aw on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 06:07:01 PM EST
    War is good. War solves all problems for eternity. Get tough. It works. Can't you see that?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#29)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 06:27:05 PM EST
    Using Slado's logic all american citizens are guilty for AG and by extension all deserve to be punished. Like some said Slado is either an agitator or an idiot. Either way its a waste of bandwidth.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#30)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 06:32:56 PM EST
    No...speaking out against only Israel doing it while giving Hezbollah a pass gets you labeled as a terrorist supporter!
    As I stated earlier there is no disagreement about the other side. You must have been too busy thinking up your next well thought-out pile of horse **** to actually have read the whole post. Gee what a surprise

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#32)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 07:02:54 PM EST
    Thanks dutch fox, I will check out DO's FIsk interview. I try not to miss his reports. He, as far as I am concerned is one of the best. He cut his teeth in Lebanon in the early 80's, and if anyone knows the history of the area he does, as he has lived and reported much of it.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#33)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 07:09:31 PM EST
    Peaches writes:
    Their response is out of proportion because they have targeted civilians and the infrastructure necessary for a modern and civil society in Lebanon
    Of course they have. That's where the terrorist are hiding. How else do you propose they attack them? et al - Again. When involved in war you should use all force necessary to allow you to win. To do otherwise is silly. Al - Patton also said: I won't retreat. I don't like to pay for the same ground twice. (paraphrase) How many times do you Israel to pay for the same ground?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#34)
    by Al on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 07:24:52 PM EST
    The "World" keeps sustaining this conflict because they don't want to deal with the reality of militant Islam or the reality that most Arabs want every Jew in Isreal gone or dead. They teach hate to their children and propetuate this conflict. (Slado)
    They teach hate to their children? Funny you should say that. Here are two sweet Israeli girls putting their name on Howitzer shells destined for Lebanon. Who knows, those shells may kill some sweet Lebanese girls, who are about as guilty of supporting Hezbollah as these two are. And Slado, "propetuate" is not a word.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#35)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 07:33:04 PM EST
    ppj-your heart is black as coal. You will rot in h*ll.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#37)
    by Dadler on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 07:37:24 PM EST
    This is a tad off-topic, and would make a great thread on its own, but it goes to religious extremism in our own ranks, in our own society. There's an interesting series on Pat Tillman's death on ESPN'S website. And here is the most interesting, and disturbing quote, an exchange between the journalist and the Army officer who directed the first inquiry into Tillman's death. [Lt. Col. Ralph] Kauzlarich said he is confident the current probe will not result in criminal charges against the shooter or shooters. He said investigators would not still be examining the incident at all if it were not for Tillman's NFL celebrity -- he walked away from a multimillion-dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals when he enlisted -- and the pressure brought to bear by Tillman's family on a number of Washington politicos. "His parents continue to ask for it to be looked at," Kauzlarich said. "And that is really their prerogative. And if they have the right backing, the right powerful people in our government to continue to let it happen, then that is the case. "But there [have] been numerous unfortunate cases of fratricide, and the parents have basically said, 'OK, it was an unfortunate accident.' And they let it go. So this is -- I don't know, these people have a hard time letting it go. It may be because of their religious beliefs." In a transcript of his interview with Brig. Gen. Gary Jones during a November 2004 investigation, Kauzlarich said he'd learned Kevin Tillman, Pat's brother and fellow Army Ranger who was a part of the battle the night Pat Tillman died, objected to the presence of a chaplain and the saying of prayers during a repatriation ceremony in Germany before his brother's body was returned to the United States. Kauzlarich, now a battalion commanding officer at Fort Riley in Kansas, further suggested the Tillman family's unhappiness with the findings of past investigations might be because of the absence of a Christian faith in their lives. In an interview with ESPN.com, Kauzlarich said: "When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don't believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing, and now he is no more -- that is pretty hard to get your head around that. So I don't know how an atheist thinks. I can only imagine that that would be pretty tough." Asked by ESPN.com whether the Tillmans' religious beliefs are a factor in the ongoing investigation, Kauzlarich said, "I think so. There is not a whole lot of trust in the system or faith in the system [by the Tillmans]. So that is my personal opinion, knowing what I know." Asked what might finally placate the family, Kauzlarich said, "You know what? I don't think anything will make them happy, quite honestly. I don't know. Maybe they want to see somebody's head on a platter. But will that really make them happy? No, because they can't bring their son back." I had to read this twice to really comprehend that he was saying what he was. After thinking the obivous -- what a clueless, ignorant pr*ck -- I thought, well, at least he's honest. But his honesty reveals a childlike lack of insight into both loss and the mystery of existence. And more than a tad classless and stupid in putting this out there in public.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#38)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 08:00:24 PM EST
    Whatever chance there may have been for peace is gone now. We have to be realistic. The next generation of Muslims will despise us and everything we stand for. No capital or city will be safe. The US and Israel are sowing dragon's teeth throughout the Middle East and their bloody harvest will come in the decades ahead. Cheney was right, this war could last 50 years and not end in our lifetime. Lebanon was the last straw. It proves that everything Bin Laden said was true: "They have come to take your land and your resources; they have come to shame your women and disgrace your culture; they have come to humiliate you in front of your children and heap ignominy on your religion." Where was he wrong? Author and writer Pepe Escobar said it best: "The effect of the Israeli bombing barrage will be to draw newer, thicker waves of moderate Muslims toward political-and radical-Islam. The perception in the Arab street- as well as for most of the world's 1.4 billion Muslims-has been reinforced: the U.S./Israel axis seems to hold a license to kill Arabs with impunity." (Pepe Escobar, "Leviathan Run Amok" Asia Times)

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#39)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 08:03:24 PM EST
    But what is at stake here is not proportionality or the issue of self-defence, but symmetry and equivalence. Israel is staking a claim to the exclusive use of force as an instrument of policy and punishment, and is seeking to deny any opposing state or non-state actor a similar right. It is also largely succeeding in portraying its own "right to self-defence" as beyond question, while denying anyone else the same. And the international community is effectively endorsing Israel's stance on both counts. From an Arab point of view this cannot be right. There is no reason in the world why Israel should be able to enter Arab sovereign soil to occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its perceived foes - repeatedly, with impunity and without restraint - while the Arab side cannot do the same. And if the Arab states are unable or unwilling to do so then the job should fall to those who can.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#40)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 08:54:44 PM EST
    Thanks again for the tip dutch fox. Fisk at the top of his game. Very informative from one of the most seasoned guys around. Worth a viddy

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#41)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 09:01:25 PM EST
    Al - Actually they have been very restrained. They have had nukes for years and haven't used them. They have tried the diplomatic route and you can see where that has gotten them. Can they win? Only when they kill enough of those who attack them. Squeaky - Nice comment. Let's take a look at what you want. You must want the Moslem terrorists to win. I base that on your criticism of Israel's hitting back harder than what you think they should. Let us face it. In a war of attrition Israel cannot win, yet that is what you call for when you piss and moan about "proportionate." i.e. In an equal killing war there are less Jews to start. There can be no "cease fire." What you have is a "pause fire" while the terrorists get more weapons. Israel withdrew in 2000, and the terrorists moved right in. What I really think about you is this. Your hatred of Bush has blinded you into becoming anti-US. Like the "Man Without A Country" I think you make statements that, deep in your heart, you do not mean, or believe. As to how you got here, I cannot say. Even if you were a Gore partisan deluxe, and even if you were convinced beyond any doubt that the SC stole the election for Bush, your bile and mean comments are unbelievable. Why? Because the very worst situation is that Bush would be around for 8 years. Did you really think the republic couldn't withstand 8 years of W? What an insult to our system your attitude is. Your smears and nasties to me are forgiven as I read them. I hack back mostly to try and keep my wits sharp. But your lack of faith in our country is sad, and says so much about you that I truly feel for you. How miserable you must be.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#42)
    by Lww on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 09:40:47 PM EST
    I love the Valerie Plame thread on top: Like talking about the weather while a tornado is bearing down. It is too funny. I have no great love for Israel. I'm not Jewish. They basically stole the land through terrorism and sneak attack,they've had numerous PMs who were hit-men, coldblooded killers. They've shown through the USS liberty, Jonathan Pollard,trading arms with our enemies, the current Aipac scandal that they could give a rats ass about America. As far as this "provocation?" Remember in late August 1939 when the Nazis and the Soviets made their non-aggression pact? Within a few weeks the Germans had their provocation and invaded Poland. Bogus. You think Israel came up with all the precision targets in Lebanon in a matter of hours after the soldiers were kidnapped? Bogus.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#43)
    by Lww on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 09:44:12 PM EST
    I forgot Operation Suzannah....

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#44)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:07:29 PM EST
    Yes, a heart of coal. Hatred so distilled that you don't even feel it. You smack your lips in pure delight at civilian casualties if they are Muslim but it is immoral, in your book, for anyone to even discuss the death of an Ex-Bush aide in any other terms than the utmost in sanctimony.
    To politicize what is beyond doubt a personal family tragedy is despicable. You should be ashamed of your actions.
    But in this case all you do is politicize. There are hundreds of personal family tragedies in Southern Lebanon. Not only are you smiling about each one of those, you are cheering for more death. That'll teach em. What a tough guy you are.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#45)
    by dutchfox on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:09:37 PM EST
    Cheers, Squeaky.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#47)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:31:55 PM EST
    Oh, and you want to bring up nationalism? Well, nationalism has been one of the favorite conceits of many "patriots" who applauded their nation on while it commiitted atrocities in their name. So don't lecture me on nationalism or question my love for America. It is the love that makes me shrink back in horror at what our leaders are doing in my name.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#48)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:43:17 PM EST
    When in doubt beat up the weak child in the schoolyard and that's what Israel is doing illegally and immorally against the Lebanese with our tax funded weapons including the recent shipment of bunker buster bombs they received from America. Coindidence? Israel doesn't have the balls to go after Syria or Iran who are really behind this. And to Ken Mehlman: Nous somme tous Libanais.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#49)
    by Al on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:51:39 PM EST
    Actually they have been very restrained. They have had nukes for years and haven't used them.
    Oh yes, that's admirable. Specially because nuclear weapons are a proven deterrent against guerrillas. It's a wonder the Israeli military have been so restrained.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#50)
    by squeaky on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 10:55:54 PM EST
    No ppj, I am not for any deaths. Period. You and your pals are doing everything possible to insure war as a perpetual state. They have already coined it the Long War. Your bedwetter brigade is having wet dreams over the hope of preemptive attacks. Tried and true fascism 101. Fear is the essential ingredient that keeps the machine running. And you have plenty of that Mr. Chicken Little. The neocons see great advantage in war and terrible liabilities with peace. War is our foreign policy and will continue on to be our main export. And ppj couldn't be happier at the prospect of winning someday. A carrot on a stick that perpetually stays the same distance from his nose.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#46)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 11:01:26 PM EST
    Squeaky You are the guy calling for the Jews and the Moslems to kill each other in equal mumbers. Are you in capable of understanding that what you are doing is for millions of Jews to be killed, because what will happen is that, if Israel doesn't use technology, they will be over ran? Know what Squeaky? I think that suits you just fine because Israel is an allie of the US.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#51)
    by dutchfox on Wed Jul 19, 2006 at 11:12:47 PM EST
    never get this Israel backing all the time. When are our governments going to realise it's the most corrupt country in the Middle East. For a start it shouldn't even exist. How can you take land from one country to make another, taking land from a once-majority Arab population, and handing it over to the Jews to make a Jewish state? In 1922, there was only 11% Jews in the area. Due to poor control by our own country, a load of Jews flocked there after World War I, and especially after WWII. Now you can understand the idea of creating a Jewish state after WWII, but not in a predominantly Muslim area, particularly as, according to one Muslim lad I spoke to, it is in their beliefs that god said there should never be an Jewish state again. Now I don't know the background on that, nor am I religious, but there's obviously going to be tension if you take away land from some people, and hand it over to someone else. Now, I'm sure my views aren't shared entirely there... ...but then there's other things. Everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons, but they shouldn't have them in the same way Iran and North Korea shouldn't, but that's hardly ever publicised. You don't see the powerful nations turning on Israel... no. And the way they are dealing with Lebanon shows that they are not a country to be trusted with nuclear weapons. They illegally occupy parts of Syria (the Golan Heights?), southern Lebanon, and are responsible for causing the disruption to the Palestinians who just want their own state. They have 2 soldiers captured, and so they feel it necessary to kill over 240 people so far, cause international chaos by the disruption and inconvenience of having to evacuate people and also cause disruption to the G8 conference. Instead of focusing on poverty and helping the Third World, the nations now have to concentrate on the Middle East yet again. Now I don't pretend to know anything about the situation. This is just how I view it.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#52)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 03:56:35 AM EST
    "For a start, it (Israel) shouldnt exist" Thanks for summing up your position so well.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#53)
    by Aaron on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 05:00:53 AM EST
    Squeaky Please don't bring that stuff up again, you're just going to get me in trouble by my reminding the powers that be of that unfortunate and confusing incident. Over the last few days an entire team of dedicated legal professionals have been working hard behind the scenes to quash the anger and straighten out the misunderstanding that those inflammatory comments kindled. I'm currently on probation while the lawyers haggle over the details of a fair and amicable settlement in the matter. :) So please, I implore you, let it lay. Not to give it all away, but on my side of the deal I think I've at least secured unlimited pro bono legal representation from the talkleft team, following my impending arrest and incarceration for as yet unnamed charges. I thank them for their generosity. Chalk one up for me.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#54)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 05:23:11 AM EST
    LWW writes:
    You think Israel came up with all the precision targets in Lebanon in a matter of hours after the soldiers were kidnapped? Bogus.
    Uh LWW, do you not understand that Israel has intelligence operations going on at all times that tries to tell them which buildings house terrorists, where missles are stored, etc.? Al - Israel has been attacked time and again by nation states. Currently the terrorists are sponsored by nation states.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#55)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 05:54:13 AM EST
    Jim, LWW just hates jews. There is no rational discussion to be had with him. Sadly, many others here who are normally so intelligent, and informed, seem to either be anti-semetic, or enamored of having a contrarian view of the middle east. I have personally dealt with members of Islamic Jihad. They want us dead, as much as they want the Israelis dead. They consider many leftists here to be useful idiots.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#56)
    by kdog on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 06:20:03 AM EST
    Lets be clear about something. The Lebonese citizens are not innocent
    Slado...you sound like Ward Churchill.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#57)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 06:28:32 AM EST
    The latest from Paul Rogers, of the Oxford Research Group.
    ... Whatever the full motivations of Hamas, and whether Syria and Iran are indirectly involved, the reality is that what is happening in Lebanon is beginning to evolve into a proxy war between the United States and Iran. ...
    The IDF now claims to have demolished up to half of Hizbollah's paramilitary capabilities (which include a stockpile of perhaps 12,000 rockets). That is largely propaganda for domestic consumption and hardly meshes with Hizbollah's continuing ability to launch numerous missiles each day, amounting to nearly a thousand in the past week alone. Moreover, the group is proving itself capable of doing this in an operational environment where the Israelis have total air control, can use satellite and drone reconnaissance to observe southern Lebanon in detail, and can send in squads of special forces on lightning raids when required.
    At a time like this, reports of the daily casualties, refugee flows and evacuations dominating the western news media tend to convey an underlying assumption that this is a dangerous crisis that will die down within a week or two. The very intensity of coverage implies that the dust will settle and things will return to a kind of normality. This is nonsense. What is happening is the escalation of a conflict that adds a further major war zone to Iraq and Afghanistan, with regional if not global consequences that will be felt for years to come.
    In other words the Israeli assault, besides being criminal and immeasurably perilous, is also futile. (And, yes, Hizbolla is also beneath contempt.)

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#58)
    by Slado on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:04:01 AM EST
    When discussing this conflict ask yourself a simple questions. If the terrorists put down their arms tomorrow would Isreal continue to attack them? If Isreal put down their arms tomorrow would the terrorists continue to attack them? You know the answer. Those who plead for peace are willing to except that Isreal must accept terrorism because the terrorists don't want them to exist. If a party has ridiculous demands (mainly your destruction) how can you deal with them normally.? Isreal is not the instigator in this conflict. As for the Lebonese they are in a tough spot I admit but they are not innocent. They know what Hezzbollah is all about and they won't/can't deal with them and in some cases have elected them to government. As for comment that US citizens are repsonsible for Iraq of course we are. It's our army isn't it? And if Saddam was capable of bombing NYC in retaliation for being invaded he would have been justified. So would the Taliban. What's that got to do with anything? Hey TL I know I'm a troll but why do my buddies Squeaky and Soccerdad get to call me names?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#59)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:18:48 AM EST
    As for the Lebanese they are in a tough spot I admit but they are not innocent. Well, then, that explains everything, doesn't it? Let those frigging brown-skined people pay for their high crimes and misdemeanors. From an OpEd in today's LA Times:
    In a week of vindictive bombardment, Israel has destroyed the infrastructure that Lebanon spent a decade building. Under the cover of misleading headlines, such as one that read "Israel Pounds Hezbollah Strongholds," Israel has in fact bombed towns and villages, provincial centers and Beirut.
    Israel has killed Christians, Sunnis and Shiites, old and young, men and women, from the great Phoenician cities of Sidon and Tyre to more humble towns -- Chtoura and Juniyah, Damour and Naame, Jiye and Baalbek, Khiam and Batrun.
    It has wrecked roads, bridges, a lighthouse, ports, tunnels, electrical pylons, water mains, fuel depots, gas stations, power plants, houses, shops, schools - and even a milk factory. It has repeatedly blasted the international airport that was the symbol of Lebanon's rebirth from 15 years of war.
    Where, when or if Lebanon will ever get the funding to rebuild what Israel has smashed remain open questions. When Israel finally relents, it will leave Lebanon without a functioning infrastructure - and the lives of nearly 4 million people altered beyond recognition.
    That, of course, is explicitly the point of this outrage. Israel's army chief bragged that he would set Lebanon back "20 years." That is what is happening - as a silent world watches.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#60)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:28:01 AM EST
    Theologicus, That, of course, is explicitly the point of this outrage. Israel's army chief bragged that he would set Lebanon back "20 years." That is what is happening - as a silent world watches. According to plan. Bomb them back to the stone age every 15 years or so to maintain that buffer zone,

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#61)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:34:53 AM EST
    Yes, apparently they plan to occupy southern Lebanon and turn it into a "buffer zone." One can only imagine how well that will work.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#62)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:40:11 AM EST
    Posted by JimakaPPJ July 19, 2006 08:09 PM
    Peaches writes: Their response is out of proportion because they have targeted civilians and the infrastructure necessary for a modern and civil society in Lebanon Of course they have. That's where the terrorist are hiding. How else do you propose they attack them?
    Of course they have. That's where the terrorist are hiding. How else do you propose they attack them?
    Jim, Believe it or not, this is why I appreciate you. You don't beat around the Bush. Although your opinion is in direct oppisition to my own-you don't insult either. It has been my experience that you don't get personal or start demeaning your interlocutors until your have been personally attacked yourself. Now, bb, on the other hand... So, I appreciate you stating your views honestly, because many share your same views. But mostly, because I can't stand that bs that Israel is only killing civilains by accident. That Israel would not have to kill civilains if Hezbellah did not hide amongst them. You believe some of this and you do blame Hezbelloh for starting this (and you are right), but for you a war means you must win at all costs and civilain casualties are a necessary part of winning the war. At best, you can only try to lessen the amount killed, but not to the extent that it may cost you to lose the war. I abhor this thinking, but I respect you and concede your opinion. I think you are wrong, but I also think I understand why you may believe you are right. I also understand that you will never be dissuaded from your view as I will never be disuadeed from mine. Where does this leave us? With democracy, of course. I believe the more people that hear your opinion clearly, the greater chance we will have for peace. I don't believe most people in America share your views. I admit, it is only intuition and recent elections have given you the false belief that war is the only answer for the anti-American and anti-Israeli views currently found in the world. I hold out the belief that future elections will prove you wrong.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#63)
    by jondee on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:14:12 AM EST
    Roger - Im wondering if you believe that collective anti-semitism is behind the demand on the part of 98% of the international community that Israel return to it's per 1967 borders? And Im also wondering if you've ever "dealt" with Gush Eminem, or any of the Kahanists?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#64)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:17:30 AM EST
    For the sake of argument, let's say that our Israel policy is wrong and we are backing an overly aggresive state. In that case where would the fault lie? I have heard references to the Israel lobby, but I know little of where their power lies. Is it just campaign contributions? Is it the Jewish vote? I know many of you are Jewish and don't support Israel very much. I personally tend to support Israel, because I view Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorists, but we have been through that before.Please enlighten me.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#65)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:33:01 AM EST
    Jondee, I have little desire to deal with followers of Kahane, they are about the same as Hamas. A return to the 1967 borders would be great, as long as areas like the Golan Heights arent used for artillery attacks. And in a concession to LWW, the USS Liberty attack was inexcusable.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#66)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:38:19 AM EST
    Granola: Here's a recent interivew in which Profs. Walt and Mearsheimer respond to the backlash over their controversial paper on the Israel Lobby. Mother Jones INTERVIEW Here's the original article: The Israel Lobby John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt John Mearsheimer is the Wendell Harrison Professor of Political Science at Chicago, and the author of The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. Stephen Walt is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. His most recent book is Taming American Power: The Global Response to US Primacy.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#67)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:50:42 AM EST
    Thanks Theo, that is exactly what I was looking for. I will read it tonight.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#68)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:54:03 AM EST
    Theo, Go to your MJ link and click on "Yes, it's anti-semetic". Also, the interview that you cite makes it clear that the authors came to their conclusion before doing any research. Quite professional!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#69)
    by squeaky on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:21:14 AM EST
    Roger, calling those who disagree with your militant position anti-semitic is cowardly and typical bully behavior. You should be ashamed of yourself for stooping to such obvious low life tactics. The same bully tactics have been used to cower people into colluding with genocidal maniacs. Don't you remember. Isn't the line "We will never forget"? Or is this akin to the Libby defense of memory loss by displacement ?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#70)
    by peacrevol on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:28:33 AM EST
    But mostly, because I can't stand that bs that Israel is only killing civilains by accident. That Israel would not have to kill civilains if Hezbellah did not hide amongst them.
    but for you a war means you must win at all costs and civilain casualties are a necessary part of winning the war.
    i dont understand this thinking. hezb's war strategy is to get as close to civilian populations as possible for two reasons: a. so that israel wont attack them using large weapons or b. if israel does attack them, they can use that as propoganda to gain support. so...if israel doesnt attack them all together, then hezb can continue to attack israeli citizens at random. not an option. ok so israel can go door to door looking for them (that's what we did in iraq mostly). interesting tactic but incredibly hard to execute without giving up a lot of casualties to your own military (ie mogadishu, somalia the setting of the true blackhawk down story). and even if israel does go door to door, civilian casualties are still inevitable. it's terrible that civilians are killed, but it is the nature of war. that's why wars should only be faught as last result. if anyone is to blame for civilian casualties in lebanon, it is hezb. (unless you feel that israel should not be there in the first place) if israel does not go after hezb in civilian areas with all the force they can muster, they run a risk of losing the fight and having to face terrorism or possibly even worse terrorist ruled government.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#71)
    by jondee on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:31:47 AM EST
    Most of the backlash responce to that paper still relys primarily on the any-discussion sabotaging charge/threat of anti-semitism. The substitution of the smear as the first line of criticism, over and against an attempted objective, point-by-point refutation, says as much about the pre-arrived-at conclusions of the critics as it does about the authors.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#72)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:32:49 AM EST
    Go to your MJ link and click on "Yes, it's Anti-Semitic". I don't need to click on it, since I've already read it. Quite professional! With such a profound grasp of scholarly standards, you can undoubtedly look forward to a sterling academic career. Not that it would matter to you, but there are of course Jews, both in this country and in Israel, who (on the whole) agree with Walt and Mearsheimer.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#73)
    by Slado on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:40:42 AM EST
    Peacevol your barking up the wrong tree. The peace activists want peace or what they call peace at any cost. They hold Isreal to an impossible standard and while they say terrorism is bad they don't want them to do anything about it because only civilians not in Isreal matter in the counting of death. Because Iseal is a democracy they should learn to accept the death of their civilians because trying to stop it will mean non-Isreali civilians will die and that is unnacceptable. Just negotiate with Islamic radicals who want you dead. If you really try they'll listen to you. They don't question the World communities dealings with Iran and Syria, they don't question the innaffectiveness of negotiations or the UN. No these facts don't come into play. Isreal is the problem and isreal must stop. Its laughable yes but its their opinion.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#74)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:53:26 AM EST
    PEace, You can only look at this as a military operation. You have a belief that there is an end result--victory, in sight for Israel. But this was a very calculated attack by Hezbellah, and Iran and Syria were probably involved. They knew how Israel would respond and they knew that politically they would Hezbellah has a good chance at coming out on top as well as Iran and syria. Israel (as the US was on 9/11) was victimized by an unprovoked attack by Hezbellah. Pressure by Lebenon, Europe, the US and other Western Nations could have been brought against Hezbellah, Syria, and Iran for this violation of international law. Israel could have also responded with limited attacks as well as negotiations with Hezbellah for the release of their soldiers, while the rest of the world condemned and took measures to punish Hezbellah (and syria and Iran if connections could be established) for this crime. Instead, the world is divided between the US and Israel against everyone else. Muslems are outraged and see themselves as victims of Western aggression. Everyone forgets that Israel was victim because they are now the agrressors and are unjustly punishing a whole country for the actions of a militant wing supported by Syria and Iran operating within its borders.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#75)
    by jondee on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:55:59 AM EST
    I dont think Roger is militant. But, when reflecting on a situation in which militants have seemingly always held far too much sway on all sides, going back 2000+ years, it's very hard not to sometimes come across that way.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#76)
    by Al on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:59:27 AM EST
    PPJ, when you say that Israel has shown restraint in not using nuclear weapons, and that it's been attacked by nation states, are we to conclude that what you're saying is that Israel should use nuclear weapons against Lebanon? Or maybe Iran, or Syria? Is this what you're proposing? And don't tell me that it would be out of the question, because if it were, that wouldn't be restraint then.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#77)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 10:26:41 AM EST
    Peaches writes:
    Pressure by Lebenon, Europe, the US and other Western Nations could have been brought against Hezbellah, Syria, and Iran for this violation of international law.
    And I could win the lottery. On a more exact point, where have these people been for the last 6 years while Hezbellah took over Southern Lebanon? Al - You inability to understand a stated fact about a third party is astonishing. If you like trap questions: Do you still beat your wife?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#78)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:00:26 AM EST
    On a more exact point, where have these people been for the last 6 years while Hezbellah took over Southern Lebanon?
    Well, it is a little more complicated than you presume. But, I think you realize that. Lebenon was rebuilding its country and establishing a democracy after many years of civil war and after Israeel left in 2000. Hezebellah was a military faction left over from the days preceding and their power in Lebenon was being threatened when the democratic government forced Syria to leave. One of the reasons for Hezbellah's attack on Israel precipitating this. Now, the democratic and peaceful people are being punished for driving out Syria, b/c this would have never happened if Syria was still there.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#79)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:04:08 AM EST
    PPJ,Slado, BB How about being neither an American, a democrat nor a republican for a second?How about being a European, a Lebanese, an Iraqi or a Chinese? To sum up how about being open minded? You are okaying the cold blood murder of the Lebanese civilians just because you are buying the excuse for the two israeli soldiers? What if all the nations having their nationals held in Gitmo without excuse start bombing the s*** out of your house just because it happened you chose to live near a police station? It seems the same to me. Would you have the same point of view if the Cold War was still on? At least then there was an equilibrium. But hold your horses cause China is watching very carefully.Deterence remeber? Everybody loses so quit fooling around. It is not allways about taking sides. Sometimes you should just stay moral,human as a person.Especially when you have children of your own that tomorrow could be blown to pieces or be drafted in order to blow up other kids in an insane war. Oh, they will be heroes both of them i assure you.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#80)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:04:41 AM EST
    John Bolton (US Ambassador to the UN) speaking live on CNN repeats the US position on Hezbollah and what has to be done first to get a cease fire (Hezbollah's returning the 2 abducted Israeli soldiers to Israel, disarming of Hezbollah, etc.). "Nothing new" CNN concludes. Reuters reported 2 hours ago on GWB's renominating Bolton to continue as US ambassador to the UN. Note these comments:
    Ohio Republican Sen. George Voinovich, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who opposed Bolton's nomination a year ago, said on Thursday he would now support him for the job. "My observations are that while Bolton is not perfect, he has demonstrated his ability, especially in recent months, to work with others and follow the president's lead by working multilaterally," Voinovich said at a news conference. "Should the president choose to renominate him, I cannot imagine a worse message to send to the terrorists -- and to other nations deciding whether to engage in this effort -- than to drag out a possible renomination process or even replace the person our president has entrusted to lead our nation at the United Nations," Voinovich said.
    According to the CNN news update right before this news conference, the US is still blocking the possibility of the UN Security Council's officially calling for a cease fire in this conflict. Would a different US ambassador to the UN (preferably under a Democratic--and a democratically-elected--president!) lead to a different outcome in this matter? Would there be more effective diplomatic efforts to achieve a cease-fire more quickly during this conflict, to enable Israel, Lebanon and other countries to enforce UN Resolution 1559, and thus to be more effective in the "War on Terror?" Let's not forget who our current US ambassador to the UN is and the reasons why so many people opposed his confirmation in the first place. Talk about "chickens [hawks] coming home to roost!"

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#81)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:24:51 AM EST
    Here's the Washington Post transcript (in progress) of Kofi Annan's address on the Middle East and a variety of the news reports on it (various takes). The report in the Irish Examiner quotes Bolton's comments from the CNN news conference mentioned in my previous post.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#82)
    by peacrevol on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:32:19 AM EST
    Pressure by Lebenon, Europe, the US and other Western Nations could have been brought against Hezbellah, Syria, and Iran for this violation of international law.
    maybe so...and as i have always said, war should always be the last result. but realisticly, what "pressure" could have been effective? hezb, iran, syria all know that we've got too many irons in the fire as it is. Lobonese pressure? riiiiiiight. it may have worked though, and perhaps they should have tried it before busting heads. but the fact of the matter is that hezbollahan militants are trying to hide behind their own civilians and try to make the rest of the world feel sorry enough for the lebonese civilians that they would side with hezb. i refuse to side w/ them on this issue b/c it's like sticking your head in a lion's mouth. they provoked retaliation and they got it. as to the fact of whether israel should have attacked, i dont like to try to answer those kinds of questions b/c in my former line of work, we just followed orders and it didnt matter what we thought. so that made it hard for us to ask ourselves if we were fighting the good fight. for that reason, i still dont like to get into that discussion.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#83)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:37:02 AM EST
    Et al... Just a quick comment: Over the last 40 years or so, just about every major country in the world has suffered some sort of "Islamic" terrorist attack .... It has become very apparent to most people in the world that there is currently an assault on civilization by the radical arm of Islam. Their aim is to control the world and kill anyone who is not with them. They can't (won't) be reckoned with or appeased in any way. The time has come for the rest of the civilized world to respond to this threat and rid the earth of this vermin once and for all... A basic understanding of these facts is required before any sort of conversations about this subject have any meaning.... Peaches.... Squeaky is right. You are obviously here either to agitate and provoke. This is a lefty blog. I am here to learn how the other half thinks and provide opinions from my side... period. I don't call anybody a troll or use snide remarks unless they are used on me first. I have asked several people here (including you and squeaky) questions that go unanswered.... (I know it's easier to call me a troll and move on) which says a lot about many on here. If you don't want to debate anything...just say so and spare me your attempts at humor or name calling. Thanks.... Having said that...I will respond to your comments.. Their response is out of proportion because they have targeted civilians and the infrastructure necessary for a modern and civil society in Lebanon It's not your call to say what the proportion is or should be. You're not the one being shot at..... (Still waiting for what you think the response should be) Also....they are targeting infrastructure in an attempt to cripple Hezbollah from being supplied (re-armed) so they don't have to go through this again in another 5 years. IF they are showing restraint then defend them on this basis I believe there are showing great restraint. Considering the pounding that they are giving... somewhere around 300 (the last I heard) casualties is actually very impressive. None of us (despite what you'd all like to believe about us "war mongering" people that lean to the right) want to see innocent people die. But as long as these poor excuses for human beings continue to hide among civilians...in mosques ....and put their weapons in civilian areas, this will continue. Instead of an outcry from the world about how terrible Israel (or the USA) is.... Just imagine what could be done if the rest of the world came down hard on the atrocities these terrorists are committing everywhere around the world. Like I said...it's time for the civilized world to rise up and stop this once & for all! Unfortunately... a cease fire (that will be broken by them as sure as all the ones in the past have) is totally useless and just gives them time to regroup & rearm. When will the rest of the world wake up? I fear it won't be till after nuclear weapons fly...then it's too late!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#84)
    by peacrevol on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 11:40:54 AM EST
    What if all the nations having their nationals held in Gitmo without excuse start bombing the s*** out of your house just because it happened you chose to live near a police station?
    to me it's not the same scenario b/c hezb put its weapons caches and intellegence and so on and so forth amongst the civilan population. a more similar scenario is if we were to put the prisoners of gitmo (for lack of a better term) and the intellegence files on them and some military bases in downtown houston and downtown new york and l.a. and so on. i dont mean that to sound as if the civilians are necessarily at fault for hezb actions or that it even justifies bombing the locations. but to me, it makes it impossible to be sympathetic towards hezb nor does it cause me to condemn israel.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#85)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:12:44 PM EST
    According to CNN, "the US [e.g., John Bolton] has called Kofi Annan's call for a cease fire 'simplistic.'" The needs of "Saab" who says "his wife &children [US citizens visiting family] are trapped in a village in Southern Lebanon . . . holed up with 50 other Americans." Since last Thurs., he's made scores phone calls from America to the State Dept. and US Embassy and has had no response or help. He's lost contact with them by phone, he says "I don't know what to do" for his family, including his "infant son" (who needs formula) and the 50 other Americans stranded in that village, crying for help. If it weren't for CNN, he and they might all die, if they are not already dead. Perhaps, as with the Katrina story, broadcast media like CNN can help bring help to these people. Kofi Annan's call for a cease fire is hardly "simplistic": it is call based on a concern for "simple" human needs in such a matter of conscience. America: "Do the right thing." British citizen Terry Waite talking on CNN about his own experience as a hostage of Hezbollah in Beirut (in solitary confinement for four years) with his perspective on how "heartbreaking" it is to see the government of Lebanon currently being "smashed." (Ironically, he had been there to help get other hostages released; for three years he tapped on a wall in Morse code without a response and got his news from other taps on the wall separating him from other hostages.) His viewpoint: "The killing of so many innocent people in this so-called collective punishing will not do anything" to improve the situation in the Middle East or build the basis for "trust that is necessary" to resolve these conflicts and he argues that what is going on now will result in more recruits for Hezbollah (as many people have been observing). He points out that the only force to end this impasse is currently the United States, which is blocking the attempts of "honest brokers" for peace such as, he says, referring to himself, "myself." In his view, the current US position (see Bolton above) is extremely short-sighted, evidence of what he calls "great . . . foolishness," one might argue, in turn, "simplistic." Although CNN reports that "diplomats are not throwing in the towel," it also reports that Condoleeza Rice is not traveling to the Middle East until next week. In the interim between now and then--even if her visit does result in cessation of hostilities, which is highly doubtful--without a cease fire, how many innocent men, women, and children will die and be wounded in the Middle East, and how much greater will be the currently-growing "humanitarian crisis?" The international relief efforts and related resources will be drained from other areas also desperately in need of such help, e.g., the Sudan and Indonesia. This crisis is man-made, unlike the famines and Tsunamis. Shame on us (US citizens, other international citizens) for allowing it to continue for even one more day. We are not as powerless as we ordinarily think. Remember the pressure that was brought to bear on the US Congress when we all saw the New Orleans convention center debacle on CNN and MSNBC and called our senators and representatives in a public outcry. Within a half hour, we started to make a difference. We should not underestimate the impact of massive domestic and international public pressure on our governments and government policies.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#86)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:20:56 PM EST
    as to the fact of whether israel should have attacked, i dont like to try to answer those kinds of questions b/c in my former line of work, we just followed orders and it didnt matter what we thought. so that made it hard for us to ask ourselves if we were fighting the good fight. for that reason, i still dont like to get into that discussion
    . Peace, I presume you are now part of the civilain population. It is time to start asking those tough questions. You are no longer required to follow orders or beat to the drum of war. Inform yourself on the history of Lebanon and the role of Hezbellah. Then make your own conclusions. Last add, I am not faulting the Israeli soldier for civilain deaths. Neither do I fault American soldiers for civialin deaths in Iraq. Sodiers follow orders. Soldiers do what they can to stay alive. Soldiers in combat are faced with some of the most horrifying conditions we can possibly imagine. So, I agree, war is always a last resort. But, we (meaning us in the civilain world) must be vigilant in making sure politicians and military leaders always use war as a last resort and exhaust all means of diplomatic solutions.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#87)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:33:05 PM EST
    Jondee, Thank you. I am really not militant, I just think that some here are trying for completely non-nuanced responses to a complex issue. You can look to KDog as someone who (I think) has it about right (as usual). Sqeaky, I didnt title the op-ed, the Wash Post did. I quoted the title, because that's where the link is. Theo, When you reach the conclusion before you do the research, the conclusions are in doubt. Instead of insulting me (I didnt write the op-ed!), why dont you explain why double blind studies are the norm in research. Then you can explain why reaching the conclusion first is such a good idea.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#89)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:46:52 PM EST
    I just called Senators Clinton and Schumer to express my point of view as their constituent. (I did the same thing within minutes of seeing the images from the Convention Center on CNN in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.) I believe that this situation requires such action by ordinary citizens of this country (and the rest of the world). I urge others who feel strongly about this matter to call their senators and representatives (and, for those abroad, government counterparts in other nations) to express their points of view to bring pressure on law makers and government officials in the hopes of attaining an immediate cease fire to reduce this growing humanitarian crisis. This call for action on attaining a cease fire in this region cannot be put off to "another day." Innocent people are losing their lives or being maimed for lives, and the lives of their families are being ruined. This dwarfs 9-11. Have a heart. Pick up a telephone, fax, and e-mail. Don't wait for organizations to send us petitions. By then, it will be too late. Make your voices heard. Thank you.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#90)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:47:20 PM EST
    why dont you explain why double blind studies are the norm in research. Then you can explain why reaching the conclusion first is such a good idea.
    Roger, Perhaps in a perfect world, but double blind studies are not possible in many circumstance in the humanities. In economics, sociology, and perhaps even psychology I would be willing to wager that most researchers go into a study with preconcieved notions about how the study should turn out. In fact this is true for almost any field. This does not necessarily harm the results of the study as long as the results are reported accurately. I just glanced at the study, but I believe there were criticism about how the study was conducted and interpretations of results. It would be best to focus on these criticisms and then question the authors motivations after being satisfied that the actual study was invalid. Not the other way around by assuming the study is invalid because the authors may be biased.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#91)
    by theologicus on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:53:01 PM EST
    . . . explain why reaching the conclusion first is such a good idea. I'm sorry. Go and learn what this means: petitio principii

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#92)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    Peaches... It has been my experience that you don't get personal or start demeaning your interlocutors until your have been personally attacked yourself. Now, bb, on the other hand... I'm crushed... I've always tried to be nice to you. And, I am basically saying the same thing PPJ is! What's up with that? Alex.... You are okaying the cold blood murder of the Lebanese civilians just because you are buying the excuse for the two israeli soldiers? No.... first of all...I don't see it as "cold blooded murder" ... I see it as one country trying to defend themselves.... while the other hides behind civilians in order to get people like you to side with them...which you are doing. What if all the nations having their nationals held in Gitmo without excuse start bombing the s*** out of your house just because it happened you chose to live near a police station? Not sure I'm following the "logic" here???? The captured soldiers are an issue... but the main reason for Isreal's response is the fact that Hezbollah has been shooting missles into Israel for several weeks now. You do understand that don't you? Would you have the same point of view if the Cold War was still on? Again...you are losing me here? What does that have to do with it? Please elaborate. Everybody loses so quit fooling around. Yes...something the world should be telling Hezbollah! It is not allways about taking sides. Then what is it? I think it's about leaving people alone and letting them live in peace. Another message that Hezbollah ..and the rest of the radical Muslim world isn't getting. So, the rest of us might have to "press" that issue with them...yes? Susan H M... Would a different US ambassador to the UN (preferably under a Democratic--and a democratically-elected--president!) lead to a different outcome in this matter? No.... if you think things would be better under Al Gore... (who legally lost)..you're dreaming! Would there be more effective diplomatic efforts to achieve a cease-fire more quickly during this conflict, to enable Israel, Lebanon and other countries to enforce UN Resolution 1559, and thus to be more effective in the "War on Terror?" Susan.... Cease fire? Really? C'mon... what makes you think Hezbollah (who wants both Israel & the US to go away) will ever stop shooting???? And as far as UN 1559 is concerned... they'll keep thumbing their noses at it... What on earth makes you think they will change their spots now? Be real ....!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#93)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 01:05:01 PM EST
    Here is the link to UN press briefings, including Kofi Annan's briefing given to the UN Security Council today (July 20). It is helpful to read the briefing in its entirety and press reports about it (see earlier links) before calling government representatives. The conclusion of Kofi Annan's briefing:
    It is my firm belief that only the simultaneous implementation of the different elements of this package will allow for the transformation of any cessation of hostilities into a durable ceasefire. When this is achieved, the international community will need to develop a framework for the final delineation of the borders of Lebanon and a decisive revival of the Middle East peace process. I urge the Council to take firm action towards ensuring peace and stability in the Middle East region, as mandated by the Charter of the United Nations.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#94)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 01:26:12 PM EST
    And, I am basically saying the same thing PPJ is! What's up with that?
    Perhaps its because he grows cabbages. I got a soft spot for the old man. I picture him as a harmless old man who suffers from a form of dementia. If I lived next door to him, I'd bring him lemonade and help him take down an old tree in his yard. I picture you as a middle-aged angry white guy listening to Rush and feeling victimized by liberals all your life (The old man listens to Rush, but at least he realizes he has it pretty good in America). You lash out at liberals and call all of us traiters and idiots. For that I consider you a moron and disregard most of what you say. Occassionally, when I am bored at work - as I am today - i will succumb to your provacations.
    Then what is it? I think it's about leaving people alone and letting them live in peace. Another message that Hezbollah ..and the rest of the radical Muslim world isn't getting.
    You have never cared or paid attention to US foriegn policy or the middle East. We have helped create the animosity of many of these organizations. Still there are governments in the ME that want to work with the US and share many of our interests. One of those was democratic and peaceful-but very weak after years of civil war and outside interference. It also happened to be a place that Hezbellah was located and now Israel is bombing it back into the stone ages. Given time, Hezbellah's influence in Lebanon and the Middle East would have diminished. Syria, Iran and Hezbellah understood this. They didn't attack Israel with missles because they wanted to defeat Israel and kill Israeli citizens. Well, they did, but this wasn't the ends. It was the means to regain their dimishing influence and for Sryia and Iran to continue to have a threatening presence that is hostile to Isreal near its border. That was their calculated risk, anyway. And, Israel responded exactly as they predicted. Now, they just have to hold on and capitalize and capitalize on the ready made images offered by Israel of the destruction of Lebanon as propaganda for Lebanese and the rest of the muslem world and Hezbellah's standing increases with each passing day.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#95)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 01:26:40 PM EST
    Peaches - Of course everything is more complex than what people think, but the fact is that Lebanon did not ask for help in getting rid of the terrorists, choosing instead to ignore them. This position was adopted because to do otherwise would have been very possibly fatal for a lot of politians. But now we have people dying, and the UN, which did not enforce 1559, is calling for another pause fire. Let's admit it. The UN is a corrupt and useless organization. Having taken no action to protect Israel, they now demand that Israel not protect itself.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#96)
    by soccerdad on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 01:35:48 PM EST
    Of course everything is more complex than what people think, but the fact is that Lebanon did not ask for help in getting rid of the terrorists,
    Israel could not get rid of them in 13 years of occupation. The UN is useless because the US wants it to be useless.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#97)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 01:38:55 PM EST
    Israel, they now demand that Israel not protect itself.
    Jim, I would argue that Israel is currently NOT protecting itself. It is further endangering itself and the security of all of us around the world with its obscene response. The UN is as useful as the US wants it to be. When it is no longer useful to the US is when we are truly in danger - perhaps sooner than either of us think.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#98)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:23:39 PM EST
    Peaches... Perhaps its because he grows cabbages I have a garden! LOL I picture him as a harmless old man who suffers from a form of dementia Is that true PPJ? hehehe I picture you as a middle-aged angry white guy listening to Rush and feeling victimized by liberals all your life I'm in my early 50's... an ex liberal and don't feel victimized at all. In fact, I'm still a registered Democrat! but at least he realizes he has it pretty good in America. I find this amuzing as I never said I didn't have it good here. On the contrary... I often point out it's the people that lean left here who are constantly complaining about America & how bad/evil it is. You lash out at liberals and call all of us traiters and idiots. Only when I'm called names first. You have never cared or paid attention to US foriegn policy or the middle East. Not true... I'm well aware of our policies and how they got us in the mess we are in today. My only comment in the past was to refute those who'd like to blame it all on GW... when it's been this way for decades! Given time, Hezbellah's influence in Lebanon and the Middle East would have diminished. What makes you think that? They would not ever let that happen and are always expanding their influence. It was the means to regain their dimishing influence and for Sryia and Iran to continue to have a threatening presence that is hostile to Isreal near its border. This statement says just about the opposite of the one before???? images offered by Israel of the destruction of Lebanon as propaganda for Lebanese and the rest of the muslem world and Hezbellah's standing increases with each passing day. Yes...exactly right! And I would blame the left & liberal media for much of that.... but I'm sure you wouldn't agree?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#99)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:34:00 PM EST
    Theo, Cute, but itself a fallacy. I would have needed two parts to be circular, ie. "this, then that". Learn your terms, then lose the condensending tone. There are names for pretentious fools

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#100)
    by peacrevol on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:35:33 PM EST
    i find it hard to understand why people are focusing more on the lebanese civilian casualties than on the israeli civilian casualties. even if there are more of them, the lebanese casualties were provoked, but israeli casualties were not. so it seems to me that people should be just as astounded by and angry about the israeli casualties.
    At 9:05 AM local time (0605 GMT) on 12 July 2006[5] Hezbollah's military wing launched a barrage of rockets and mortars on Israeli military positions and northern Israeli village of Shelomi, apparently as a diversion, wounding five civilians in the process.[12] A force of infiltrators then attacked two armoured IDF Humvees patrolling along the Lebanese border road near the Israeli village of Zar'it with anti-tank rockets killing three soldiers, wounding three, and taking two in captivity to Lebanon's territory.[13] Hezbollah has named this operation "Truthful Promise."
    Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert declared the attack by Hezbollah's military wing an "act of war" and promised Lebanon a "very painful and far-reaching response."[16] Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz also said that "the State of Israel sees itself free to use all measures that it finds it needs, and the Israeli Forces have been given orders in that direction."[17] IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said "If the soldiers are not returned we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."[18
    Early on 13 July 2006 Israel sent IDF jets to bomb Lebanon's international airport near Beirut, forcing its closure and diverting its arriving flights to Cyprus. Hezbollah retaliated by bombarding the Israeli towns of Nahariya and Safed, as well as villages nearby with rocket fire. The attacks killed two civilians and wounded 29 more.[21] Nahariya residents began leaving the city en masse in fear of further Katyusha attacks.[22] Israel is now imposing an air and sea blockade on Lebanon,[23][24] and has bombed the main Beirut-Damascus highway.[25]
    Strikes on Lebanon's civilian infrastructure include Beirut airport, ports, grain silos, bridges, roads, factories, medical and relief trucks, and the country's largest dairy farm Liban Lait.[28] In one example characterized to be a breach of international law and the Geneva conventions,[29] families evacuating the village of Marwahin in South Lebanon were struck on an open road by an Israeli missile attack; 17 were killed, most of them women and children.[30][31] The organization Human Rights Watch called for an investigation into this incident: "The IDF needs to investigate this attack on a civilian convoy and provide more details about the circumstances ... Having warned civilians to evacuate their village, Israeli forces should have been aware that civilians would be using this road and should have taken great care to avoid harming them."[32]
    After widespread attacks on Lebanon by Israeli forces, Nasrallah said "In the beginning, we started to act calmly, we focused on "Israel" (sic) military bases and we didn't attack any settlement, However, since the first day, the enemy attacked Lebanese towns and murdered civilians... Hizbullah militants had destroyed military bases, while the "Israelis" killed civilians and targeted Lebanon's infrastructure." He added that Hezbollah's arsenal had yet to take a direct hit "and so far we have used a small portion of our weaponry."[10] Artillery rockets by Hezbollah were fired at civilian targets throughout the conflict, landing in all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, Nahariya and Safed.[citation needed]
    Louise Arbour, United Nations high commissioner for human rights, expressed "grave concern over the continued killing and maiming of civilians in Lebanon, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory". She called for Israel to obey a "principle of proportionality,". She also suggested that actions on both sides may be war crimes, telling the BBC that "indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians ... Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent civilians, is unjustifiable," and also warning that, "This obligation is also expressed in international criminal law, which defines war crimes and crimes against humanity. ...The scale of the killings in the region, and their predictability, could engage the personal criminal responsibility of those involved, particularly those in a position of command and control."
    what a mess. hezb started the whole thing and they've been killing civilians, too. imo they are more to blame than israel and should be held accountable in one way or another. for these reasons, i cant sympathize w/ them and i cant fault israel for defending itself.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#101)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:36:27 PM EST
    Given time, Hezbellah's influence in Lebanon and the Middle East would have diminished.
    What makes you think that? They would not ever let that happen and are always expanding their influence.
    It was the means to regain their dimishing influence and for Sryia and Iran to continue to have a threatening presence that is hostile to Isreal near its border.
    This statement says just about the opposite of the one before????
    Actually, it supports it. Hezbellah's influence was diminishing in Lebanon because Syria was forced to leave. Lebenon was trying to operate an effective democratic government. Both Syria and Hezbellah knew this. They calcualted that by attacking Israel, the democratically elected gov't in Lebanon would be destroyed and a political vacuum would be filled by Individuals sympathetic to Hezbellah's cause.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#102)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:38:56 PM EST
    Peaches, At least in Psych studies, they do factor that in. This particular study has been critisized by almost everyone who has read it. It has been widely condemed, and even the interview with the authors, defending their paper exposes flaws. David Duke has called this his favorite study. It requires belief in a "cabal" of Jews, who run the country. Do you wonder why people find it offensive?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#103)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:47:38 PM EST
    For those who want to read UN Resolution 1559 but haven't yet done so, it is accessible as a pdf file from the UN site: UN Resolutions 2004 (scroll down and click). (Direct link here.) Boston Globe has this article (registration may be required after first log in) about the history of Resolution 1559, which concludes:
    When Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister of Lebanon, was assassinated in Lebanon in 2005, mass demonstrations put pressure on Syria to withdraw its troops. President Bashar Assad of Syria announced a withdrawal and on April 26, 2005, after 29 years of military action in Lebanon, the last Syrian troops left. The dismantling of Lebanon's militias therefore is the last main part of Resolution 1559 that has not been implemented. [SOURCE: UN, news reports; Globe Staff/ Kathleen Hennrikus]
    It is clearly the responsibility of the UN Security Council (including the US) to act immediately to provide means of implementing (enforcing) the remaining main part of this resolution, accompanying a cease fire. Part of the mission of the United Nations is to enable the world to avoid wars, not to allow its member nations or the permanent members of the Security Council to use war as a "means" of achieving various political ends by doing end runs around UN resolutions. The UN must not only pass resolutions with "resolve," but it must act to "implement" and to "enforce" those resolutions with "resolve." In 2003, after Colin Powell's misleading presentation before the Security Council, the US did an end run around the UN to invade Iraq so as to achieve "regime change" by means of so-called "pre-emptive war." The US is currently backing Israel's attempt to use a defensive war to finish what should have been and still should be the work of UN peacekeepers and not international war-mongers and terrorists (on whatever sides). War of this kind produces more war, and more terrorism, not peace. Today's CNN poll claims that half of Americans support a cease fire in the current Middle East Israel/Hezbollah conflict in Lebanon, with about half against, divided along party lines--Democrats for/Republicans against. Re: means of how such a cease fire could be implemented and enforced, American public opinion is more unevenly split and not divided along party lines. Check poll information being reported by CNN on tv at cnn.com. (CNN poll link is 17 hours old, but the same figures and analysis of them are still being reported on CNN tv as if they were current.) The "UN" is not a single entity. It changes with changes in its members, their alliances, and their representatives to the UN. Its resolve is only as strong as the resolve of its member nations and, most particularly, the resolve of the five permanent members of its Security Council (US, France, UK, Russian Federation, China; here's the list of its full membership). Despite Prime Minister Tony Blair's appearing with Kofi Annan at the G8 conference in support of a cease fire, CNN reports that Britain opposes Annan's current plea for a cease fire. The US and the UK are thus the main barriers to the Security Council's support for Kofi Annan's call for a cease fire. The Security Council has not yet acted on Annan's plea for cessation of hostilities. Yet US Ambassdor to the UN John Bolton is still repeatedly featured on CNN as calling it "simplistic" (see above post). Unrelenting public pressure on the US and British governments by their citizens favoring a cease fire/ cessation of hostilities and Annan's connected appeal for a more permanent solution to the Middle East conflict is, I believe, one means of affecting the status quo.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#104)
    by Peaches on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:51:49 PM EST
    Do you wonder why people find it offensive?
    No, I have not read the paper. I am not sure I even have an interest in reading it. I also think Israel has a right to exist and defend itself. I just don't think it is doing it effectively in either its offensive in Gaza or Lebanon. I also wonder about the unqualified support the US has given Israel over the years. I wonder about an israeli lobby and its influence in Washington. I don't believe in a jewish conspiracy. I just see it as politics and Israel being effective in Washington.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#105)
    by Slado on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 02:57:35 PM EST
    Soccerdad, do you not see the irony in your statement. You don't like the US Government and want ever so much for the UN to stand in opposition to its power but its obvious usefullness is directly related to US support. Wow! what a canundrum.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#106)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 03:04:51 PM EST
    Peaches, Then we agree at least 99% Sorry if I sounded hostile, but this argument gets very frustrating. If you want to condem Israel, talk about how they legalized torture "Lite" in the 1980's, talk about the USS Liberty, but much of what I read here is how they should emulate Masada and cease to annoy us.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#107)
    by Slado on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 03:08:22 PM EST
    Peaches who should the US support if not Isreal? Arafat? Syria? Iran? Saudi Arabia? The list of Terrorists and dictators is long. I often read the same liberals clamoring for peace criticising past US administrations for propping up these governments that you want us to be fair with. While it would be nice if there was an equal side to this I feel you are falling into a case of moral relitavism that is not justified. Isreali's are the good guys. Democratic, womens rights the works. They even have peace activits calling for the same things you are. What does the other sides offer? Terrorists. Dictatorships. Suicide bombers. Hate etc... Why is it even a question who the US should support?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#108)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 03:24:02 PM EST
    US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is scheduled to have dinner tonight in NYC with Kofi Annan to discuss these issues, including his cease fire proposal according to CNN and Reuters. On July 18th, in her meeting with Egyptian foreign minister, here is what she said, ending with the following exchange:
    QUESTION: Is the U.S. going to -- FOREIGN MINISTER GHEIT: Andrea, a ceasefire is imperative and we have to keep working to reach that objective. It is imperative. We have to bring it to an end as soon as possible. Thank you. QUESTION: Should there be a ceasefire now? SECRETARY RICE: We all agree that it should happen as soon as possible when conditions are conducive to do so. (Italics added.)
    What is deemed "possible" and what is deemed "conducive" are clearly relative, depending on who is using these terms, when, why, and for what purpose. Given what is going on "behind the scenes" (out of earshot of news media microphones), there may be more hope for a cease fire than is being reported on the evening news. There may still be hope for public pressure for an "immediate cease fire" to prevail. "Immediate" is also relative. (I remember years ago being told by a real estate agent that "immediate" in legal terms means within "two weeks"; I wonder if that is the case.) Some happy images :-) of the rescue of hundreds of Americans arriving in Cyprus via the USS Nashville; but thousands of American and other citizens still remain stranded in Lebanon. :-(

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#109)
    by Jlvngstn on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 05:53:40 PM EST
    What a great thread, some of the best postings i have seen in a very long time. I am torn here because I believe Peaches has it right on the head as does Roger and Kdog. Historically speaking with the annexation or flat out gangsteriZing land by the Israelis has been a significant contributor to the core of the problem and I think our flippancy towards it has created most of the problems. That said, Hezbollah is not a government and poses the biggest threat to Israel because of their weaponry and hatred. I think we should allow Israel to destroy as much of Hezbollah as possible or have the UN and Lebanon and Syria and Iran all agree to have a disarmament of Hez within 30 days. Hezbollah does not speak for Lebanon yet they are bringing Lebanon into a war. Most of the social services in southern lebanon are provided by Hezbollah and their work in that area should be commended. They could have prevented this or stopped this simply by turning over the soldiers they kidnapped. I don't think the force has been disproportionate but that line has moved so far over the years I honestly don't know if I know what is proportionate any more, especially after "shock and awe". My wife had another successful delivery, bringing the family to 4. No more natural births are forthcoming but perhaps and adoption or two. We are both to old for more babies.........

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#110)
    by roger on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 06:05:22 PM EST
    J- Congratulations! Boy or girl?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#111)
    by Jlvngstn on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 06:48:40 PM EST
    Another boy, that makes 3 of em....Our daughter has lots of siblings to shoo out of her room...Thanks Roger.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#112)
    by jondee on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 07:48:37 PM EST
    Snakes 'n snails 'n puppy dog tails. Congratulations J!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#113)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 08:57:33 PM EST
    Congrats J! Don't forget, lots of hugs and tell them you love them every day. They won't do you wrong.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#114)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 09:44:58 PM EST
    BB - Peaches is a sweetheart, but he does have this need to feel superior to those around him. I enjoy him and he makes good points and is interesting. I do think that in person he could become a bit boring and difficult. Of course being old and suffering from dementia may have made me misjudge him. A bit boring might actually be hugely and difficult might actually be an utter as*. ;-) But alas, my cabbages were damaged greatly by cut worms, although the tomatoes and the rest have been bountiful. The root cellar will be full and the freezer is groaning under the load of winter 07 veggues and meat. The thoughts of fresh grape jelly has me dreaming of fist biscuits and butter. SD writes:
    srael could not get rid of them in 13 years of occupation.
    If I remember correctly Israel did not occupy the whole country. So when they left, the terrorists just moved back in. Sorta like killing roaches in the bath and leaving them alone in the kitchen. They'll be backkkkk. Peaches - You can certainly argue that, but your proof is lacking. The fact remains that Israel left the country in 06, and the UN did nothing. I repeat. It is useless. The world is reaping what the UN has NOT done.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#115)
    by theologicus on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 06:44:27 AM EST
    Roger, You're right. I apologize. Not a good way for me to deal with my anger and frustration. Here it is straight. Your critique of Mearsheimer and Walt is carries no wieght because it makes a category mistake. It falsely assumes a social science paradigm that they never adopted and never required. They are not so easily dismissed. (It is this false assumption that begs the question, thus my remark about petitio principii.) Their paper opened up a topic that was otherwise forbidden in mainstream American political discourse. Courageous and substantial, it will be discussed for years to come. The editors at Foreign Policy magazine, for example, have just run a forum on it, something that would not have happened if it could just be flippantly written off. High-level analysts like Zbigniew Brzezinski, among others, defend their thesis. Whatever the shortcomings of their argument (and there are some), it is an eminently respectable piece of work. Those who claim otherwise are not to be credited.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#116)
    by Slado on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 06:51:36 AM EST
    Thomas Sowell sums up the peace argument very well today... There was a time when it would have been suicidal to threaten, much less attack, a nation with much stronger military power because one of the dangers to the attacker would be the prospect of being annihilated. "World opinion," the U.N. and "peace movements" have eliminated that deterrent. An aggressor today knows that if his aggression fails, he will still be protected from the full retaliatory power and fury of those he attacked because there will be hand-wringers demanding a cease fire, negotiations and concessions. Hezzbollah, Hamas, Iran, the Taliban etc... can only survive because of our need for peace. While innocent death is abhorent and loss of life a true tragedy the greater tragedy in my opinion is the unwillingness to deal with the terrorist militia that is not held to the same standards as a democracy like Isreal. "When good and evil are treated equally, evil always wins." -Mort Kondracke

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#117)
    by theologicus on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:02:00 AM EST
    Third of Lebanon casualties are children, says UN
    Nearly one third of all casualties in the Lebanon-Israel conflict have been children, according to the United Nations' emergency relief co-ordinator, Jan Egeland.
    He said it appeared neither Hezbollah nor the Israelis seemed to care about civilian suffering.
    Nearly a third of the dead or wounded were children and the wounded could not be helped because roads and bridges had been cut by Israeli air strikes.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#118)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:07:46 AM EST
    Slado, It is not a question of whether or not the US should support Israel. Of course we should. However, that support should be qualified. Under certain circumstances our support should be withheld, such as the case in Lebanon now. When Israel acts irresponsibly, we should speak harshly against them. If it continues, we should withdraw some of our military and financial aide. From a practical perspective, our support for Israel should always be in our best interest. When Israel bombs Lebenon's infrastructure into oblivian after years of hard work rebuilding, it hurts our interests in the region (unless, of course, it is our engineering firms that get the contracts to rebuild). From a humanist perspective, when Israel bombs civilian targets in Lebanon and Gaza, it is morally wrong and should also be condemned. Hezbellah was created by Israels occupation in Lebanon. Israel is what gives Hezbellah its power. It knows that. That is why it benefits from Israels bombing of Lebanon. Jvl, Congrats on the boy. Fantastic. I'm very happy for you. Jim, I am a bore, it is true. When I get to talking, people generally end up walking away eventually, until I am left with my own thoughts. I don't need to feel superior, I just can't help it. ;) As for your cabbages, The cut worms are telling you there is a problem. You only need to identify where the problem is and you have to start with your soil. Compost, compost, compost... Nuking the bastards, didn't solve the problem, now did it. My cabbages however...:) And my peas, and beans, and tomatoes and cucumbers. It is a cornacopia of vegetable surplus. My melons and squash are close to fruition and the sweet corn is days away from being put on my plate. I have plenty of dill for pickles to begin canning, and basil for Pesto and Brochetta and Cilantro for salso. Meanwhile, the sunflowers, nasturtiums, Zinnias are making my garden a most relaxing place to spend my evenings with hummingbirds, butterflys and other lovely creatures. I don't need to feel superior, but I just can't help it. ;)

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#119)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:11:54 AM EST
    Sowell one of the best neocon apologists writes
    Hezzbollah, Hamas, Iran, the Taliban etc... can only survive because of our need for peace.
    Is he really that ill-informed? I would assume not, but he is willing, as always, to shill for the adminstration. Those organizations exists, because they are the only organizations willing to stand up to American-Israeli aggression. They also provide humanitarian services to the people, something other Countries are not willing to do. These organizations have a military and a hymanitarian part. Lets remember the incident that sparked this carnage. Hezzbollah, gad a small military action against Israel which occure at a disputed border patrolled by both sides. 2 israelis were captured. The purpose of capturing the Israeils was to increase their legarage in demanding rel;ease of prisoners from Israeli jails. Such prisoner swaps have been done in the past. In response to this incident we now have the destrustion of Lebanon. Some questions the war apologists must answer. 1. Why such a massive reatilation 2. Why target civilians or infrastructure directly related to the well being of civilians 3. Why attack the Christians? 4. Why demand people evacuate the south but bomb the bridges that provide their way out of the south. 5. If the reason is to clear south lebanon why bomb the north?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#120)
    by peacrevol on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:18:50 AM EST
    wow j, i cant imagine FOUR KIDS! but congratulations.
    who should the US support if not Isreal?
    you know, i was thinking about the whole thing last night and began to wonder, why does the u.s. have to support anyone? why cant we just leave them the hell alone? our interventions over there havent permanently done anything but suck us into sending our military over and getting them killed. if they want to keep having wars and destructing everything they've built, then maybe we should just let them do what they want. after all, it is their country. perhaps our foreign policy should be more laissez faire until it becomes threatening to us. truly threatening. not oil prices will rise threatening.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#121)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:22:57 AM EST
    why does the u.s. have to support anyone?
    Peace, the short answer is: Oil The long answer is: Oil, Greed and Power.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#122)
    by kdog on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:23:17 AM EST
    i find it hard to understand why people are focusing more on the lebanese civilian casualties than on the israeli civilian casualties
    I would say because the death toll has been largely Lebanese civilians. I feel for all the casualties who didn't pick up a gun and didn't ask for a fight....on both sides of the border. It's the Hezbollah dude and Olmert who deserve to be shot at. A lot of people are saying "Hezbollah started it unprovoked". Perhaps...but I think in the minds of Hezbollah members the West and their proxy Israel started it in 1948. And in their minds, since then it's been one long war. JLV...Congrats brother. I pity your daughter's future boyfriends! I have 2 bros and a sis...we gave those poor suitors hell.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#123)
    by peacrevol on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:39:44 AM EST
    My cabbages however...:) And my peas, and beans, and tomatoes and cucumbers. It is a cornacopia of vegetable surplus. My melons and squash are close to fruition and the sweet corn is days away from being put on my plate. I have plenty of dill for pickles to begin canning, and basil for Pesto and Brochetta and Cilantro for salso.
    you're makin me haaauuungry...which is no good b/c it's only 9:30 here...too early for lunch.
    the short answer is: Oil
    that's about all i can come up w/. is it worth it to send our military over there?
    I feel for all the casualties who didn't pick up a gun and didn't ask for a fight
    a lot of the guys/gals who did pick up a gun didnt ask for a fight.
    but I think in the minds of Hezbollah members the West and their proxy Israel started it in 1948.
    it seems to me that hezb's position is the same as al-qaeda's is against u.s. occupation. it seems they just want them out at any cost. but israel is probably thinking that if they get out, hezb could gain complete control of the country and really start terrorizing israel. it's tough to fight a war against a group of people who do not represent a country (ie the war on drugs, iraqi insurgency, al qaeda, etc). these guys get in next to civilians making it really hard to get them w/o killing civilians. perhaps bombs were not the best strategy, but ground troops may be even worse b/c of ensuing chaos.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#124)
    by desertswine on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:43:46 AM EST
    j ~ Congratulations on your new boy. What a great day for you and your family!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#125)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:52:02 AM EST
    perhaps bombs were not the best strategy, but ground troops may be even worse b/c of ensuing chaos.
    I think you are right. I also think that Hezbellah, Syria, Iran and Al Quaeda know this, although they may not all be working together. Israel will have a lot of military success over the next couple of weeks as they pound Hezbellah strongholds and send troops into Southern Lebanon. When they try and hold this territory by creating a buffer zone, it will suffer from they same problems it did before and that we are seeing in Iraq. Then it will be an occupation and Hezbellah will start to gain victories and power through suiced bombings, bombings, guerilla warfare, etc. They feel like they beat them before and gained enormous influence in the ME and they want to do it again. I think this is a fight Hezbellah wants. Syria, Iran and Al Quaeda want it also. Israel fell into its trap. Perhaps they will be ruthless enough to win a war of occupation this time, I doubt it though. For the more ruthless they are, the more hopeless conditions they create for those living in occupied territory and that means you have more deperate people who live their lives only to die and be martyrs.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#126)
    by theologicus on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:53:12 AM EST
    View from Beirut Rami G. Khouri wrote a seminal piece recently in the Lebanon Daily Star. The whole article is well worth reading.
    For decades now Israel has established buffer zones, occupation zones, red lines, blue lines, green lines, interdiction zones, killing fields, surrogate army zones, and every other conceivable kind of zone between it and Arabs who fight its occupation and colonial policies - all without success.
    Here is why: protecting Israelis while leaving Arabs to a fate of humiliation, occupation, degradation and subservient acquiescence to Israeli-American dictates only guarantees that those Arabs will regroup, plan a resistance strategy, and come back one day to fight for their land, their humanity, their dignity and the prospect that their children can have a normal life one day.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#127)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 07:58:57 AM EST
    But all these problems of military strategy pale in comparison to the fundamental weakness of Israel's foreign policy. Israel may have a well-established military policy, but it does not have a peace policy. This is why Israel so often shoots before it thinks, and why Israeli leaders so often succumb to the military establishment each time a crisis arises. If the current conflict escalates to a confrontation with Syria and Iran, it will be largely because of Israel's tendency to substitute military strategy for diplomacy. Instead of searching for a policy that explores ways to stabilize the Middle East and offer concrete peace proposals to its enemies, Israeli leaders are busy preparing military plans for every conceivable contingency. These plans are the first to be pulled out of the drawer whenever a crisis erupts, and are often applied without proper political consideration. A military policy cannot be a permanent substitute for diplomacy. The continued subjugation of diplomacy to security considerations and the domination of the Israeli security establishment on matters of foreign policy are bound to result in the failure of both military policy and of foreign policy.
    by:Zeev Maoz is director of the International Relations Program at UC Davis, and former head of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. He is the author of "Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy" (University of Michigan, 2006). Link

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#128)
    by peacrevol on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:00:25 AM EST
    Israel will have a lot of military success over the next couple of weeks as they pound Hezbellah strongholds and send troops into Southern Lebanon. When they try and hold this territory by creating a buffer zone, it will suffer from they same problems it did before and that we are seeing in Iraq. Then it will be an occupation and Hezbellah will start to gain victories and power through suiced bombings, bombings, guerilla warfare, etc. They feel like they beat them before and gained enormous influence in the ME and they want to do it again. I think this is a fight Hezbellah wants.
    you've hit the nail on the head. israel fell into the same trap that we fell into w/ iraq and if we go over there and try to get involved, we'll be in there with them. and by the way...did you see those marines on the news yesterday evacuating u.s. civilians from beirut. excuse me while my chest swells with pride.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#129)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:09:41 AM EST
    Christianity Today has posted an anguished essay by Martin Accad, the Academic Dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon.
    I am angry at self-centered Hezbollah, which has done the inadmissible of taking a unilateral war decision without consulting the Lebanese government of which it is part, never giving a second thought to the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Lebanese who will perish as a result of its selfish decision. I am angry that citizens of a nation like Israel, who have so suffered at the hands of others, would allow themselves such an out-of-proportion reaction, oh-so-far from the "eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth" principle that we might have forgiven them. I am just as angry at -- I have lost hope in -- the international community that is keeping silent and not even budging with an official condemnation of this senseless instinct of extermination. By both sides, I would be lynched for what I have just said, if they had the chance. But what have I got to lose anymore?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#130)
    by theologicus on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:11:14 AM EST
    Anti-war contributors to this thread may wish to sign the following petition. Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
    "Killing innocent civilians is NOT an act of self-defense. Destroying a sovereign nation is NOT a measured response."
    Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are being collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.
    The Lebanese people feel left out by the world that is turning a blind eye on the savagery of the Israeli state. Israel does not seem to be capable of approaching any problem outside the realm of the military power bestowed on it by the government of the United States of America and other western governments. ...
    Up until now more than 300 Lebanese civilians have been killed and thousands missing under the rubbles, thousands wounded, bridges and infrastructure destroyed, refugees are leaving Beirut in droves and worst of all the enforced siege might lead to a human catastrophe in the next few days. There must be an end to this cycle of violence and continuous violation of international laws and basic ethical behavior. ...
    Caution: graphic atrocity images

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#131)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:13:49 AM EST
    and by the way...did you see those marines on the news yesterday evacuating u.s. civilians from beirut. excuse me while my chest swells with pride.
    Yes, a job well done!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#132)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:15:27 AM EST
    Susan H M The UN must not only pass resolutions with "resolve," but it must act to "implement" and to "enforce" those resolutions with "resolve." That is stating the obvious... however, when was the last time the UN actually did that? They are useless! Jlvnstn... Congrats... I stopped at 4 Slado... Good points...I'd like to add: The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it. ~ Albert Einstein. soccerdad... Those organizations exists, because they are the only organizations willing to stand up to American-Israeli aggression. Please tell me you had on your "Hezbollah rules, America sucks" T-shirt on when you wrote this! Some questions the war apologists must answer. First of all... none of us apologize for this war. The blame for this is squarely on Hezbollah whether you want to close your eyes & pretend or not! All these questions have already been addressed, but for you, I'll try again 1. Why such a massive reatilation To DESTROY Hezbollah's ability to f with them once and for all. And also from escaping and/or re-arming 2. Why target civilians or infrastructure directly related to the well being of civilians Because that's where the Hezbollah cowards hide and set up their weapons 3. Why attack the Christians? See #2 4. Why demand people evacuate the south but bomb the bridges that provide their way out of the south. See #1 5. If the reason is to clear south lebanon why bomb the north? See #1 & 2 Kdog... I would say because the death toll has been largely Lebanese civilians. Keep this in mind... Hezbollah are civilians. They don't belong to any army. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half the so called civilian casualties are actually Hezbollah. Has anybody heard any Hezbollah casualty numbers? Anyone?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#133)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:18:08 AM EST
    BB you are truly pathetic. Making crap up has always been your strong point.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#134)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:22:04 AM EST
    The blowback for all this will be unbelievable in magnitude. But dont worry, BB and his morally bankrupt friends will find some one else to blame, because as they well know The US should never have to suffer any consequences from their actions. Its all the fault of the Leftists, those that want peace, those that believe in human life,....

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#135)
    by peacrevol on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:25:10 AM EST
    Hezbollah are civilians. They don't belong to any army. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half the so called civilian casualties are actually Hezbollah.
    that is actually a good point. what is the distinction? are the civilian casualty numbers coming from hezb or lebanon? if from hezb, i wouldnt be surprised if they were inflating the numbers or if some of the casualties were hezb operatives. still if they came from lebanon officials not associated w/ hezb, i'm not sure if we can believe that b/c of the influence that hezb has. of course one civilian casualty is more than we too many, but if you're weighing civilian casualties to condemn one side, perhaps we should know these things first. but we probably will never really know.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#136)
    by roger on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:25:17 AM EST
    Theo, The article is good, in that it sparks a discussion that has been taboo. It has certainly provoked strong reaction on both sides. Soccer Dad, I think that you know that Israel didnt start bombing over two kidnapped soldiers, they bombed because of the rocket attacks. Israelis can deal with kidnappings, it happens a lot. The north has never been hit before. I think that you also know that Israel had a peace plan, unilateral withdrawal with no conditions. The fact that the plan was flawed, and failed, is not the same as no plan at all. Another thing that I assume you already know, is that it is highly unlikely that Israel plans to occupy any part of Lebanon. It was too much of a disaster the last time. They will probably conduct "search and destroy" missions against military hardware, and Hezbollah fighters, then withdraw. They would much rather have Lebanese troops patrol the border, a group that could be held accountable, and attacked in the future if there are problems. BTW- there is somewhat of a theme here. Every time that Israel withdraws, the same territory is used to attack them. It seems that you have sided with the stupid. Before, these places were run by the corrupt. The best answer would be for Lebanon, and the Palestinians, to get competant leadership in place.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#137)
    by squeaky on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:30:07 AM EST
    Keep this in mind... Hezbollah are civilians. They don't belong to any army.
    Hezbolla is a politial party with 1.3m or so members. Hezbolla also is a milita, or army, with 5000 or so members. Last I have heard 2 Hezbolla army members had been killed.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#138)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:39:11 AM EST
    BTW- there is somewhat of a theme here. Every time that Israel withdraws, the same territory is used to attack them.
    Because Israeli policies never change.
    Hezbollah enters Israel and captures two Israeli soldiers on July 12. In response, Israel launches a major military attack, bombing the Lebanese airport and parts of southern Lebanon. Hezbollah retaliates by launching hundreds of rockets and missles--believed to have been supplied by Syria and Iran--into Israel.
    I think that you also know that Israel had a peace plan, unilateral withdrawal with no conditions. The fact that the plan was flawed, and failed, is not the same as no plan at all.
    Not my assessment but by an expert.
    Another thing that I assume you already know, is that it is highly unlikely that Israel plans to occupy any part of Lebanon.
    as we all know with the call up of 3000 more soldiers today, there will be an occupation. How long who knows.
    It seems that you have sided with the stupid. Before, these places were run by the corrupt. The best answer would be for Lebanon, and the Palestinians, to get competant leadership in place.
    How can they develop a system of government when their country is being destroyed., their leaders assassinated, and even when the Israeils bomb the Christians who were the people most likely to be sympathetic to Israel. Roger, you are an Israel nationalist who believes that Israel can do what ever it wants, oppress who ever they want, bomb who ever they want and there should be no consequences. Unfortunately there will be consequences for us all. And they will be horrific.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#139)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:39:38 AM EST
    The best answer would be for Lebanon, and the Palestinians, to get competant leadership in place.
    Roger, Easier said than done. Not only does a new leadership have to worry about Hezbellah, it must also worry about rebuilding what Israel has destroyed. Perhaps, Israle could provide the financial aide necessary for rebuilding Lebanon. My geuss is that the UN will be allowed in to patrol Southern border.
    Another thing that I assume you already know, is that it is highly unlikely that Israel plans to occupy any part of Lebanon.
    Yes, it was a disaster last time, but I don't think Israel thought this far ahead. This is what SD refers to as far as a peace plan. They reacted too quickly in going after Hezbellah and I doubt they have a plan about what to do once they have achieved their military objectives. It will be too dangerous to just pull out and leave Lebanon to itself. They have done too much damage.
    They would much rather have Lebanese troops patrol the border, a group that could be held accountable, and attacked in the future if there are problems.
    Lebanon has more things too worry about than Israel's security on its southern border. Why should they take that responsibility. Especially knowing theat Israel will bomb them into oblivian if Hezbellah manages to shoot a missile accrss the border?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#140)
    by kdog on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:44:19 AM EST
    a lot of the guys/gals who did pick up a gun didnt ask for a fight
    Perhaps...but live by the sword, die by the sword. I'll save my sympathy for those who refuse to pick up a gun regardless of the risks on both sides.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#141)
    by kdog on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:46:52 AM EST
    Add...It takes more courage and resolve to work for peace in the face of fire. Responding to the violent acts of a few with violent acts against many is the easy way out...and will solve nothing.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#142)
    by roger on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 08:55:49 AM EST
    Peaches, Agreed on just about everything. Stratfor has had some good articles in the past few days, predicting no occupation. Beyond that, your idea of Israel helping rebuild would be a wonderful thing. It would probably also build some desperately needed good will. They probably wont, but it's still a great idea. And Soccerdad, I'm not sure what the point of your link is. I'm getting a timeline for the last hundred years! If you think that the kidnapping is the most important event, you might want to look at this There are responses, and there are RESPONSES. Israel seems to be engaged in the latter.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#143)
    by squeaky on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 09:13:08 AM EST
    Roger, you are an Israel nationalist who believes that Israel can do what ever it wants, oppress who ever they want, bomb who ever they want and there should be no consequences.
    I would add: And anyone in America who questions Israel's policies or borders is instantly labeled anti-semetic. That tactic is reprehensible and tantamount to a fascist group questioning individuals patriotism at the slightest bit of dissent. An excellent way to close down dialogue usually perpetuated by bullies and those wanting to hide monstrous deeds. On this topic, dissent and discussion is way more open in Israel than it is in the USA. The press and politicians in USA are acting like hostages. Could it be due to your little suppression technique, Roger? Wonder why Israelis have more freedom to discuss the issues, Roger? Could it be that anyone who dared to label an Israeli anti-semitic as a way to shut down dialogue would be laughed out of the room?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#144)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 09:14:44 AM EST
    Israel is clearly engaged in war crimes, since collective punishment is a war crime. The attacks on the Christian elements are telling.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#145)
    by roger on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 10:32:07 AM EST
    Squeaky, Boy, you really dont like losing arguments, do you? First try reason, if that doesnt work, personal attacks?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#146)
    by squeaky on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 10:45:25 AM EST
    Boy, you really dont like losing arguments, do you? First try reason, if that doesnt work, personal attacks?
    Personal attacks???? WTF are you talking about. I made no personal attacks on you. Any critisicm of Israel in not only anti-semitic but now a personal attack? WOW.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#147)
    by roger on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 11:10:49 AM EST
    "Roger, you are..... I would ad....." Who would ever get such an idea? Must be a nationalist bigot! WTF! ROFLMAO!

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#148)
    by squeaky on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 11:44:58 AM EST
    Roger- Perhaps you have stopped reading Sailor's comments. I was acknowledging his comment and adding to it. Sailor seems right on, to me. Hardly a personal attack, Facts more like it. cannot imagine that you think of yourself in any other terms, considering your voluminous comments on this thread. If you are against nationalism you have fooled everyone reading this thread. And the content of my comment gets shoved aside with your hissy fit? Nice one. Convenient time to throw a tantrum, eh? When you are caught out with your reprehensible claims of anti-semitism to anyone who would criticize Israel.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#149)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 11:54:26 AM EST
    Squeaky writes:
    Hezbolla is a politial party with 1.3m or so members. Hezbolla also is a milita, or army, with 5000 or so membebers
    Horse hockey. Hezbolla is Hezbolla. The military is under the control of the politicians. And if they are not, then then there is no "Hezbolla political party." Peaches writes:
    Lebanon has more things too worry about than Israel's security on its southern border.
    Really? Perhaps Lebanon should look around and see the cost of not at least trying. Do you think Israel would have responded like this if Lebanon had been proactive and trying to control Hezbolla? Of course not. The politicans in Lebanon are scared to dead of Iran and Syria. Israel should invade.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#150)
    by Peaches on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 12:09:12 PM EST
    Jim, Lebanon has been caught between a rock and a hard place. They were trying. In your view, not hard enough, but there were risks with moving too fast and hard against Hizbellah. Hizbellah is entrenched in Lebanon and they rose to power because of Israels occupation in the 80's and 90's. THere is a good article in thw Wall street journal today on what exactly Israel and Lebanon are dealing with. I read the paper copy. Don't have a link. But, I am sure you subscribe to the WSJ as I do, Right? Anyway, Hezbellah is not going to go away by lobbing some missiles at it. Hezbellah is more an idea and as the former president of Panama (Torrijos not Noriega) once said there has not been a missle invented that can kill an idea. Israel is doing very little damage to Hezbellah and I doubt they will defeat them in this offensive. All they will do is bring more people under the umbrella of this idea -Hezbellah. This idea does not recognize the right of Israel to exist. Many people in the Muslem world would be willing to live next to a peaceful Israel. However, as long as Israel continues to send indescriminant bombs to rain down on civilains and necessary infrastructure for a modern civil society, more people will be attraceted to the ideas put forth by Hezbellah, Al Queada and other extremeist terrorist organizations.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#151)
    by squeaky on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 12:17:17 PM EST
    ppj- the quote about Hezbolla was only to dispute BB's ridiculous claim that Hezbolla does not have a militia or army of 5000. Your understanding of Lebanon and the mid east in general is tainted by bloodlust and hatred of moslems. What you meant to say is that the 1.3m civilians are perfectly legitimate targets for Israel. Perhaps you can design a mobile gas chamber for the Israelis. Think of the money and trouble saved by efficient on site executions. A great ppj solution for the half million refugees as well, no?

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#152)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 12:33:40 PM EST
    soccerdad... Making crap up has always been your strong point. You asked a question and I answered it? What was "made up"?????

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#153)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 12:36:26 PM EST
    Keep this in mind... Hezbollah are civilians. They don't belong to any army. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half the so called civilian casualties are actually Hezbollah.

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#154)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 12:57:53 PM EST
    Squeaky... Last I have heard 2 Hezbolla army members had been killed Don't you find it odd that over 400 civilians have died & only 2 hezbollah? I seriously doubt the Isreali military is that inept! the quote about Hezbolla was only to dispute BB's ridiculous claim that Hezbolla does not have a militia or army of 5000. I think you know what I meant... but just in case, I'll make it clearer. My point was... Hezbollah isn't representative of a country. And, just like the insurgents in Iraq, don't wear uniforms and could easily be counted as "civilians"... when we know they are anything but innocent. Peaches... as long as Israel continues to send indescriminant bombs to rain down on civilains and necessary infrastructure for a modern civil society, more people will be attraceted to the ideas put forth by Hezbellah Not sure why you, SD and several others on here find it so hard to realize...... As long as Hezbollah openly admits their goal is to eliminate Israel, launches "indescriminant" rockets into Israel and kidnaps soldiers on Israeli soil, they should expect to be met with extreme prejudice! Excuse the pun here..... but this isn't rocket science... It's a matter of survival. Soccerdad... Are you capable of discussing anything without calling people names???

    Re: Israel- Lebanon Open Thread (none / 0) (#155)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jul 21, 2006 at 01:04:46 PM EST
    when did I call you a name? So long as member odf the Likud party call for the destruction of the Palestinian people parts of lebanon and syria why should they stop. Your continual reliance on "They started it" is truly pathetic.