
CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Year

For ten years, well before 9/11, the CIA has had a secret unit, Alec Station, dedicated to finding Osama bin Laden. Yesterday, it confirmed the unit was closed last year.

The CIA's rationale: Bin Laden isn't so dangerous anymore because terror groups no long work in a "hierarchal" fashion. They are more spread out, which according to the CIA, warrants a focus on "regional trends rather than on specific organizations or individuals."

Former CIA official Michael Scheurer, the first chief of Alec Station, disputes the CIA's assessment.

"This will clearly denigrate our operations against Al Qaeda," he said. "These days at the agency, bin Laden and Al Qaeda appear to be treated merely as first among equals."

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    Re: CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Yea (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Mon Jul 03, 2006 at 09:49:13 PM EST
    Really? Why does the CIA hate our freedoms?

    Re: CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Yea (none / 0) (#2)
    by Patrick on Mon Jul 03, 2006 at 09:55:11 PM EST
    Johnny, That was funny the first time, and maybe even slightly amusing up to the third or forth time, but dang, it's getting tired now. Time to think up a new witty comment

    Re: CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Yea (none / 0) (#3)
    by Edger on Mon Jul 03, 2006 at 10:07:31 PM EST
    Bin Laden isn't so dangerous anymore because terror groups no long work in a "hierarchal" fashion. And he doesn't have any oil.

    What has Bin Laden Done since 911. Admitted that he was responsible for the trade center attacks and then dared Bush to come get him in Afghanistan. Ironic how the video quality suffered dramatically after bombing Bin Ladens hideout perhaps hinting he was no longer alive since his kidneys left him on a machine and the average lifespan for a male was 46 years old. Gee wasn't Bin Laden 46 and in terrible health. But apparently propoganda from the White House that Bin Laden being alive was better because we had purpose for Bombing Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Re: CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Yea (none / 0) (#5)
    by Johnny on Tue Jul 04, 2006 at 01:16:56 AM EST
    Patrick, I was being serious... Why the sudden disinterest in public enemy number 1? You voted for this administration, explain it to me. So, until you can explain this administrations awesome record of flip-flopping on national security, I will seriously ask: "Why does the CIA hate our freedoms?"

    Re: CIA Terminated Bin Laden Search Unit Last Yea (none / 0) (#6)
    by john horse on Tue Jul 04, 2006 at 04:23:49 AM EST
    We aren't going after the guy that was responsible for the World Trade Center? The guy that "I mean what I say" George Bush said we would get "dead or alive." What type of message does giving up on going after Bin Laden send to the terrorists? Doesn't it show that Bush is a quitter? W