
George and Dick: The Hunting Stories

by TChris

Will George and Dick soon be swapping hunting stories over a beer?

When George W. Bush, then a gubernatorial candidate, accidentally killed a protected [killdeer] during a dove shoot in 1994, he and his press aide swiftly decided on a strategy: confess fast.

"People watch the way you handle things. They get a feeling they like and trust you or they don't," said a biography of Mr Bush.

Dick should have called George for expert advice on hunting mishaps.

Dick Cheney: the rare politician who can make George Bush look good by comparison.

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    Re: George and Dick: The Hunting Stories (none / 0) (#1)
    by Deb on Thu Feb 16, 2006 at 02:22:56 PM EST
    Actually, w killed a protected bird called a killdeer. I am a birdwatcher. I can't tell you how disgusted I am with the 'canned hunts' these guys put on.