
CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warning

CNN just reported Dick Cheney was in violation of Texas statutes by not having a $7.00 stamp on his license. He has been given a warning. This is small potatoes in the grand scheme of the story.

Much bigger issues: Why did Cheney not give an interview to the Game wardens until Sunday morning? Why did he let Katharine Armstrong notify the press? Why the 24 hour delay? And why did Cheney not speak to the President until today --are they on the outs, as has been reported?

Tonight: Letterman will feature Cheney jokes throughout the show. "We've finally found weapons of mass destruction. They are Dick Cheney." And a top ten list of Dick Cheney excuses.

Leno: Cheney shot a lawyer, his popularity goes up to 92%.

Update: The New York Times has these details from a White House press release:

"Chief of Staff Andy Card called the president around 7:30 p.m. to inform him that there was a hunting accident," a statement released today by the White House said. "He did not know the vice president was involved at that time. Subsequent to the call, Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove spoke with Mrs. Armstrong. He then called the president shortly before 8 p.m. to update him and let him know the vice president had accidentally shot Mr. Whittington."

< Cheney: Texas Warden's Report and Sheriff's Press Release | Ken Starr Withdraws Papers in Death Row Clemenc y Case >
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    Re: CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warni (none / 0) (#1)
    by Darryl Pearce on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:09:36 PM EST
    ...Cheney shows a disturbing pattern of outlaw activities.

    Re: CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warni (none / 0) (#2)
    by Johnny on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:30:25 PM EST
    In SD, hunting without a license you get spanked a lot harder than just a friggen 7 dollar fine. 7 dollars! texas...

    Re: CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warni (none / 0) (#3)
    by Johnny on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:31:27 PM EST
    I mean, you get spanked a lot harder than just a warning! Wow!

    Re: CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warni (none / 0) (#4)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:41:05 PM EST
    Johnny - First, he had a license, just not a quail stamp. Secondly what does a SD hunter's cost, and what is the fine for hunting without one?

    Re: CNN: Cheney's License in Violation, Gets Warni (none / 0) (#5)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:41:49 PM EST
    that's ... "hunter's license..."

    I think it's all pretty comical in a Police Academy sort of way. Just typical really of this whole fouled up administration. I've been an avid hunter and gun enthusiast for decades and I never shot anybody accidentally or otherwise. And to add fuel to that fire the fact of the matter is any story I have ever encountered of an accidental shooting always included either the consumption of beer or just a boneheaded move that makes you shake your head and sigh. That's our VIP. Setting the bar inches high. The only way to paint this picture any more humorous would be to have Dubya driving by on a bicyle munching a pretzel and inexplicably just